November 27, 2017 - Doctors take this into account when prescribing medicines. … The medicines may not be safe for them, especially at higher doses or when taken with other medicines
Treatment is usually a few days in the hospital for intravenous (IV) fluids, antibiotics, and medicines … cystic fibrosis and other inherited disorders, high levels of calcium or fats in the blood, some medicines … Treatment may also be a few days in the hospital for intravenous (IV) fluids, medicines to relieve pain
June 26, 2023 - Asthma is treated with two kinds of medicines: quick-relief medicines to stop asthma symptoms and long-term … control medicines to prevent symptoms.
April 01, 2021 - Medicines
Nonmedicine treatments such as heat, exercise, and massage
What have researchers found … What are possible side effects of medicines to treat low back pain? … Most medicines are taken by mouth, but some are given as a shot or through an IV (intravenous) tube in … Some medicines are available over the counter, and for some you need a prescription. … What are possible side effects of medicines to treat low back pain?
The U.S.
September 01, 2014 - Disposition of Comments Report for CER 132 Combination Therapy Versus Intensification of Statin Monotherapy: An Update
Comparative Effectiveness Research Review Disposition of Comments Report
Research Review Title: Combination Therapy Versus Intensification of Statin Monotherapy:
An Update.
Draft revi…
September 30, 2014 - Some result from exposures to medicines or chemicals. … Talk to your doctor about any medicines you take. … Some medicines can cause serious birth defects.
Subacute cutaneous lupus causes sores after being out in the sun
Drug-induced lupus is caused by certain medicines … There is no cure for lupus, but medicines and lifestyle changes can help control it. … Help the immune system
Reduce or prevent damage to joints
Balance the hormones
Besides taking medicines … for lupus, you may need to take medicines for problems that are related to lupus such as high cholesterol
He or she will also ask which medicines you take, to try to determine whether a medicine is causing your … There are no medicines that have been approved to treat NAFLD. … There are also medicines that can help, either by reducing your cravings or making you feel sick if you … Doctors can treat the health problems caused by cirrhosis with medicines, operations, and other medical … doctor before using dietary supplements , such as vitamins , or any complementary or alternative medicines
February 19, 2025 - Getting older
Being small and thin
Having a family history of osteoporosis
Taking certain medicines … If needed, medicines can also help. It is also important to try to avoid falling down .
May 14, 2019 - There is no cure, but diet, exercise, and medicines can help control the symptoms. … Treatments for infertility caused by PCOS may include medicines, surgery, and in vitro fertilization
October 25, 2022 - There is no cure for epilepsy, but medicines can control seizures for most people. … When medicines are not working well, surgery or implanted devices such as vagus nerve stimulators may
October 10, 2018 - gastroesophageal reflux disease)
Throat disorders , such as croup in young children
Some medicines … If you have a cold or the flu, antihistamines may work better than non-prescription cough medicines
May 07, 2024 - These include
Taking certain medicines, such as antidepressants, antihistamines, and medicines for
August 23, 2013 - problems
Meniere's disease
Brain tumors
Hormonal changes in women
Thyroid problems
Certain medicines … Treatments may include hearing aids, sound-masking devices, medicines, and ways to learn how to cope
March 27, 2012 - There can be many other causes, including
Heat exhaustion
Autoimmune … Your health care provider may recommend using over-the-counter medicines such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen
September 12, 2019 - Parasites, which are tiny organisms found in contaminated food or water
Medicines such as antibiotics … To find the cause of diarrhea, your health care provider may
Do a physical exam
Ask about any medicines … Depending on the cause of the problem, you may need medicines to stop the diarrhea or treat an infection
June 05, 2013 - People with diabetes can get hyperglycemia from not eating the right foods or not taking medicines … Other problems that can raise blood sugar include infections, certain medicines, hormone imbalances,
January 07, 2013 - Over-the-counter medicines may help. … If the heartburn continues, you may need prescription medicines or surgery.
such as pesticides, arsenic, and benzene
Radiation therapy and chemotherapy for cancer
Certain medicines … Treatments include blood transfusions , blood and marrow stem cell transplants , and medicines.
In other cases, exposure to certain medicines , infections , or radiation during pregnancy interferes … It may include antiseizure medicines, shunts to drain fluid from the brain, and physical therapy.