April 01, 2017 - AHRQ’s and other HHS investments have led to central line-associated blood stream infections declining … AHRQ’s support led to doctors developing the ImproveCareNow Enhanced Registries Project, the world’s … The substantial growth and interest led Congress to enact the "Expanding Capacity for Health Outcomes … invaluable in tracking progress in the Partnership for Patients, a Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services-led
January 01, 2024 - Between 1990 and 2000, AHRQ’s primary care research portfolio has:
Led to over 1000 publications on … Guide for running a practice facilitation program
Produced EvidenceNOW's curated Tools for Change
August 01, 2017 - This program led to a significant increase in the number of behavioral health
practitioners with cultural … 6.K-4
Moreover, CIGNA found that its efforts
to increase the diversity of its
practitioner pool led … This diabetes education program led
to improved disease control among participants, increased patient … The strategies have
led to more complete and accurate collection of enrollee information, along with … (The Ethical Force Program™ was a collaborative
project led by the Institute for Ethics at the American
April 01, 2015 - care processes were
more comprehensive and efficient after formal transformation activities, which led … that having
the authority to make decisions empowered
them to be more involved in patient care
and led
November 01, 2020 - Support groups may or may not be led by experts. … Self-help groups are similar to support groups but usually are led by the participants.
March 01, 2020 - Programs in Independent Primary Care Practices ....................... 24
Readmission Reduction Efforts Led … Med
Care 2012;50(1):50-
• A physician-led health
care system in
Pennsylvania. … Finally, the last set of articles examines care coordination interventions led
by payers.
19 … Similarly, a pre-post analysis by Farrell, evaluated a transition management intervention
led by care … • North Carolina,
program for
PCMH for
January 29, 2021 - Other key
factors in success were a well-formed collaborative team led by a
dedicated physician and … Senior IT
engineers and the chief medical informatics officer supported this work and led the Epic template
December 09, 2015 - Followup visits for HbA1c testing is notoriously unreliable, and poor HbA1c
control has led to serious
July 01, 2022 - References
Combined reference list (PDF, 351 KB)
Project Team
This project was led … MedStar Health Research Institute, Baylor College of Medicine, Clinical Directors Network, National Nurse-Led
November 01, 2020 - Alastair McGregor
Patient and Clinician Videos
A close call with blood pressure medicine led
April 01, 2015 - This led to the development of trust between partners statewide, which was critical to the program's … The relationships built from this project led to the development of a State Innovation Model grant through … PA SPREAD also led to the formation of a national advisory group.
January 01, 2024 - This led Dr. … This led to significant declines in inappropriate antibiotic and diagnostic test ordering.
February 01, 2022 - AHRQ's Developing and Running a Primary Care Practice Facilitation Program: A How-To Guide—an effort led … by much of the same team that led the development of this curriculum.
February 01, 2021 - Each ACTION 4 partnership is led by a prime organization. … Each of the 14 ACTION 4 partnerships is led by a prime organization and is composed of diverse member
June 01, 2021 - A problem that almost led to patient or resident harm is called a “near-miss.” … consider the resident’s poor outcome, which was an allergic reaction to amoxicillin/clavulanic acid which led … Has the policy led to unintended consequences? … results of diagnostic tests are not available when the time out is performed at around 48 hours, has that led
February 01, 2021 - Fall Prevention Toolkit
The research team led by Drs. … Fall TIPS is a nurse-led, evidence-based fall prevention intervention that uses bedside tools to communicate
April 01, 2015 - Implementation efforts
within each clinic were led by a two-person team, including a medical director … In addition, changes in leadership led to changes in understanding of transformation efforts and
September 01, 2022 - Led by Dr. … Led by Dr.
June 01, 2018 - Based on this study, researchers estimated that preventable errors in hospital care led to 180,000 deaths … An asthma program in Boston has led to an 86-percent reduction in hospital visits and 79-percent reduction … In 1992, asthma led to 468,000 hospitalizations in the United States and an annual cost of $6.2 billion … The use of NIH guidelines has led to a 100-percent increase in the use of a drug to prevent death among … days of the initial therapy, was associated with a reduced rate of adverse drug reactions (ADRs), and led
October 01, 2014 - RTI International in Research Triangle Park, N.C., and Consumers Advancing Patient Safety, a consumer-led … RTI International in Research Triangle Park, N.C., and Consumers Advancing Patient Safety, a consumer-led