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    February 01, 2022 - Cardiovascular/Cerebrovascular Conditions and Procedures 2011 to 2012 (PDF report) Care of Adults With Mental
    September 01, 2008 - Two mental health disorders— schizophrenia and affective disorders (depression and bipolar disorders) … The top 20 most expensive conditions for the uninsured also included two mental health-related disorders—affective … disorders and alcohol-related mental disorders—that totaled $1.4 billion. … 1.7% 63 19 Respiratory failure, insufficiency, arrest (adult) $728 1.7% 13 20 Alcohol-related mental
    March 01, 2007 - Alcohol-related and substance- related mental disorders were coexisting conditions for 13.4 percent and … Alcohol-related and substance-related mental disorders were coexisting conditions for 13.4 percent and … 14.7% Respiratory failure/insufficiency/arrest (adult) 27,500 13.5% Alcohol-related mental … 24,900 12.2% Crushing injury or internal injury 23,600 11.6% Substance-related mental
    March 01, 2007 - ol-related and substance- d mental disorders were ting conditions for 13.4 nt and 11.6 percent, … Alcohol- related and substance-related mental disorders were coexisting conditions for 13.4 percent and … fractures 29,900 14.7% Respiratory failure/insufficiency/arrest (adult) 27,500 13.5% Alcohol-related mental … and face fractures 24,900 12.2% Crushing injury or internal injury 23,600 11.6% Substance-related mental
    December 01, 2019 - State Hospitalization Type (broad service lines - injury, surgical, maternal, mental health/substance
    January 01, 2012 - and immunity disorders 505,729 3.76% 4: Diseases of blood and blood-forming organs 190,976 1.42% 5: Mental … Frequency Distribution for E_MCCS1 E_MCCS1 Frequency Percent of Total : Blank 11,078,270 82.31% 05: Mental
    January 01, 2011 - and immunity disorders 528,691 3.80% 4: Diseases of blood and blood-forming organs 197,531 1.42% 5: Mental … Frequency Distribution for E_MCCS1 E_MCCS1 Frequency Percent of Total : Blank 11,515,525 82.76% 05: Mental
    January 01, 2010 - and immunity disorders 529,383 3.81% 4: Diseases of blood and blood-forming organs 194,710 1.40% 5: Mental … Frequency Distribution for E_MCCS1 E_MCCS1 Frequency Percent of Total : Blank 11,533,256 82.93% 05: Mental
    January 01, 2013 - and immunity disorders 540,617 3.77% 4: Diseases of blood and blood-forming organs 197,541 1.38% 5: Mental … Frequency Distribution for E_MCCS1 E_MCCS1 Frequency Percent of Total : Blank 11,702,799 81.69% 05: Mental
    September 01, 2019 - diagnosis and external cause of injury categories beginning in fiscal year 2008 after the CCS for Mental … disorders involving the immune mechanism BLD Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases END Mental … o Several Mental, behavioral, and neurodevelopmental disorders codes (i.e., within the range of ICD- … The Mental, behavioral, and neurodevelopmental disorder body system follows the organization of the … American Psychiatric Association (APA) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)
    September 01, 2019 - HCUP Summary Trend Tables HCUP Findings-At-A-Glance Topical Reports & Resources Race/Ethnicity Mental
    January 01, 2005 - RETARDATION 13253 0.17 430: PSYCHOSES 204330 2.56 431: CHILDHOOD MENTAL DISORDERS 4915 0.06 432: … OTHER MENTAL DISORDER DIAGNOSES 909 0.01 433: ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE, LEFT AMA 9209 0.12 … disorders 45676 0.57 67: Substance-related mental disorders 36348 0.45 68: Senility and organic mental … conditions 27447 0.34 75: Personal history of mental disorder, mental and behavioral problems, observation … DISEASES & DISORDERS 263959 3.30 20: ALCOHOL/DRUG USE & ALCOHOL/DRUG INDUCED ORGANIC MENTAL DISORDERS
    January 01, 2003 - MENTAL DISORDER DIAGNOSES 96 0.01 433: ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE, LEFT AMA 843 0.11 434: ALC … disorders 4212 0.53 67: Substance-related mental disorders 3654 0.46 68: Senility and organic mental … conditions 3048 0.38 75: Personal history of mental disorder, mental and behavioral problems, observation … and screening for mental condition <= 10 **.** 76: Meningitis (except that caused by tuberculosis … DISEASES & DISORDERS 28313 3.55 20: ALCOHOL/DRUG USE & ALCOHOL/DRUG INDUCED ORGANIC MENTAL DISORDERS
