January 01, 2011 - to lose weight, and 48.8 percent said that they always or often help motivated patients set a weight loss … The vast majority (89.3 percent) said that they would like more help creating an appropriate weight loss
January 01, 2022 - Exploratory analyses revealed small, nonsignificant weight loss among patients for
whom the PreDM CDS … In an exploratory multivariable analysis, there was no
significant difference in weight loss observed … The weight loss observed among 41 CDS
patients who attended health educator counseling was -0.7lb ( … Effect of weight loss with lifestyle
intervention on risk of diabetes. … Effect of the
National Diabetes Prevention Program on Weight Loss for English- and Spanish-
January 01, 2011 - lose weight, and 48.8 percent said that they always or often help motivated patients set
a weight loss … The vast majority (89.3 percent) said that they would like more help
creating an appropriate weight loss
January 01, 2011 - referrals; diagnosis codes; vital signs; text clinical notes pertaining to weight (BMI) and weight loss … determine: 1) the proportion of overweight or obese patients who are receiving advice, counseling, weight-loss
January 01, 2003 - magnesium), or those with chronic infection and inflammation, restrictive diets, or extensive blood loss … Childbearing Age
Screen annually those with known risk factors, such as extensive menstrual or other blood loss
August 21, 2004 - Limited evidence supports some effectiveness for adding email in terms of weight loss, diabetes care
June 01, 2011 - BRIDGE-Wiz and National Guideline Panels:
– Obstructive Sleep Apnea (AAP) Nov 6-7, 2011
– Sudden Hearing Loss … engine/"EPIC-speak”
• Next Steps
– Complete rules programming for guidelines to screen for hearing loss … Tools to Take CDS
to a National Scale
• Building Better Guidelines: AAP OSA, AAO Sudden
Hearing Loss
January 01, 2007 - With loss of the transplant, the higher level of maintenance expenses
supporting the return to dialysis … K – 3.0 mEq/L Arrythmia Unable to report how
much KCl he’s taking
4 11 Dosage Patient None Loss … Yes
5 17 Compliance Patient None Adrenal crisis,
loss of kidney
Preloaded pill box: took … “get a
better creatinine”
10 13 Availability Patient Chronic
graft loss … or not
13 12 Availability Patient Chronic
graft loss
January 01, 2011 - homes: 1) loneliness and isolation; 2) falls; 3) relapse from proven falls-prevention strategies; 4) loss … addressing the issues of: loneliness and isolation; falls; relapse from proven falls prevention strategies; loss
January 01, 2011 - referrals; diagnosis codes; vital signs; text clinical notes pertaining to weight (BMI) and
weight loss … determine: 1) the proportion of overweight or obese patients who are receiving
advice, counseling, weight-loss
March 01, 2007 - Also, Internet problems i.e. loss of connectivity, malfunction of the internet router components.
January 01, 2023 - was separated into distinct phases to match the expected learning curve and to reduce the potential loss
January 01, 2023 - screen for these problems and recommend appropriate treatment options, as even small amounts of weight loss … patient-specific management recommendations for primary care providers, a feature to calculate a weight loss
January 01, 2003 - magnesium), or those with
chronic infection and inflammation, restrictive diets, or extensive blood loss … Age
• Screen annually those with known risk factors, such as extensive menstrual or
other blood loss
January 01, 2011 - homes: 1) loneliness and isolation; 2) falls; 3) relapse from proven
falls-prevention strategies; 4) loss … the issues of: loneliness and isolation;
falls; relapse from proven falls prevention strategies; loss
January 01, 2022 - An unexplained loss of diabetes control is a contextual red flag because it suggests
a change in diet … , activity level or medication adherence may be the reason for the loss of control, all of
which are … should recognize that working the night shift is a “contextual factor” because it is pertinent to loss … and possible loss of health insurance. … script, we deployed a 73 year old USP who visited 50 physicians complaining of unexplained weight loss
January 01, 2023 - Primary Care
This project implemented an electronic health record-based weight loss
January 01, 2012 - homes: 1) loneliness and isolation; 2) falls; 3) relapse from proven falls-prevention strategies; 4) loss … addressing the issues of loneliness and isolation, falls, relapse from proven falls-prevention strategies, loss
January 01, 2012 - homes: 1) loneliness and isolation;2) falls; 3) relapse
from proven falls-prevention strategies; 4) loss … addressing the issues of
loneliness and isolation, falls, relapse from proven falls-prevention strategies, loss
January 01, 2023 - their homes (loneliness and isolation; falls and relapsing from proven falls prevention strategies; loss … resources associated with the time and effort of planning, customization, and training and showed that the loss