January 01, 2023 - enables these stakeholders to more quickly and accurately
make informed decisions about future research, mental
July 28, 2010 - including stroke and hypertension
Dementia, including Alzheimer's disease
Depression and other mental
September 27, 2022 - individuals characterized by biopsychosocial factors
(e.g., sex, socioeconomic status, co-occurring mental … the findings vary by baseline biopsychosocial factors (e.g.,
sex, socioeconomic status, co-occurring mental … Mindfulness based stress reduction
• Meditation (use of silently repeated word or
sound to promote mental
July 11, 2022 - interventions
KQ 3:
• Health outcomes for pregnant persons
o Maternal morbidity
o Maternal mortality
o Mental … health outcomes
o Function, quality of life using validated
o Mental health outcomes based
May 19, 2010 - data from clinical trials and large cohort studies, evidence of benefits and harms in treating the mental … Scale
Positive and Negative Symptom Scale - PANSS (subscale: excitement)
Mini Mental
December 01, 2015 - Association (APA) recognized BED
as a distinct eating disorder in the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental … or more episodes per week
BED = binge-eating disorder; DSM = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental … Left untreated, the condition
may lead to or worsen other mental health concerns (e.g.,
depression … Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th ed. … Evidence Based
Mental Health. 2003;6(2):56. PMID: 10074184.
October 01, 2007 - high-level
terms: confusion and disorientation, perception disturbances,
deliria, anxiety symptoms, mental … and from a list compiled by
iterative expert review.12 For deliria, we used codes for
drug-induced mental … 35.56 0.0000
Admitted through the emergency room �0.12 94 81 6 0.44 1 1.61 0.1654
Substance-related mental
January 01, 2011 - common, for example, to search databases such as CINAHL or
PsycINFO for topics related to nursing or mental … Comparison of
bibliographic databases for information on
the rehabilitation of people with severe
mental … Online http://www.scie-socialcareonline.org.uk/ Social care including: healthcare, social work and
mental … Social Services Abstracts http://www.csa.com/factsheets/ssa-set-c.php Social services including: mental … Comparison of bibliographic
databases for information on the
rehabilitation of people with severe mental
April 01, 2014 - medications but who did
not have a psychiatric diagnosis captured
in our analysis, as undiagnosed mental … Acknowledgments: The authors wish to thank the
DEcIDE mental health consortium for their leadership … costs of acute care for ambulatory care-
sensitive medical conditions: the central roles
of comorbid mental … Part D and dually eligible patients with
mental illness: medication access problems and use of intensive
October 15, 2012 - #3
The Executive Summary should include the justification for why
serious mental … abnormality (dysfunction) in body structure, physiological function, or
biochemical function, including mental … consistent with the National
Healthcare Disparities Report by AHRQ cited below-“Physical,
sensory and/or mental … ES-2/Table 4: The study domain of depression raises
questions given the stated exclusion of serious mental … Public
Comments #1
Discussion Similarly, even though this report excludes pediatric and mental
May 01, 2014 - , pain, sleep disturbance, neurological and cognitive manifestations (i.e., impaired concentration, mental … therapies which included yoga, stretching and relaxation techniques, counseling on pacing strategies, and mental