February 10, 2011 - We’ll find another medication.” … Review information with the patient and family at every opportunity: during rounds, shift report, medication
June 01, 2021 - Implementation Experiences With Improving Safe Medication Practices for Oxytocin and Magnesium Sulfate
June 01, 2010 - Not applicable - Not applicable - Not applicable Coordinated care Improve care coordination - Perform medication
March 01, 2016 - reports on physician-patient communication, as well as measures that should be low, such as the number of medication
April 03, 2018 - � Did the staff member use the word medicine (not medication)?
� Did the staff member ask how Mr. … � Did the staff member use the word medicine (instead of medication)? … � Did the staff member use the word medicine (not medication)?
� Did the staff member ask how Ms.
March 01, 2021 - Several patients also were diagnosed with hypertension and prescribed medication to control their blood
October 01, 2018 - • For more information, go to the Patient Safety Primer: Medication Errors and Adverse Drug
Events … at https://psnet.ahrq.gov/primers/primer/23/medication-errors … Improvement in Taking Medication Correctly
• Importance: Taking medications correctly is important … Preventing medication errors. Quality Chasm Series. … http://www.nap.edu/catalog/11623/preventing-medication-errors-quality-chasm-series
June 19, 2018 - When a mistake that could have harmed the patient is corrected BEFORE the medication leaves
the pharmacy … Safety
Think back on the survey topics and the definition of patient safety—dispensing the right
August 01, 2017 - Medication and allergy list: Prepare an up-to-date list of your current medications and any allergies … These instructions may include things like a medication schedule, things to avoid (such as certain activities
January 01, 2008 - medical provider’s or pharmacist’s assessment of medications contributing to fall risk (see Tool 3I, “Medication … question 2.5)
__Minor (complaint of pain; requires ice, dressing, cleaning of wound, elevating of limb, or medication
December 19, 2014 - the men's
knowledge of medications for their condition, ability
to manage their health, appropriate medication
June 01, 2020 - identification errors, delayed or missed diagnoses, redundant testing, treatment delays or errors, medication
June 01, 2019 - The nurse uses two-challenge rule or CUS to advocate to the physician that Sally should receive pain medication … Accuracy — Precision of performance (e.g., correct medication). … check- back
Used check-back once to confirm care plan at end of case
Used check-back to confirm all medication
September 01, 2022 - The use of reliable structured data, such as medication prescriptions and laboratory test results that
August 01, 2022 - Harms such as hospital-acquired infections or medication errors can happen during any stage of care.
March 04, 2009 - Medication to help you quit smoking can include nicotine gum, patch, nasal spray, inhaler, or prescription … medication. … In the last 12 months, did your primary doctor or nurse recommend or discuss medication to help you quit … last 12 months, did your primary doctor or nurse recommend or discuss methods or strategies other than medication
December 01, 2012 - Ineffective or improper use of medications or serious medication errors. … A box contains the following text:
High Risk Scenarios: Medication Reconciliation, Discharge … clinical situations that need immediate attention to prevent adverse events among LEP patients include:
January 01, 2013 - medical provider's or pharmacist's assessment of medications contributing to fall risk (go to Tool 3I, "Medication … 2.5)
___ Minor (complaint of pain; requires ice, dressing, cleaning of wound, elevating of limb, or medication
October 01, 2017 - mental status change
New unsafe behaviors
New gait/balance problem or mobility device
New fall
New medication … Condition data:
Acute Mental Status Change
Behavior: New Unsafe
New Gait/Balance or Device Order
New Fall
Medication … : New Medication or Dose Change
Orthostatic Hypotension/Dehydration
Syncope/Fainting … HREC 1: Mental Instability
HREC 2: Gait and Balance Instability
HREC 3: Fall History
HREC 4: High-Risk Medication … improper use X X
Equipment failure, bed, chair, floor mat alarms
Potential medication
December 01, 2012 - Chin: "Take this medication once every 12 hours, with food." The patient looks confused.