    January 01, 2003 - RETARDATION 1553 0.19 430: PSYCHOSES 21724 2.72 431: CHILDHOOD MENTAL DISORDERS 577 0.07 432: OTHER … disorders 4428 0.56 67: Substance-related mental disorders 3673 0.46 68: Senility and organic mental … conditions 3084 0.39 75: Personal history of mental disorder, mental and behavioral problems, observation … and screening for mental condition <= 10 **.** 76: Meningitis (except that caused by tuberculosis … DISEASES & DISORDERS 28383 3.56 20: ALCOHOL/DRUG USE & ALCOHOL/DRUG INDUCED ORGANIC MENTAL DISORDERS
    January 01, 2004 - RETARDATION 1443 0.18 430: PSYCHOSES 22933 2.86 431: CHILDHOOD MENTAL DISORDERS 510 0.06 432: OTHER … disorders 4811 0.60 67: Substance-related mental disorders 4685 0.59 68: Senility and organic mental … conditions 2964 0.37 75: Personal history of mental disorder, mental and behavioral problems, observation … and screening for mental condition <= 10 **.** 76: Meningitis (except that caused by tuberculosis … DISEASES & DISORDERS 29419 3.68 20: ALCOHOL/DRUG USE & ALCOHOL/DRUG INDUCED ORGANIC MENTAL DISORDERS
    January 01, 2006 - RETARDATION 61533 0.16 430: PSYCHOSES 1019821 2.59 431: CHILDHOOD MENTAL DISORDERS 22125 0.06 432 … : OTHER MENTAL DISORDER DIAGNOSES 2835 0.01 433: ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE, LEFT AMA 58529 0.15 … retardation 427 0.00 66: Alcohol-related mental disorders 241550 0.61 please refer to the section … disorders 213624 0.54 68: Senility and organic mental disorders 135375 0.34 69: Affective disorders … conditions 127462 0.32 75: Personal history of mental disorder, mental and behavioral problems, observation
    January 01, 2004 - RETARDATION 1538 0.19 430: PSYCHOSES 22825 2.85 431: CHILDHOOD MENTAL DISORDERS 482 0.06 432: OTHER … disorders 4744 0.59 67: Substance-related mental disorders 4554 0.57 68: Senility and organic mental … conditions 3017 0.38 75: Personal history of mental disorder, mental and behavioral problems, observation … and screening for mental condition <= 10 **.** 76: Meningitis (except that caused by tuberculosis … DISEASES & DISORDERS 29483 3.68 20: ALCOHOL/DRUG USE & ALCOHOL/DRUG INDUCED ORGANIC MENTAL DISORDERS
    January 01, 2003 - RETARDATION 15350 0.19 430: PSYCHOSES 217408 2.73 431: CHILDHOOD MENTAL DISORDERS 5672 0.07 432: … OTHER MENTAL DISORDER DIAGNOSES 884 0.01 433: ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE, LEFT AMA 8643 0.11 … disorders 43390 0.54 67: Substance-related mental disorders 36439 0.46 68: Senility and organic mental … conditions 30495 0.38 75: Personal history of mental disorder, mental and behavioral problems, observation … DISEASES & DISORDERS 284061 3.56 20: ALCOHOL/DRUG USE & ALCOHOL/DRUG INDUCED ORGANIC MENTAL DISORDERS
    January 01, 2006 - MENTAL DISORDER DIAGNOSES 993 0.03 433: ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE, LEFT AMA 854 0.03 439: SKIN … retardation 49 0.00 66: Alcohol-related mental disorders 2790 0.09 please refer to the section on … disorders 7603 0.24 68: Senility and organic mental disorders 704 0.02 69: Affective disorders 68488 … conditions 26021 0.83 75: Personal history of mental disorder, mental and behavioral problems, observation … DISEASES & DISORDERS 127730 4.08 20: ALCOHOL/DRUG USE & ALCOHOL/DRUG INDUCED ORGANIC MENTAL DISORDERS
    January 01, 2003 - MENTAL DISORDER DIAGNOSES 925 0.03 433: ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE, LEFT AMA 1038 0.03 434: … retardation 67 0.00 66: Alcohol-related mental disorders 3073 0.10 please refer to the section on … disorders 8012 0.27 68: Senility and organic mental disorders 891 0.03 69: Affective disorders 70443 … conditions 27037 0.91 75: Personal history of mental disorder, mental and behavioral problems, observation … DISEASES & DISORDERS 130068 4.36 20: ALCOHOL/DRUG USE & ALCOHOL/DRUG INDUCED ORGANIC MENTAL DISORDERS

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