April 01, 2018 - implement a community partnership model for the purpose of developing innovative methods to improve medication … Develop a medication tracking tool.
Create a consent form identifying partners. … Identify barriers, for both consumers and providers, to the safe use of medication.
October 01, 2014 - The clinical process measures examined in this review include medication use, action plan development … and use, management practices, and adherence to medication. … Impact on Medication Use
In-Person Care Management. … Four studies examined the effect of in-person care management on medication use. 1,2 , 16,17 Two of … One study showed that, when indicated, provider profiling and feedback helped increase medication use
January 30, 2017 - First-line treatment is defined here as therapy provided prior to prescribing
any ADHD medication. … Research on the effects of stimulant medication on preschool-aged children is limited. … to take medication (CDC, 2011).
9. … • Date of ADHD Medication Prescription: field within the chart in the "Medications" field. … Effects of stimulant medication on growth rates
across 3 years in the MTA follow-up.
October 22, 2013 - of second
generation antipsychotics in children
and youth.4
The guideline provides antipsychotic medication-specific … The GRADE rating system is used to rate each test, for each medication, at each
time point examined … Ranges from 1A
(strong) to not
depending on the
specific medication,
laboratory test … AACAP endorsed best-practice
Best-practice principles that underlie medication prescribing … Psychotropic Medication Utilization Parameters for Foster
Children. http://www.dfps.state.tx.us/documents
August 01, 2017 - Implementing Shared Decision-Making: Barriers and Solutions—An Orthopedic Case Study
Transitional Care Medication … Safety: Stakeholders' Perspectives
Medication Discrepancies and Potential Adverse Drug Events During … Domino
Transitional Care Medication Safety: Stakeholders' Perspectives Cynthia F. … Bolkan
Medication Discrepancies and Potential Adverse Drug Events During Transfer of Care from Hospital
April 01, 2018 - Safety and Midwest Airlines, implemented a patient partnership model as an intervention to improve medication … County, Wisconsin, Patient Safety Council invested in developing and implementing tools to improve medication … recognized locally by the Walworth County Board of Supervisors and nationally by the Institute for Safe Medication
June 01, 2019 - Surgical Supply, Including Health Information Technology (HIT); Fall; Healthcare-Associated Infection; Medication … For example, if a nurse gives a patient an incorrect medication to take and the patient recognizes it … For example: discovery of a dispensing error by a nurse as part of the process of administering the medication
May 01, 2023 - Teach‐backs can be used to explain:
Medication instructions.
A new diagnosis. … In telling a patient how to take a new medication, a pharmacist or other provider would describe how … a patient should take the new medication, including the dose and time of administration and responses
September 01, 2020 - patient asks to speak with the pharmacist, we offer counseling on the following topics:
a) name of medication … 0.0%
b) purpose of medication
100.0% … 0.0%
j) patient does not understand how to pay for their medication … 0.0%
k) patient can't afford their medication
December 14, 2010 - years of age as of the index prescription date, with an ambulatory
prescription dispensed for ADHD medication … , who remained on the
medication for at least 210 days
February 02, 2017 - ADHD-focused evidence-based behavior therapy prescribed (Yes -
1/No - 2) 8 72.73%
ADHD treatment medication … 2) 8 72.73%
For patients 4 - 5 behavior therapy was prescribed as first line
treatment prior to medication
June 18, 2015 - not correct.
»poor sleep
» inadequate nutrition
»medication … »How should I take the medication?
(for example, with or without food?) … »When should I stop the medication?
February 02, 2012 - medication. … The
other preparations make extraction
of the stimulant medication more
difficult. … ● Harms/risks/costs: Higher levels of
medication increase the chances of ad
verse effects. … Their
medications and doses varied, and a
number of them were no longer taking
medication. … Ef
fects of stimulant medication on growth
rates across 3 years in the MTA follow-up.
March 01, 2011 - assessed, AND
ADHD medication dose or type adjusted based on assessment,
Rationale for continued … For patients who are receiving
ADHD medication (with or without behavior therapy): At least 2 follow-up … visits with:Height, weight, and blood
pressure measured, AND Side effects of medication assessed, ANDADHD … medication dose or type adjusted based on
assessment, AND Rationale for continued treatment documented … This
is the same method to assess those not on medication.
September 01, 2015 - We'll also introduce you to a strategy for incorporating your blood thinner medication into your daily … You may have a busy life, but that shouldn't stop you from following a regular schedule to take your medication … Either way, it is important to remember to take your medication exactly as your doctor prescribed. … alert bracelet or carrying a wallet card as a way to let others know that you are on blood thinner medication … you talk to your clinician about your intake of alcoholic beverages, as they may interfere with your medication
September 01, 2020 - IOM Report on Medication Errors (2006):
1.5 million preventable ADEs in United States per year. … Supports development of measures of the quality of medication use. … Slide 17
Example QI Projects
Examples from pharmacy (PQA, EPIQ curriculum)
Decrease medication … Detection and prevention of medication errors using the "show and tell" counseling method. … Institute of Medicine, " Preventing Medication Errors: Quality Chasm Series" .
June 01, 2014 - focused on coordination
Health care home
Care management
Medication … to change: 22
Support self-management goals: 17, HI1, HP1-HP6, HPC1
Health care home: 1, 2
Medication … focused on coordination
Health care home
Care management
Medication … focused on coordination
Health care home
Care management
Medication … focused on coordination
Health care home
Care management
May 01, 2018 - Measures the percentage of children and adolescents 1-17 years of age on an antipsychotic
medication … year with at
least two antipsychotic medication dispensing events … The Texas
Psychotropic Medication Utilization Parameters for Foster Children notes “psychotropic
medication … Trends in psychotropic medication costs for children and adolescents, 1997-
2000. … Psychotropic medication use among children in the child welfare
system. 2012.
January 01, 2010 - Use a reconciled medication list to discuss the purpose of each medicine, how much to take, how to take … Review a reconciled medication list with the patient and family. … Make sure that patients have an easy-to-read, printed medication list to take home. … Who: Hospital to identify staff person to review the medication list with patient and family. … Preferred dates / times for:
Reconciled medication list
Reviewed medication
April 01, 2008 - Institute of Medicine, Preventing
Medication Errors, Quality Chasm Series. … Institute of Medicine, Preventing
Medication Errors, Quality Chasm Series. … • Measure medication list accuracy in outpatient medical records in the
clinics. … I feel my participation on the council will improve my own safe medication
management or the safe medication … Institute of
Medicine, Preventing Medication Errors, Quality Chasm Series.