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    January 01, 2016 - 0.13% 723: Viral illness 22,352 0.13% 724: Other infectious & parasitic diseases 18,078 0.11% 740: Mental … depressive diagnoses 24,575 0.14% 756: Acute anxiety & delirium states 22,467 0.13% 757: Organic mental … 33,890 0.20% 758: Behavioral disorders 10,071 0.06% 759: Eating disorders 1,652 0.01% 760: Other mental
    August 01, 2015 - examination/evaluation CCS 257: Other aftercare CCS 258: Other screening for suspected conditions (not mental
    January 01, 2007 - intervertebral discs and bones in spinal column (back problems) 22 31 30.0 29.1 39 Mental
    February 01, 2025 - Dx_Pr_Grps Q1Q3 Dx_Pr_Grps (not in Q4) CCSMGNn Clinical Classification Software (CCS) for Mental … General 2005-2006 Dx_Pr_Grps   CCSMSPn Clinical Classification Software (CCS) for Mental … Dx_Pr_Grps Q1Q3 Dx_Pr_Grps (not in Q4) ECCSMGNn Clinical Classification Software (CCS) for Mental
    January 01, 2017 - 0.12% 723: Viral illness 9,158 0.13% 724: Other infectious & parasitic diseases 8,161 0.11% 740: Mental … except depressive diagnoses 9,455 0.13% 756: Acute anxiety & delirium states 9,596 0.13% 757: Organic mental … 13,358 0.19% 758: Behavioral disorders 4,287 0.06% 759: Eating disorders 1,019 0.01% 760: Other mental
    November 21, 2023 - illness, substance use, and co-occurring mental illness and substance use. … ED visits were identified by having a first-listed diagnosis related to mental illness, substance use … Mental Illness and Substance Use ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Codes Table B-1. … Mental Illness ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Codes ICD-10-CM DIAGNOSIS DESCRIPTION 'F064' Anxiety disorder … condition 'F488' Other specified nonpsychotic mental disorders 'F489' Nonpsychotic mental disorder
    January 01, 2015 - group (Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance, and uninsured) for categories of conditions (surgical, mental … , the following HCUP Statistical Briefs have been released: #191 Hospitalizations Involving Mental
    January 01, 2008 - percent) than for Medicaid (6 percent) and the uninsured (8 percent). 4.5 HOSPITAL CARE FOR MENTAL … 39.9 million community hospital discharges in 2008, about 5 percent had a principal diagnosis of a mental
    January 01, 2000 - 5-year intervals for records in the NIS with the following sensitive conditions: abortion, AIDS, mental … Restriction on AGE for Records with Sensitive Conditions Condition DRGs or Diagnoses or Procedures Mental
    February 01, 2006 - Three other body systems each accounted for 5�6 percent of all admissions through the ED: mental health … For the purposes of this Statistical Brief, the CCS was used in conjunction with the CCS for Mental Health
    January 01, 2000 - 5-year intervals for records in the KID with the following sensitive conditions: abortion, AIDS, mental … 635-6399, V617 6901-6902, 6951- 6959, 7491, 750 AIDS/HIV 488-490 042, 79571, V08 V6544 N/A Mental
    August 01, 2014 - Quality 540 Gaither Road Rockville, MD 20850 1 Substance Abuse and Mental … Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2013. 2 Ibid. 3 SAMHSA … Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Office of Applied Studies; … Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Behavioral Health
    August 01, 2014 - health issue.8,9,10 1 Substance Abuse and Mental … Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2013. 2 Ibid. 3 SAMHSA. … Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Office of Applied Studies; … Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Behavioral Health
    July 01, 2016 - Epidemiologist, Office of Minority Health and Health Disparities, Maryland Department of Health and Mental … Oral health and mental health are covered less often. … In New Jersey, mental health programming and data fall outside the purview of the Department of Health … Mental health indicators are being used for a forthcoming foreign-born report. … Oral and mental health disparities are covered less often.
