June 01, 2020 - categorization of barriers includes access to care, insurance
coverage, patient/provider knowledge, health literacy … Other barriers
Access to care
Healthcare literacy
July 31, 2012 - patients and clinicians of all races and ethnicities and all levels of income, insurance coverage, and literacy … characteristics
Age group
Gender (or sex)
Race and/or ethnicity
Health literacy … dissemination, uncertainty) and may include the following:
For our review of communication techniques:
Literacy … supports
Type of media, mode, or channel
For our review of techniques for communicating uncertainty:
July 31, 2012 - patients and clinicians of all races and ethnicities and all levels of income,
insurance coverage, and literacy … characteristics • Age group
• Gender (or sex)
• Education
• Race and/or ethnicity
• Income
• Health literacy … dissemination,
uncertainty) and may include the following:
For our review of communication techniques:
• Literacy … • Type of media, mode, or channel
For our review of techniques for communicating uncertainty:
• Literacy
December 23, 2014 - Current Page Topic Timeline Apr. 19, 2013 Topic Initiated Nov. 12, 2013 Research Protocol Dec. 23, 2014 Systematic Review Apr. 24, 2015 Disposition of Comments Report Decision Aids for Cancer Screening and Treatment
Systematic Review Archived December 23, 2014 Web Version [NLM Site] Download Main Document PDF 1.1 …
June 01, 2022 - Barriers from provider perspective: no or limited IT (information
technology) literacy of patient
June 05, 2014 - Race or ethnicity and socioeconomic considerations including literacy, educational levels, and household … adults (≥65 years]); race or ethnicity; socioeconomic status (e.g., family income, education level, literacy … adults [≥65 years]); race or ethnicity; socioeconomic status (e.g., family income, education level, literacy … Association of health literacy with diabetes outcomes. JAMA. 2002;288(4):475-82.
January 06, 2017 - The question is health information literacy should be discussed, institutions
and academia speak with … There is basic literacy and
then there’s health literacy. … some people who may be really do understand their disease and how to manage
it but they may have low literacy
November 11, 2015 - We looked at
same question per health literacy and it is about twenty-‐fivepercent of the variation
November 11, 2015 - The first major factor is the issue of education
January 01, 2021 - ankle, or elbow
Consider patient characteristics (e.g., sex,
age, race, education level, health literacy … ankle, or elbow)
Consider patient characteristics (e.g., sex,
age, race, education level, health literacy
January 01, 2021 - ankle, or elbow
Consider patient characteristics (e.g., sex,
age, race, education level, health literacy … ankle, or elbow)
Consider patient characteristics (e.g., sex,
age, race, education level, health literacy
June 01, 2013 - All teams were required to use the AHRQ Health Literacy
report, but had a choice to couple content from … the Health Literacy report with either information
in the AHRQ Otitis Media report or the AHRQ Screening
February 01, 2023 - Cardiovascular health literacy and patient-physician
communication intervention in women from
disadvantaged … Health Literacy
and Outcomes of a Community-Based Self-Help
Intervention: A Case of Korean Americans … A
Cardiovascular Health Intervention for Spanish
Speakers: The Health Literacy and ESL Curriculum. … interventions
resulted in
improvements in at
least some aspect of
health literacy in
15/22 studies … Establishing the efficacy of interventions to improve health literacy and
health behaviours: a systematic
December 04, 2019 - Social risk factors include low socioeconomic status, low health literacy, social isolation, community … Social determinants of health-related interventions (e.g., transportation, health literacy, housing support … Health"[Mesh]) OR "Social Isolation"[Mesh]) OR "Poverty"[Mesh]) OR "Educational Status"[Mesh]) OR "Literacy
November 21, 2016 - Despite these advances, women
over 50 living with HIV face challenges in health
literacy that can interfere … Further information should be
included in the brief on the importance of health
literacy for the woman … following to the end of the
background section:
Education efforts are required to improve the
health literacy
June 05, 2014 - Race or
ethnicity and socioeconomic considerations including literacy, educational levels, and household … adults (≥65 years]); race or ethnicity; socioeconomic status (e.g., family
income, education level, literacy … adults
[≥65 years]); race or ethnicity; socioeconomic status (e.g., family income, education level,
literacy … Association of health literacy with diabetes
outcomes. JAMA. 2002;288(4):475-82.
November 11, 2015 - At the individual level, beliefs about the patient’s role, health
literacy, and
November 11, 2015 - And so that’s where the overlap among literacy and language and
culture becomes a little bit