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    August 01, 2022 - ; (4) dose of medication; (5) duration of treatment? … ; (4) dose of medication; (5) the duration of therapy? … Acute migraine medication and medication overuse headache: a systematic literature review. … Acute migraine medication and medication overuse headache: a systematic literature review. … Eptinezumab in adults with migraine and medication overuse headache.
    April 05, 2010 - Second line agents include: the addition of a second oral medication (such as a DPP-4 inhibitor added … This review will include studies with unambiguous medication combinations but not studies in which participants … Second line agents include: the addition of a second oral medication (such as a DPP-4 inhibitor added … Interventions All studies must have evaluated an oral diabetes medication or drug combination of … Table 2 presents the diabetes medication comparisons of interest.
    January 27, 2011 - acute symptoms and exacerbations). 1 Despite guidance surrounding asthma self-management education and medication … found that adults with asthma and parents of children with asthma have concerns about regular use of medication … Children ≥5 years with asthma of any type and severity, symptomatic or using asthma medication Asthma … will include: asthma symptom severity, health-related quality of life, asthma control, quick-relief medication … use, long-term control medication use, and pulmonary function.
    June 01, 2022 - ; (4) dose of medication; (5) duration of treatment? … ; (4) dose of medication; (5) the duration of therapy? … Eptinezumab in adults with migraine and medication overuse headache. … Eptinezumab in adults with migraine and medication overuse headache. … Acute migraine medication and medication overuse headache: a systematic literature review.
    January 11, 2019 - Similarly, a key decision for breastfeeding women is whether the net harm of infants' medication exposure … For harms, we may elect to summarize studies by both medication and disorder, depending on the volume … We anticipate that at least some registry studies may present results by medication and may not always … National trends in antidepressant medication treatment among publicly insured pregnant women. … Trends in the use of antiepileptic drugs among pregnant women in the US, 2001-2007: a medication exposure
    October 02, 2020 - I stopped around the age of 20 and am currently on a different medication that requires me to be on birth
    March 28, 2019 - However, this makes it difficult to use the information in determining whether a given medication is … more or less likely to be associated with adverse effects than another medication. … SNRI) were originally intended to identify medication class effects, but that this was difficult due … It is not clear why this medication was included in the review. … Peer reviewer #6 Results As a general comment for the Key Points for each medication/class, I found
    March 28, 2019 - However, this makes it difficult to use the information in determining whether a given medication is … more or less likely to be associated with adverse effects than another medication. … SNRI) were originally intended to identify medication class effects, but that this was difficult due … It is not clear why this medication was included in the review. … Peer reviewer #6 Results As a general comment for the Key Points for each medication/class, I found
    September 05, 2018 - How is medication overuse headache diagnosed and treated? f.
    August 01, 2012 - Effective treatments for hypertension are available; however, long-term adherence to medication and … What Are the Effects of SMBP on BP, Medication Adherence Rates, Satisfaction, and Clinical Outcomes … For example, SMBP monitoring may improve medication adherence for a given patient and lead to fewer … office visits to discuss medication issues, but for a different patient, may increase the number of … office visits if SMBP leads to more frequent medication adjustments or side effects.
    March 01, 2022 - ; (4) dose of medication; (5) duration of treatment? … ; (4) dose of medication; (5) the duration of therapy? … Eptinezumab in adults with migraine and medication overuse headache. … Eptinezumab in adults with migraine and medication overuse headache. … Acute migraine medication and medication overuse headache: a systematic literature review.
    July 16, 2013 - Osteoarthritis Systematic Review Archived September 25, 2006 Changing Patterns of Medication
    April 06, 2010 - Second line agents include: the addition of a second oral medication (such as a DPP-4 inhibitor added … This review will include studies with unambiguous medication combinations but not studies in which participants … Second line agents include: the addition of a second oral medication (such as a DPP-4 inhibitor added … Interventions □ All studies must have evaluated an oral diabetes medication or drug combination of interest … □ Table 2 presents the diabetes medication comparisons of interest.
    February 01, 2009 - Ventricular arrhythmia diagnosis25 plus use of a Group I-IV antiarrhythmia medication. … We employed ICD-9 diagnostic codes, CPT procedure codes29, DRG hospitalization codes, and medication … use to define the presence of clinical conditions prior to initiation of antipsychotic medication. … Evaluating medication effects outside of clinical trials: new-user designs. … Antipsychotic medication adherence: is there a difference between typical and atypical agents?
    September 30, 2022 - AUD medication effectiveness for consumption outcomes Total: 33-5 • Cochrane – 13 • Other – 24 … AUD medication effectiveness for health outcomes Total: 0 Total: 59, 10, 16-18 • RCT – 59, … AUD medication comparative effectiveness for health outcomes Total: 0 Total: 0 KQ3(a). … AUD medication effectiveness in primary care settings Total: 23, 5 • Cochrane – 13 • Other5 … Variation in AUD medication effectiveness by genetic characteristics Total: 18 • Other – 18
    December 15, 2009 - repository will provide more detailed information on the drivers of treatment decisions and the role of medication
    March 30, 2009 - Abstract Objectives Evidence is growing that conventiona lantipsychotic medication (APM )use maybe
    October 26, 2020 - use in the US Separate by surgical, nerve stimulation, other treatments (e.g., physical therapy, medication … involving nerve stimulation, surgical interventions, and other interventions (e.g., physical therapy, medication … biofeedback OR device OR diet OR drug OR drugs OR exercise OR intervention OR managing OR management OR medication … biofeedback+OR +device+OR+diet+OR+drug+OR+drugs+OR+exercise+OR+intervention+OR+m anaging+OR+management+OR+medication
    October 26, 2020 - use in the US Separate by surgical, nerve stimulation, other treatments (e.g., physical therapy, medication … involving nerve stimulation, surgical interventions, and other interventions (e.g., physical therapy, medication … biofeedback OR device OR diet OR drug OR drugs OR exercise OR intervention OR managing OR management OR medication … biofeedback+OR +device+OR+diet+OR+drug+OR+drugs+OR+exercise+OR+intervention+OR+m anaging+OR+management+OR+medication
    October 26, 2020 - use in the US Separate by surgical, nerve stimulation, other treatments (e.g., physical therapy, medication … involving nerve stimulation, surgical interventions, and other interventions (e.g., physical therapy, medication … biofeedback OR device OR diet OR drug OR drugs OR exercise OR intervention OR managing OR management OR medication … biofeedback+OR +device+OR+diet+OR+drug+OR+drugs+OR+exercise+OR+intervention+OR+m anaging+OR+management+OR+medication

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