February 01, 2012 - Trials to evaluate weight-loss programs as an adjunctive treatment for sleep apnea
a. … Trials to evaluate weight-loss programs as an adjunctive treatment for sleep apnea
a. … When considering clinical outcomes, there is a potential for a large loss in
followup. … However, there is potential for large data loss due to long-term followup. … loss
with usual care could be synergistic, but that the current evidence is inadequate.
December 01, 2019 - study that provided evidence for direct or indirect links between glaucoma screening and visual field loss
May 01, 2023 - treatment, studies
reported mixed results on development of complications, improvements in weight loss … Only four studies reported the effects of nutrition interventions intended for weight
loss using special … Echium oil
is not protective against weight loss in head
and neck cancer patients undergoing
curative … Oral
nutritional supplements versus a regular diet
alone for body weight loss after
gastrectomy: a
December 05, 2013 - , loss of water content, loss of shock-absorbing
capacity, and formation of bone spurs. … Symptoms can include numbness, pain, or loss of function (e.g.,
gait issues, grip weakness, bowel and … OA is a
chronic condition characterized by the progressive loss of cartilage in one or more joints. … Physicians
can recommend exercise, physical and/or occupational therapy, and weight loss. … Physicians can recommend exercise, physical
and/or occupational therapy, and weight loss.
March 01, 2021 - Outcomes that define a condition (e.g., weight loss for obesity, HbA1c for diabetes, blood pressure for … for studies of that same condition, but were excluded for studies of other conditions (e.g., weight loss … ti OR ((high OR elevat*) AND “blood pressure”):ti
'obesity'/exp OR 'body weight loss … bariatric surgery'/exp OR 'bariatrics'/exp OR obese:ti OR obesity:ti OR bariatric*:ti OR ((weight NEAR/3 (loss
July 01, 2011 - QoL, accidents,
work loss)
> Comorbidities
(incl. death, NIDDM,
(KQ 1,2,3,4)
(KQ … Comparison of Other Treatments
The strength of evidence is low to show that some
intensive weight loss … • More studies are needed on the various additional
interventions (including weight loss, drugs, and … loss interventions with control interventions. … • Conclusion: The strength of evidence is low to show that some
intensive weight loss programs are
January 01, 2020 - A
weight loss intervention provided by primary care
physicians for low-income, overweight and obese … African-American women was effective for initial
weight loss, but not for sustained weight loss. … rates at 3 and 12
months among low-income
Low; low
weight loss … intervention
from primary
care physicians
1 RCT (137) Improved weight loss in low-
income African-American
May 17, 2018 - For example, on page 39, lines 11-16, describing loss of
PTSD diagnosis of for exposure therapy versus … cognitive
interventions, the report states, “Three trials reported data
on loss of PTSD diagnosis … Thus if
symptom reduction is used, loss of PTSD diagnosis will
not be. … loss that
could produce bias. … We agree that the concepts are not the same (e.g.,
treatment dropout versus loss to follow-up).
December 01, 2019 - Topiramate increased risk of paresthesia, upper respiratory tract infection, and weight loss.
January 01, 2012 - research, health care, and policy
o The negative
Threats from
other stakeholder groups
January 01, 2015 - ) and topiramate (an approved
antiepileptic agent with known weight-loss side effects). … The overall weight-loss
drug market is about 100 million in the United States, but given historical … use of weight
loss drugs, only a small minority of eligible patients opt to take a long-term weight … loss
drug. … loss drug.
December 01, 2020 - referred to as the 2012 AHRQ review). 1
Urinary incontinence (UI) is the involuntary loss … Urgency UI is defined as the involuntary loss of urine associated with the sensation of a sudden, compelling … about UI; behavioral therapy, including “lifestyle” interventions (e.g., dietary modifications, weight loss … about UI; behavioral therapy, including "lifestyle" interventions (e.g., dietary modifications, weight loss … Urge urinary Incontinence : UI associated with a frequent feeling of the need to urinate with loss of
October 12, 2023 - median survival time permitted
Tumors with vertebral compression fractures with >50% height loss
November 01, 2020 - Loss of stretch or stiffening of the rectum
This can happen from surgery involving the rectum or … In severe cases, some complications may cause you to need a colostomy (pronounced cah-LOSS-tuh-mee).
August 12, 2016 - Although weight loss studies were
apparently excluded, it would be of scientific interest if any comment … As the reviewer notes, we
excluded weight loss
studies. … Weight
loss intervention studies
were excluded. … We did not include post hoc
subgroups (defined by
status at study end; e.g., by
weight loss). … We have added a section to
the methods section
regarding the rationale for
not included weight loss
December 01, 2019 - seizures, suicidal ideation, hepatoxicity, weight gain, metabolic syndrome, gastrointestinal symptoms, and loss … comparable groups; adequate reporting of dropouts, attrition, crossover, adherence, and contamination; loss … rated based on the adequacy of the patient selection process; whether there was important differential loss … to followup or overall high loss to followup; the adequacy of event ascertainment; whether acceptable
September 01, 2023 - hospitalization (whether the person was actually hospitalized) or injuries that led to a significant loss … hospitalization (whether or not the person was actually hospitalized) or injuries that led to a significant loss
December 01, 2019 - It typically results in thickening and loss of elasticity in arterial walls, as well as hypertrophy of
December 01, 2019 - evidence suggests that withdrawal of CNIs is associated with increased risk of acute rejection and graft loss
December 01, 2019 - in bladder and physical restraints, as well as documented conditions, including unintentional weight loss