December 01, 2019 - Race or ethnicity and socioeconomic considerations including literacy, educational levels, and household … adults (≥65 years]); race or ethnicity; socioeconomic status (e.g., family income, education level, literacy … adults [≥65 years]); race or ethnicity; socioeconomic status (e.g., family income, education level, literacy … Association of health literacy with diabetes outcomes. JAMA. 2002;288(4):475-82.
July 31, 2012 - patients and clinicians of all races and ethnicities and all levels of income,
insurance coverage, and literacy … characteristics • Age group
• Gender (or sex)
• Education
• Race and/or ethnicity
• Income
• Health literacy … dissemination,
uncertainty) and may include the following:
For our review of communication techniques:
• Literacy … • Type of media, mode, or channel
For our review of techniques for communicating uncertainty:
• Literacy
February 05, 2025 - Race/ethnicity
- Disabilities
- Immigration status
- Insurance status
- Health and digital literacy … status, insurance status/type (mental health coverage),
families with low health or limited digital literacy
March 01, 2022 - • Studies to understand the role of patient health
behaviors, such as self-efficacy, health literacy … Studies should report asthma severity, comorbidity,
and socioeconomic factors and examine how
patient literacy … /health literacy, cultural competence
of (AS-ME) educators/providers, and social
determinants of health … population barriers, including insurance, access,
age, rural location, income, language, health
June 01, 2022 - Barriers from provider perspective: no or limited IT (information
technology) literacy of patient
January 06, 2017 - The question is health information literacy should be discussed, institutions
and academia speak with … There is basic literacy and
then there’s health literacy. … some people who may be really do understand their disease and how to manage
it but they may have low literacy
November 11, 2015 - The first major factor is the issue of education
November 11, 2015 - We looked at
same question per health literacy and it is about twenty-‐fivepercent of the variation
June 01, 2013 - All teams were required to use the AHRQ Health Literacy
report, but had a choice to couple content from … the Health Literacy report with either information
in the AHRQ Otitis Media report or the AHRQ Screening
November 21, 2016 - Despite these advances, women
over 50 living with HIV face challenges in health
literacy that can interfere … Further information should be
included in the brief on the importance of health
literacy for the woman … following to the end of the
background section:
Education efforts are required to improve the
health literacy
June 05, 2014 - Race or
ethnicity and socioeconomic considerations including literacy, educational levels, and household … adults (≥65 years]); race or ethnicity; socioeconomic status (e.g., family
income, education level, literacy … adults
[≥65 years]); race or ethnicity; socioeconomic status (e.g., family income, education level,
literacy … Association of health literacy with diabetes
outcomes. JAMA. 2002;288(4):475-82.
November 11, 2015 - And so that’s where the overlap among literacy and language and
culture becomes a little bit
November 11, 2015 - At the individual level, beliefs about the patient’s role, health
literacy, and
April 01, 2023 - of patients’ antenatal care
and psychosocial needs; no or limited information
technology; patient literacy
February 01, 2025 - We added English proficiency and health literacy to patient characteristics in key question 6a and added … pubertal changes and use of oral contraceptives), racial/ethnic minority, English proficiency, health literacy
May 15, 2023 - residence or geographic region
• Cultural identity, religiosity, spirituality
• Language proficiency, Literacy … algorithms are used in
► How race and ethnicity interacts
with health and healthcare
• Literacy
May 01, 2020 - Social risk factors include low socioeconomic status, low health literacy, social isolation, community … Social determinants of health-related interventions (e.g., transportation, health literacy, housing support … Health"[Mesh]) OR "Social Isolation"[Mesh]) OR "Poverty"[Mesh]) OR "Educational Status"[Mesh]) OR "Literacy
July 09, 2014 - improving care for all patients (such as
patient-centered care, patient-centered medical home, health literacy … services research concepts that overlap with cultural competence
Care / Health Literacy … access problems due to finance/insurance coverage issue
(such as Medicare/Medicaid), and general health literacy
January 31, 2023 - We added LGBTQ+ status, English proficiency and health literacy to
patient characteristics in key question … oral contraceptives), racial/ethnic minority, LGBTQ+ status, English proficiency, health
November 07, 2019 - Social risk factors include low
socioeconomic status, low health literacy, social isolation, community … peer support)
Social determinants of health-related interventions (e.g.,
transportation, health literacy … Health"[Mesh]) OR
"Social Isolation"[Mesh]) OR "Poverty"[Mesh]) OR "Educational Status"[Mesh]) OR