    May 01, 2015 - Mental health and substance use disorders were among the top 10 principal diagnoses for super-utilizers … Other mental health and substance use disorders also were among the most common diagnoses for super-utilizers … 33.3 67.0 35.3 Surgical stay 14.3 26.7 13.1 24.4 21.8 30.0 9.0 12.5 Mental … hospitalization across payers was to treat a medical condition; other less common types of stays were surgical, mentalMental health stays also were more common for super-utilizers than for other patients among privately
    January 01, 1998 - RETARDATION 1567 0.23 430: PSYCHOSES 18114 2.65 431: CHILDHOOD MENTAL DISORDERS 623 0.09 432: OTHER … MENTAL DISORDER DIAGNOSES 99 0.01 433: ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE, LEFT AMA 1167 0.17 434: ALC … disorders 4847 0.71 67: Substance-related mental disorders 3951 0.58 68: Senility and organic mental … conditions 2813 0.41 75: Personal history of mental disorder, mental and behavioral problems, observation … DISEASES & DISORDERS 24713 3.62 20: ALCOHOL/DRUG USE & ALCOHOL/DRUG INDUCED ORGANIC MENTAL DISORDERS
    January 01, 1998 - RETARDATION 1539 0.23 430: PSYCHOSES 18240 2.67 431: CHILDHOOD MENTAL DISORDERS 627 0.09 432: OTHER … disorders 4867 0.71 67: Substance-related mental disorders 4005 0.59 68: Senility and organic mental … conditions 2730 0.40 75: Personal history of mental disorder, mental and behavioral problems, observation … and screening for mental condition <= 10 **.** 76: Meningitis (except that caused by tuberculosis … DISEASES & DISORDERS 24705 3.62 20: ALCOHOL/DRUG USE & ALCOHOL/DRUG INDUCED ORGANIC MENTAL DISORDERS
    January 01, 1998 - RETARDATION 15676 0.23 430: PSYCHOSES 181009 2.65 431: CHILDHOOD MENTAL DISORDERS 6090 0.09 432: … OTHER MENTAL DISORDER DIAGNOSES 924 0.01 433: ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE, LEFT AMA 11364 0.17 … disorders 48730 0.71 67: Substance-related mental disorders 39098 0.57 68: Senility and organic mental … conditions 27973 0.41 75: Personal history of mental disorder, mental and behavioral problems, observation … DISEASES & DISORDERS 246489 3.61 20: ALCOHOL/DRUG USE & ALCOHOL/DRUG INDUCED ORGANIC MENTAL DISORDERS
    January 01, 1999 - RETARDATION 1612 0.22 430: PSYCHOSES 19174 2.66 431: CHILDHOOD MENTAL DISORDERS 594 0.08 432: OTHER … disorders 4917 0.68 67: Substance-related mental disorders 3964 0.55 68: Senility and organic mental … conditions 3038 0.42 75: Personal history of mental disorder, mental and behavioral problems, observation … and screening for mental condition <= 10 **.** 76: Meningitis (except that caused by tuberculosis … DISEASES & DISORDERS 26134 3.63 20: ALCOHOL/DRUG USE & ALCOHOL/DRUG INDUCED ORGANIC MENTAL DISORDERS
    January 01, 1999 - RETARDATION 15675 0.22 430: PSYCHOSES 194134 2.70 431: CHILDHOOD MENTAL DISORDERS 5977 0.08 432: … OTHER MENTAL DISORDER DIAGNOSES 742 0.01 433: ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE, LEFT AMA 11315 0.16 … disorders 49746 0.69 67: Substance-related mental disorders 39887 0.55 68: Senility and organic mental … conditions 30924 0.43 75: Personal history of mental disorder, mental and behavioral problems, observation … and screening for mental condition 112 0.00 76: Meningitis (except that caused by tuberculosis or

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