Someone from provider's office talked with respondent about all prescription medicines … P-HL35
There was too much information about how much patient would have to pay for medicines
Someone from provider's office talked with respondent about all prescription medicines … care
Personal doctor talked with patient about all prescription medicines
Personal doctor talked with patient about all prescription medicines … P-CR8
Someone from doctor's office talked with respondent about all prescription medicines
Information about how much patient would have to pay for medicines … literacy
Information about how much patient would have to pay for medicines
March 01, 2015 - As noted above, AHRQ
recommends moving the item “Provider talked about all the prescription
medicines … on care from specialists
Retained in PCMH Item Set
• Provider talked about all the
prescription medicines … months, did you
and anyone in this provider’s office talk at each
visit about all the prescription medicines … months, how
often did you and anyone in
this provider's office talk
about all the prescription
medicines … months, did you and anyone in this provider’s
office talk at each visit about all the prescription medicines
December 01, 2013 - Medicines and Immunizations
Medication Safety .
Giving Your Baby Oral Medicines .
January 22, 2015 - nurses 81%
Communication between you & your child’s doctors 83%
Communication about your child’s medicines … nurses 81%
Communication between you & your child’s doctors 83%
Communication about your child’s medicines
July 11, 2017 - handheld devices during an office visit to do things like look up your information or order prescription medicines … last 6 months, did this provider ever use a computer or a handheld device to order your prescription medicines
March 09, 2018 - . ☐ ☐ ☐
b) An up-to-date list of all the prescription
medicines your child is taking?............. … ☐ ☐ ☐
c) An up-to-date list of all the over the counter
medicines your child is taking?........... … ☐ ☐
c) A list of all the over the counter medicines your child
was taking when he or she left the … Did the written hospital stay summary you got include a list of all the prescription
medicines your … Did the written hospital stay summary you got include a list of all the over the counter
medicines your
April 01, 2023 - Organize Postdischarge Medical Equipment and At-Home Services
Identify the Correct Medicines … While Teaching the RED
Understanding Health Beliefs, Alternative Healers, and Attitudes About Medicines … Check Accuracy and Safety of Medicine Lists
Identify Problems Patients Could Have With Medicines
Antibiotics are powerful medicines
February 01, 2024 - Patients Remember How and When to Take Their Medicine: Tool 16
Medicine Reminder Form
Help With Medicines … Social Needs
Help Patients Pay Less for Medicine: Tool 19
Resources for Financial Assistance for Medicines
March 09, 2018 - summaries you got
from the main provider’s
office include an up-to-
date list of all the
prescription medicines … you got
from the main provider’s
office include an up-to-
date list of all the over the
counter medicines … = REFUSED
Did the written hospital
stay summary you got
include a list of all the
prescription medicines … REFUSED
Did the written hospital
stay summary you got
include a list of all the over
the counter medicines … plan is a
written document that
contains information about
your child’s active health
problems, medicines
March 01, 2020 - People who were unable to get or delayed in getting needed medical care, dental care, or prescription medicines … people who were unable to get or delayed in getting needed medical care, dental care, or prescription medicines … likely than males to be delayed or unable to get needed medical care, dental care, or prescription medicines … Women who were unable to get or delayed in getting needed medical care, dental care, or prescription medicines … women who were unable to get or delayed in getting needed medical care, dental care, or prescription medicines
May 22, 2013 - complications
• Many complications can be attributed to problems with
discharge planning:
– Changes in medicines … – Educate the patient and family about the patient’s
at every opportunity
– Explain medicines … who] will review reconciled medication list with
patient and family
• Hand the patient the list of medicines
February 01, 2021 - handheld devices during an office visit to do things like look up your information or order prescription medicines … last 6 months, did this provider ever use a computer or a handheld device to order your prescription medicines
November 01, 2020 - wear your seatbelt CHOOSE "DISAGREE"—Poor header: Seatbelts
CHOOSE "AGREE"—Informative header: Medicines … for your diabetes CHOOSE "DISAGREE"—Poor header: Medicines
CHOOSE "AGREE"—Informative header: Safe
April 03, 2018 - .
My medicines My medical tests My treatments
My health goals are...
September 01, 2022 - ‒ The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends avoiding cough and cold medicines for
children <
March 01, 2017 - They give you medicines, take care of your wounds, and make sure everything is going OK. … They give you medicines and take your blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature.