June 30, 2014 - Font Size:
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Changes in Osteoporosis Medication
June 09, 2015 - Updates
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Behavioral Medication
July 01, 2008 - Email Updates
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Asthma Medication
September 22, 2010 - trends in drug utilization among persons reporting treatment for diabetes, we examine anti-diabetic medication
September 30, 2011 - Publication date:
September 30, 2011
This Statistical Brief examines changes in medication
September 13, 2010 - Component of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS-HC) on trends from 1997 to 2007 in anti-diabetic medication
February 19, 2021 - compares the number of people obtaining at least one prescription for an antidepressant or antipsychotic medication
February 01, 2010 - Expenditures for top five therapeutic classifications of
prescribed drugs relative to total prescription medication … Expenditures for top five therapeutic classifications
as percentages of total prescribed medication … expenses by
therapeutic classification (top 5), Medicare beneficiaries age 65
and older with prescribed medication
February 01, 2010 - Expenditures for top five therapeutic classifications
of prescribed drugs relative to total prescription medication … Expenditures for top five therapeutic classifications
as percentages of total prescription medication … drug expenses
by therapeutic classification (top five), adults age 18 and older
with prescribed medication
July 27, 2012 - Email Updates
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Publication Details
Asthma Medication
October 01, 2004 - The pharmacy questionnaire asks for
each medication listed: date filled, national drug … code (NDC), medication name,
strength of medicine (amount and unit), quantity (package
September 01, 2010 - insulin or newer agents such as exenatide (a non-insulin injectable drug) or thiazolidinediones (an oral medication … Component of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS-HC) on trends from 1997 to 2007 in anti-diabetic medication … therapy was indicated, the drug names were examined and the person was identified as having had each medication … estimates are presented as the proportion of persons receiving each of the classes of anti-diabetic medication
September 15, 2010 - Prescriptions coded by national drug code (NDC), medication names, strength, and quantity dispensed. … Our overall measure of oral medication use includes the six classes listed in the AHRQ report that were … , the duration and type of diabetes, age of the person, and medication costs. … The measures of use presented are the percentage of persons with diabetes who used a medication from … Trends in Medication Use among U.S.
September 15, 2010 - Prescriptions coded by national drug code (NDC), medication names, strength,
and quantity dispensed … , the duration and type of diabetes, age of the person, and
medication costs. … The measures of
use presented are the percentage of persons with diabetes who used a medication from … We
find that average annual expenditures on anti-diabetic medication nearly doubled for the period … Trends in
Medication Use among U.S.
February 01, 2011 - Expenditures for top five therapeutic classifications
of prescribed drugs relative to total prescription medication … Expenditures for top five therapeutic classifications
as percentages of total prescribed medication … by
therapeutic classification (top five), Medicare beneficiaries age 65
and older with prescribed medication
April 01, 2009 - to provide computerized
printouts containing information about each drug mentioned including the medication … between an ACEI and an ARB by limiting the sample to persons who used at least one
RAAS modifying medication … treat hypertension will usually involve at least two choices: 1) choosing
between a RAAS modifying medication … , another class of antihypertensive medication or no medication; 2)
choosing between and ACEI and ARB … Potentially inappropriate medication use in the community-dwelling
elderly: findings from the 1996 Medical
September 30, 2022 - For each round of the HC, respondents
were asked to provide the name(s) of any prescribed medication … information regarding reported medications: (1) the name(s) of any
health problem(s) for which the medication … was prescribed, (2) the number of
times the medication was obtained/purchased, and (3) when the person … first used
the medication. … Acquisition-level data included the price paid for
the medication and the quantity dispensed.
February 01, 2010 - For each round of the HC, respondents are asked to provide the name(s)
of any prescribed medication … were obtained, 2) the name(s) of any health problem(s) for which the medication was
prescribed, 3) … the number of times the medication was obtained/purchased, 4) when the person first used
the medication … These acquisition-level data include the price paid for the medication and
the quantity dispensed as … CFACT staff plan to assess the accuracy of medication use reported by MEPS
household respondents and
March 12, 2014 - For the interviews collecting information about medication obtained in 2011, 69.7 percent of
pharmacy … If the pharmacy does not provide the NDC, the PC asks instead for the medication name, dosage form, … Furthermore, many analyses of medication use depend on the NDC to identify medications of
interest. … An exact match on active ingredients is
required, and again the medication name is a match variable. … One variable in the weighted match is medication names, and matching medication names requires
March 12, 2014 - For the interviews collecting information about medication obtained in 2011, 69.7 percent of pharmacy … Furthermore, many analyses of medication use depend on the NDC to identify medications of interest. … Medication name is used as a match variable because various brand name and generic products, each with … An exact match on active ingredients is required, and again the medication name is a match variable. … One variable in the weighted match is medication names, and matching medication names requires specialized