February 27, 2024 - Dissemination Project
QUESTION: How did you adapt your survey instruments for patients with vision loss … Patient-Reported Outcomes
QUESTION: How did you adapt your survey instruments for patients with vision loss … Information Technology
QUESTION: How did you adapt your survey instruments for patients with vision loss
Such programs can address the many aspects of care necessary to reduce risk of vision loss due to diabetic
January 01, 2008 - was separated into distinct phases to match the expected learning
curve and to reduce the potential loss … shows no evidence of special cause variation in practice gain(loss) through the project
period. … team and process that is
reproducible and has achieved EMR implementation without measurable loss in … The amount of
measured net loss in MaineGeneral practices has not changed significantly through the … Thus, stable gain/loss numbers translate to a net deepening of the loss
equal to the cost of EMR.
January 01, 2023 - The project resulted in heightened awareness of patient safety and a loss of complacency about the sources
March 01, 2006 - tubes and energy (food) delivery increased with CIS, resulting in significantly less patient weight loss
January 01, 2018 - access to mVIP’s care strategies reported less anxiety, depression, fevers, neuropathy, and weight loss
January 01, 2010 - were
examined in the study:
Prevention: Lifestyle Counseling—Physician Counseling for Weight Loss … for weight loss in primary care, there is an urgent need to exploit all plausible
means of reducing … .33
Weight Loss Stroke -0.005 0.005 .76
Weight Loss CHF -0.002 0.007 .95
Weight Loss Outpt Visits … -0.463 6.857 .33
Weight Loss ER Visits 0.020 0.003 < .0001
Table 2i. … The variations PCP-level PI score for weight loss were striking.
January 01, 2023 - It will also prevent the loss of critical health records, as happened in 2005 because of hurricane Katrina
January 01, 2008 - There were overall decreases of 18% in the CMS high-risk
PrU and weight loss quality measures in 18 … and adjust care plans for improved
resident care, including prevention of PrUs and unintended weight loss … I am made aware of residents who have significant weight loss [each shift].
• Q#19. … At my facility, there is a standard definition of “significant weight loss”; all
nurses use the same … guidelines when identifying residents with significant weight loss.
January 01, 2011 - Studies show that timely DR diagnosis and treatment can significantly reduce the risk of severe vision loss
January 01, 2012 - Without dedicated information transfer processes, this stratification of care can lead to information loss
January 01, 2017 - self-monitoring, and strategizing how to maintain lifestyle changes have
been effective in weight loss … To address the resource intensity of in person behavioral weight loss
programs, technology enabled … approaches to behavioral weight loss programs are increasingly common. … An effective smartphone application to promote weight loss or manage IBS
symptom flare-ups could be … Greater weight loss, and
maintenance of this weight loss, is more promising
Figure 1.
January 01, 2023 - have significant potential to create patient harm due to breakdowns in communication from information loss
January 01, 2023 - reported ongoing hesitation about providing data to the exchanges due to concerns about the potential loss
January 01, 2008 - and counseling designed to restore functioning, safety and self-sufficiency to
people with vision loss … (Lighthouse National Survey on Vision Loss, 1995). By
2010, this figure will grow to 20 million. … boomer generation ages, with people
living longer and an increase of conditions that cause vision loss … for
quality vision rehabilitation services is critical in reducing the disabling effects of vision loss … in patients with
impaired vision and consequently helps in reducing the disabling effects of vision loss
May 23, 2013 - Incompatibility between devices
• Equipment/Device function
○ Error in charting, communication or display
○ Loss
January 01, 2023 - control group in five symptoms: anxiety; depression; neuropathy; fever, chills, or sweating; and weight loss … access to mVIP’s care strategies reported less anxiety, depression, fevers, neuropathy, and weight loss
August 01, 2024 - effective PPH management is crucial, individuals without anemia are better equipped to handle blood loss
September 30, 2008 - reasonable efforts to maintain the confidentiality of your identity, in certain
circumstances, a loss … Withdrawal will not cause a loss of benefits to which you might
otherwise be entitled.
January 01, 2010 - identified as obese or overweight; and 3) graphs to show weight trends over time and to calculate weight loss