September 01, 2020 - Implementing Shared Decisionmaking In Varied Practice Settings
Video of July 15, 2015, Webinar.
YouTube embedded video: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/QzduTV48ZcI
Implementing Shared Decisionmaking In Varied Practice Setting [1 hour, 26 mins, 49 seconds]
September 01, 2020 - The SHARE Approach Essential Steps of Shared Decision Making
Five steps for you and your patients to work together to make the best possible health care decisions.
Step 1: Seek your patient's participation
Communicate that a choice exists and invite your patient to be involved in decisions.
September 01, 2020 - Shared Decisionmaking Tools for Lung Cancer Screening
Video of May 4, 2016, Webinar.
YouTube embedded video: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/agjce7TEDJc
Shared Decision Making Tools for Lung Cancer Screening [1 hr, 22 mins, 46 secs]
September 01, 2020 - Overcoming Barriers to Shared Decisionmaking
Video of May 18, 2015, Webinar.
YouTube embedded video: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/LhkgKejB7dU
Overcoming Barriers to Shared Decisionmaking [1 hour, 29 mins, 50 secs]
September 01, 2020 - Know Your Options
1. What are my treatment options?
2. What are the benefits and harms (risks)?
3. Where can I find more information to help me decide?
Learn about the benefits and risks of your treatment options: https://www.ahrq.gov/patients-consumers/treatmentoptions
Learn about question…
September 01, 2020 - SHARE Approach Workshop Curriculum
Module 4—Putting Shared Decision Making Into Practice: Training Guide
Module Goal/Aim
Module Learning Objectives
Learning Methodology Checklist
Materials Checklist
Instructor Preparation
Module 4 Introduction (3 minutes)
Slide 1. Cover …
September 01, 2020 - SHARE Approach Workshop Curriculum
Module 4—Putting Shared Decision Making Into Practice: Slides
Slide 1. Cover Slide
Slide 2. Module 4 Putting Shared Decision Making Into Practice
Slide 3. Module 4—Purpose
Slide 4. Module 4—Learning objectives
Slide 5. Tool 8—Putting Shared Decision Maki…
September 01, 2020 - SHARE Approach Workshop Curriculum
Module 5—Trainers' Module: Training Guide
Note to Instructors: Trainer's Module is intended for training individuals who will be training other trainers.
Module Goal/Aim
Module Learning Objectives
Learning Methodology Checklist
Materials Checkl…
September 01, 2020 - SHARE Approach Workshop Curriculum
Introduction to Workshop: Training Guide
Learning Objectives
Learning Methodology Checklist
Materials Checklist
Instructor Preparation
Slide 1. Cover Slide
Slide 2. Disclosures
Slide 3. Instructor dis…
September 01, 2020 - SHARE Approach Workshop Curriculum
Module 1—Shared Decision Making and the SHARE Approach: Slides
Slide 1. Cover Slide
Slide 2: Module 1: Shared Decision Making and the SHARE Approach
Slide 3: Module 1—Purpose
Slide 4: Module 1—Learning objectives
Slide 5: Patient and provider perspective…
September 01, 2020 - Have Video 2—the AHRQ SHARE Approach Video (available at: /health-literacy/professional-training/shared-decision
October 03, 2022 - My Medicines List
My Name:
My Allergies:
My Emergency Contact Information:
My medicines, vitamins, herbals, and supplements, as of
Include all prescription and non-prescription medicines. Non-prescription medicines may include vitamins, herbals, supplements, cold or cough medicines, aspiri…
September 20, 2022 - My Medicines List
Page 1 of 3
My Medicines List
My Name: My Allergies: My Emergency Contact Information:
My medicines, vitamins, herbals, and supplements, as of
Include all prescription and non-prescription medicines. Non-prescription medicines may include vitamins, herbals, supplements, cold or co…
interest in patient's questions or concerns
Clinician & Group
Health literacy … help patient remember to take medicines
Clinician & Group
Health literacy … help patient remember to take medicines
Clinician & Group
Health literacy … talked with patient about reason for visit
Clinician & Group
Health literacy
January 01, 2024 - Institute of Medicine (IOM) Committee on Health Literacy. 2004. … Health
Literacy: A Prescription to End Confusion.
http://www.iom.edu/project.asp? … Inadequate functional health literacy among patients at two public
hospitals. … Shame and
health literacy: the unspoken connection. … Development of a brief test to measure functional health literacy.
September 01, 2015 - Low levels of health
literacy can make it difficult for patients to understand instructions provided … Primary Care Practice Facilitation Curriculum MODULE 32 M32-4
https://www.ahrq.gov/health-literacy/ … Universal Precautions Toolkit, Tool 20, Use Health and Literacy Resources in
the Community https:// … AHRQ Health Literacy Universal Precautions Toolkit. … Available at https://www.ahrq.gov/health-literacy/improve/precautions/index.html.
January 01, 2024 - (Organizational Health Literacy). … information (now called Personal Health Literacy). … Tools that positively impact health literacy therefore have potential to improve health outcomes. … This study investigated how inpatient portal use could impact attributes of health literacy. … Identifying the role of inpatient portals to support health literacy: perspectives from patients and
January 01, 2024 - associated with limited health literacy in a sample of older black Americans. … Findings showed that limited health literacy was associated with multiple complex factors. … Recommendations include interventions to incorporate patient health literacy and low-literacy materials … Health literacy has not been well-studied in surgery but likely plays an important role. … Health literacy in surgery.
January 01, 2023 - create a community-focused intervention
aimed at improving Long COVID recognition, increasing
health literacy … UTHSCSA is collaborating with Health Confianza, a
community-wide health literacy nonprofit, to leverage … its
established health literacy curricula and Long COVID
resources to develop new programming tailored … be utilized throughout the
project to engage with community partners regarding the
Long COVID health literacy … dissemination effort and
assess the impact of its initiatives on health literacy
related to Long COVID
September 01, 2019 - decision aid, which incorporates AHRQ’s Making Informed Consent an Informed Choice guide, Health Literacy … The team incorporated plain language, teach-back concepts, and criteria in AHRQ’s Health Literacy Universal … Studies
Impact Case Study Identifier:
AHRQ Product(s):
Health Literacy … Assessment Tool (PEMAT)
Education: Patient and Caregiver,
Health Literacy