June 01, 2006 - tools which will improve
communication between patients, doctors, and
pharmacists regarding their medicines
January 01, 2023 - Prescription medicines can help control COPD symptoms, but patients are often readmitted to the hospital
January 01, 2011 - computerized and paper-only portions to try to find their medication lists and to confirm one or two of the medicines
January 01, 2011 - computerized and
paper-only portions to try to find their medication lists and to confirm one or two of the medicines
September 21, 2016 - What if the person you care for had a new symptom that you thought was related to one of the
January 01, 2023 - treatment usually requires long-term, complex management-ideally involving the use of newer therapies and medicines
August 06, 2024 - *
Create a Taper Plan
In this example, there are multiple opioid medicines prescribed with a
August 06, 2024 - *
Create a Taper Plan
In this example, there are multiple opioid medicines prescribed with a
January 01, 2012 - And then, finally, a really
important issue is even if you have a good list of prescription medicines … For example, in urinary function, a
number of over the counter cold and allergy medicines may have important … The old medicines,
the new medicines, particularly if these aren’t included in medication reconciliation … Again, there
are problems of potentially not including over the counter medicines. … You know, I think that the problem of over the counters and
alternative medicines and neutraceuticals
February 23, 2021 - interested in… (Mark all that apply)
�Making sure your information is correct
�Managing your visits, medicines
February 14, 2011 - 12
Patients from the denominator who have been advised to quit
smoking or are on anti-smoking medicines … smoking or has been on anti-
MQIC Data the measurement year who have had at least
Smokers With smoking medicines … The anti-smoking
(DOQ-IT) measurement year AND have smoking status
Intervention medicines need to … date of anti-smoking medicines has to be within the 24-month
period (730 days) prior to the last data
January 01, 2010 - participants who finished the entire protocol reported that they asked their doctor to
explain what the medicines … medicine to avoid side effects, 17% because
taking it was inconvenient, and 16% reported skipping medicines … What do
patients want to know about their medicines, and what
do doctors want to tell them? … Talking about medicines: Older adults’
perceptions of communication with their physicians,
under review
January 01, 2011 - medication changes over time show that community participants were more likely to remain on the same medicines
January 01, 2021 - Telehealth and Emergency Medicine: A Consensus Conference to Map the Intersection of Emergency Medicine and Telehealth - Final Report
1. Title Page
Telehealth and Emergency Medicine: A Consensus Conference t…
January 01, 2011 - medication changes over time show that community participants were more likely to remain on the
same medicines
January 01, 2023 - Preventive Medicine
Improving Identification And Coordination Of Mobility Interventions In The ICU Using Clinical Decision Support
The study will develop and test a vendor-compatible clinical decision support system to support intensive care unit nurses and physica…
January 01, 2023 - Personalized Medicine
Precision Emergency Medicine: Setting a Research Agenda
This research will use a consensus conference format during the 2023 Society for Academic Emergency Medicine conference to develop and publish an actionable research agenda for precision …
January 01, 2023 - Internal Medicine
Real-Time Symptom Monitoring Using ePROs to Prevent Adverse Events During Care Transitions
This research will use digital health tools leveraging patient-reported outcomes and data from electronic health records to engage individuals with multiple…
January 01, 2023 - Family Medicine
Trial of Aggregate Data Extraction for Maintenance of Certification and Raising Quality
This project created and evaluated a process to present quality data via physician’s online certification portal and found that the availability of that data did…
March 30, 2015 - interested in… (Mark all that apply)
□Making sure your information is correct
□Managing your visits, medicines … interested in… (Mark all that apply)
□Making sure your information is correct
□Managing your visits, medicines