September 01, 2018 - 18
Top Performing States: Highest Percentage of Stroke Patients Who Received Blood Clot Prevention Medication
September 12, 2016 - adult day health; housing authority or housing with service providers; food banks; pharmacies offering medication … starts within 2-3 days of discharge]
[Adult Day provider 2]
[Point person]
[Daily activity, medication … Contact Name, Number:
Pharmacy [Name]
Contact Name, Number:
Service: [e.g., medication … Provides supervised medication-assisted treatment with the use of methadone. … Medication assistance available.
March 19, 2014 - Instructor Comments
The pharmacist’s use of a check-back before administering the medication, and … resident’s situation awareness and cross-monitoring break an error chain that could have
resulted in a medication … Specialties
Setting: Hospital, Pharmacy
It is 0600, and it is time to fill the daily requests of medication … together and discusses the importance of doing check-backs before giving a nebulizer treatment
with a medication … question, she appropriately raises the question
again, which results in the correction of a potential medication
December 01, 2020 - Based on a trend analysis, Kaiser Permanente identified the CAHPS “medication communication” composite … external and internal sources, conducted a pilot study of a workflow to improve specific aspects of medication … As a result of these efforts, Kaiser Permanente’s scores for the HCAHPS medication communication composite
June 01, 2010 - Components :
Provide information to patient on medication self-management and how to recognize and … Medication reconciliation, Mayo Clinic (Varkey et al., 2007)
Purpose: Improve the accuracy … of medication lists and to avoid medication errors. … Physician assistant reviews medication list at the visit, makes changes. … The frequency of no medication lists in the medical record fell to 6% from 26%; medication documentation
October 01, 2023 - Multicomponent pharmacist intervention did not reduce clinically important medication errors for ambulatory … Caregiver and clinician perspectives on discharge medication counseling: a qualitative study.
January 01, 2013 - Tool 3I, "Medication Fall Risk Score and Evaluation Tools," can be used to identify medication-related … The medication review may sometimes indicate that the patient needs to stay on a medication that increases … Pharmacists review medication profiles of patients. … Pharmacy reviews each patient's medication profile within 24 hours of admission. … Pharmacy reviews medication profile for each patient.
April 01, 2018 - � Medication Errors, including failures in communicating, prescribing, filling, and
dispensing, as … Safety of medication use in primary care. … Frequency of medication errors in primary care
patients with polypharmacy. … Frequency of medication errors in primary
care patients with polypharmacy. … Safety of medication use in primary care.
April 01, 2015 - of care (e.g., improving the
delivery of appropriate clinical preventive services), safety (e.g., medication … For others, medication errors may be decreased. … with primary care and/or specialty providers
Within each of these CM functions, clinical care such as medication … For example, clinical pharmacists
receive extensive training in conducting medication reconciliation … Assignment of clinically oriented CM services such as medication
reconciliation should be based upon
the Country
Recent Research Studies
An mHealth design to promote medication
April 01, 2011 - Use a reconciled medication list to discuss the purpose of each medicine, how much to take, how to take … Review a reconciled medication list with the patient and family
Hospital identifies one person: Nurse … The toolkit provides clear instructions on creating flowcharts to avoid gaps in reconciling medication … administered throughout the hospital stay, and reconcile medication lists at discharge. … Patients may not be properly informed about food choices, medication side effects, danger signs, and
March 19, 2014 - Instructor Comments
The pharmacist’s use of a check-back before administering the medication, and … resident’s situation awareness and cross-monitoring break an error chain that could have
resulted in a medication … together and discusses the
importance of doing check-backs before giving a nebulizer treatment with a medication … Specialties
Setting: Hospital, Pharmacy
The day shift in the Pharmacy receives a new shipment of medication … shifts, the night crew is informed of the new drug derivative so that there is no confusion if the
July 01, 2021 - To help primary care practices address the ongoing opioid epidemic in rural areas, AHRQ’s medication-assisted … AHRQ’s Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder Playbook serves as a comprehensive guide
May 01, 2016 - Of the medication discrepancies examined, pharmacists found that 41 percent may
contribute to an ADE … Findings suggested that up to 90 percent of patients experience at least one medication
discrepancy … solutions for improving medication
discrepancies in the hospital-to-home transition. … Transitional care medication safety: Stakeholders’
perspectives. … Improving patient safety and restructuring medical liability using ACEs:
Medication errors.
November 01, 2016 - PCOR
research can focus on specific
clinical interventions (such as a
medication or surgical procedure … )
or on ways of delivering care (such
as the use of text messages to
remind people to take a medication
March 01, 2019 - its commitment to lead patient-safety efforts nationwide, AHRQ has funded studies that aim to reduce medication
October 01, 2023 - Falls are one of the most frequently reported patient safety events in the NPSD, second only to medication … Low-threshold treatment emphasizes removing the barriers common to conventional OUD treatment and prioritizes “medication
November 01, 2023 - Informatics tools in deprescribing and medication optimization in older adults: development and dissemination … What works in medication reconciliation: an on-treatment and site analysis of the MARQUIS2 study.
November 01, 2018 - AH
RQ is supporting primary care practices in delivering
evidence-based medication-assisted … primary-care/increasing-access-to-opioid-abuse-treatment.html
Implementing Medication-Assisted … Medication-Assisted Treatment Models of Care
for Opioid Use Disorder in Primary Care Settings.
August 01, 2023 - grants administered since 2000 on a variety of patient safety topics, such as measure development, medication