April 01, 2023 - of patients’ antenatal care
and psychosocial needs; no or limited information
technology; patient literacy
May 15, 2023 - residence or geographic region
• Cultural identity, religiosity, spirituality
• Language proficiency, Literacy … algorithms are used in
► How race and ethnicity interacts
with health and healthcare
• Literacy
October 29, 2020 - effectiveness of available apps to include, but not limited to:
• Accessibility including ease of use, health literacy
July 09, 2014 - improving care for all patients (such as
patient-centered care, patient-centered medical home, health literacy … services research concepts that overlap with cultural competence
Care / Health Literacy … access problems due to finance/insurance coverage issue
(such as Medicare/Medicaid), and general health literacy
November 07, 2019 - Social risk factors include low
socioeconomic status, low health literacy, social isolation, community … peer support)
Social determinants of health-related interventions (e.g.,
transportation, health literacy … Health"[Mesh]) OR
"Social Isolation"[Mesh]) OR "Poverty"[Mesh]) OR "Educational Status"[Mesh]) OR
September 01, 2011 - promote the dissemination of findings from this review should consider the great
variability in health literacy … in clinical settings by disseminating
information to patients and providers, and promoting health literacy
July 08, 2021 - gender, race, education, income, access
to high-speed internet and advanced technology, and health literacy … services to low income racial minorities with limited
access to high speed internet and low health literacy
September 20, 2021 - However, telehealth could also widen disparities due to the differences in internet access and digital literacy … Health literacy, vulnerable patients, and health information technology use: where do we go from here
June 21, 2021 - However, telehealth could also widen disparities due to the differences in internet access and
digital literacy … Health literacy, vulnerable patients, and health information
technology use: where do we go from here
October 30, 2012 - but requires staff for
supervision and data entry and can be difficult for
respondents with limited literacy … Outcome Definition and Measurement
literacy. … hence understood by a respondent,
how the question is presented, the population
being assessed, the literacy
June 01, 2012 - The studies also mentioned low computer literacy
in patients and clinicians, and insufficient basic
January 01, 2014 - Socioeconomic status
Health insurance status
Educational level
Health literacy … Age, sex, race and ethnicity, socioeconomic status, health insurance status, education
level, health literacy
April 28, 2022 - gender, race, education, income, access
to high-speed internet and advanced technology, and health literacy … services to low income racial minorities with limited
access to high speed internet and low health literacy
April 11, 2011 - damage
Mental health status, depression, anxiety
Other factors such as language requirements or literacy
September 22, 2014 - mechanisms
• Adding patient-centered communication that is appropriate for culture and level of
health literacy … improved clinician skills for appropriate
antibiotic use (e.g., communication appropriate for patients’ literacy
December 10, 2021 - Health literacy,
vulnerable patients, and health information
technology use: where do we go from here … use of telehealth could also widen disparities due to the differences in internet
access and digital literacy … • Internet access and digital literacy were reported barriers to use of web-based meeting
platforms … Participants reported challenges with accessing a virtual platform (i.e., lack of internet
access, digital illiteracy … Health literacy,
vulnerable patients, and health
information technology use: where
do we go from here
June 01, 2015 - • Determine the impact of patient literacy (or the case manager’s ability to address patient
literacy … effectiveness of
3.56 22%
52 Studies to determine the impact of patient literacy … (or the case manager’s ability to address patient
literacy) on effectiveness of CM.
3.44 22%
April 11, 2011 - damage
• Mental health status, depression, anxiety
• Other factors such as language requirements or literacy
May 31, 2023 - please mention with health care innovations the importance of
addressing the digital and health care literacy