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    December 02, 2009 - Community Pharmacy/Call Center Assessment of Medication Effectiveness & Safety Research Report December
    July 30, 2015 - outcomes align with the most common reasons for NH litigation (falls, pressure ulcers, weight loss, medication … on Nursing Home Safety version 0.1 Beta. 10 These include: falls, healthcare-associated infection, medicationMedication error and adverse drug events Common Format/ Nursing Home Compare QI Medication management … Nursing Home Compare QI Medication management, staff education and training Moderate to severe … pain Nursing Home Compare QI Staffing changes, staff education, medication management Influenza
    July 19, 2021 - alcohol use disorder) is widely used of the three but many patients may have contraindications to this medication … Frequently, I am left with using a medication with uncertain evidence in an attempt to offer the patient
    May 22, 2008 - Medication use was derived from self-reports (community) and extracts of facility medication administration … Medication measures included the cholinesterase inhibitors, donepezil, galantamine, and rivastigmine … Medication use was derived from self-reports (community) and extracts of facility medication administration … Respondents are asked to keep all medication containers which are reviewed by the interviewer during … facility's monthly Medication Administration records (MAR).
    April 03, 2014 - Osteoarthritis Systematic Review Archived September 25, 2006 Changing Patterns of Medication
    April 07, 2010 - The clinical goals were to evaluate medication use in patients with newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus … We used the patient problem, laboratory test, medication prescribing, and transcription files to identify … to identify new DMT2, which reflected eligibility for coverage and the absence of DMT2 disease and medication … For the clinical goal of assessing medication use in DMT2 patients, we focused on patients with adverse
  7. Layout 1 (pdf file)
    June 01, 2011 - interventions— including diet, exercise, and control of body weight—many people require antihypertensive medication … There was no statistically evident difference in the rate antihypertensive medication? … addition of a second agent to an ARB was heavily ARB) influenced by retrospective cohort studies, where medication … confidence that persistence with drug therapy is greater with ARB treatment than with ACEI treatment, medication … Because medication discontinuation often requires followup visits and initiation of alternative medications
    December 07, 2009 - Subgroups, and Long-Term Outcomes Systematic Review September 6, 2018 Improving Medication
    July 22, 2015 - outcomes align with the most common reasons for NH litigation (falls, pressure ulcers, weight loss, medication … on Nursing Home Safety version 0.1 Beta.10 These include: falls, healthcare-associated infection, medicationMedication error and adverse drug events Common Format/ Nursing Home Compare QI Medication management … Nursing Home Compare QI Medication management, staff education and training Moderate to severe … pain Nursing Home Compare QI Staffing changes, staff education, medication management Influenza Vaccine
  10. Kravitz_ECCS2012 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2012 - Kravitz_ECCS2012 Slide 1: Media, Messages, and Medication … other diagnostic studies  A newmedication or new form, dose, or route of administration of an old medication … referral to a physician specialist  All or part of the physical examination  A refill or renewal of medication …  Done • Drug facts  box o Presents evidence about the benefits and harms of a prescription medication
    September 14, 2016 - use Asthma specific medication use (name, dose, duration) Long-term controller medication use Quick … Medications Definition of medication purpose Long-term controller medications: They should be taken … Quick relief medication: Rescue/reliever medications are fast-acting medications used to relieve asthma … Asthma Medication use: Need of daily medications. … Reduction in long-term controller medication and quick relief medication.
    September 14, 2016 - use § Asthma specific medication use (name, dose, duration) § Long-term controller medication use … § Quick relief medication use § Systemic corticosteroids for asthma o Asthma exacerbations / Healthcare … b) Quick relief medication: Rescue/reliever medications are fast-acting medications used to relieve … b) Asthma Medication use: Need of daily medications. … Reduction in long-term controller medication and quick relief medication..
    June 04, 2010 - In general, the choice of medication in children and youth is often driven by side effect profiles that … may affect normative growth and development, medication adherence and persistence, as well as other … We will compare medication-associated adverse events in first and second generation antipsychotics … A three-country comparison of psychotropic medication prevalence in youth. … Psychotropic medication patterns among youth in foster care.
    January 01, 2008 - The second individual nominator questions the comparative effectiveness of medication versus laser surgery … For newly diagnosed patients with open-angle glaucoma, what is the comparative effectiveness of medication
    October 16, 2015 - self-care instructions, perform a physical examination, or provide other care (e.g., physical therapy, medication … emphasizing adherence, face-to-face contact after hospital discharge, mechanisms for postdischarge medication … Descriptions of whether (and how) interventions addressed medication management were often unsatisfactory … nurse, or physician assistant will visit you at home to perform a physical examination, adjust your medication … dose if needed, and educate you and/or your caregivers on self-care, medication adherence, and followup
    October 01, 2015 - self-care instructions, perform a physical examination, or provide other care (e.g., physical therapy, medication … emphasizing adherence, face-to-face contact after hospital discharge, mechanisms for postdischarge medication … variable in the included studies. �� Descriptions of whether (and how) interventions addressed medication … nurse, or physician assistant will visit you at home to perform a physical examination, adjust your medication … dose if needed, and educate you and/or your caregivers on self-care, medication adherence, and followup
  17. Layout 1 (pdf file)
    September 01, 2011 - Is there evidence that effectiveness varies by specific technique, procedure, or medication? … No significant differences in medication use, GERD symptoms, diagnostic test results, or quality of life … - Outcomes of study (GERD symptoms, QoL, satisfaction, medication use, pH study results, remission … • No significant differences in medication use, GERD symptoms, or QoL were found between groups. … Is there evidence that effectiveness varies by specific technique, procedure, or medication?
    March 01, 2012 - Are there important differences in medication adherence and persistence with drug therapy across the … Are there important differences in medication adherence and persistence with drug therapy across the … Rate of use of a single antihypertensive medication? High (ACE inhibitor vs. … Are there important differences in medication adherence and persistence with drug therapy across the … Impact of medication packaging on adherence and treatment outcomes in older ambulatory patients.
    October 19, 2016 - To address medication safety in a comprehensive manner consider re- framing the "medication safety" … dialogue to focus on "safe and optimal medication use." … safety to include safe and optimal medication use. … regimen for a patient in advance of medication administration/prescribing (thereby preventing a medication … We have added some additional detail about medication safety.
    September 01, 2010 - Medication side-effects (which can include increased risk for infection as well as lymphoma) and the … Patient-reported outcomes by remission and medication status will be measured by standard quality of … and medication adherence/compliance information. … We will also explore the use pharmaceutical medication registries. … We will exclude studies that compared a medication of interest to a medication not of interest (such

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