
Total Results: 2,238 records

Showing results for "led".

    May 05, 2008 - brief summary of the resulting policy agenda, and a discussion of how and why the Commission’s process led … It led to tight project management of parallel and iterative processes, affected development of the
    March 15, 2008 - presentations at physician leadership and management meetings, individual physician discussions, and workshops led … This community engagement, led by formal and informal leaders, was evidenced by the measure of penetration
    January 01, 2003 - pressure to satisfy patient desires for painless, stress-free care for all types of procedures has led … Accident and emergency department led implementation of ketamine sedation in pediatric practice and
    January 01, 2004 - This led to an informed pre- and post-evaluation of an implemented information technology (IT) solution … , analysis, and validation Focus groups and key informant interviews Focus group sessions were led
    November 01, 2015 - It is the Fluoroquinolones that have led to this upsurge in C. diff , many people think, especially … of restriction dramatically declined the use of Septra-axon as you see in the olid green, but also led
  6. Rafael Borja (doc file)
    September 09, 2014 - It is the Fluoroquinolones that have led to this upsurge in C. diff, many people think, especially the … of restriction dramatically declined the use of Septra-axon as you see in the solid green, but also led
    December 01, 2017 - Mistakes have led to positive changes here. … We're actively doing things to improve patient safety, but have mistakes actually led to positive changes
  8. Paul Tedrick (doc file)
    October 08, 2013 - Mistakes have led to positive changes here. … We're actively doing things to improve patient safety, but have mistakes actually led to positive changes
    January 01, 2024 - This networking led us to begin working with Tim Bickmore, PhD, who works with “Embodied Conversational … paperwork Include section on discharge plan with details of significant psychosocial issues that have led
    January 01, 2010 - early 2000, just 60 days after the IOM report was published, the Federal Government, through an AHRQ-led … The health IT portfolio led to 200 projects that are currently distributed across 48 States and included … Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education in 2003 and that the long shifts medical interns worked led … Additional funding led 10 to the creation of a virtual nurse discharge advocate and a version of
    May 01, 2017 - turn led to safety issues. … A fortunate coincidence led to another policy change. … This type of disconnect led to unhappy patients and unhappy physicians. … The Program also led to demonstrable improvements in staff engagement. … Flexible implementation led by local staff.
    May 01, 2017 - turn led to safety issues. … A fortunate coincidence led to another policy change. … This type of disconnect led to unhappy patients and unhappy physicians. … The Program also led to demonstrable improvements in staff engagement. … Flexible implementation led by local staff.
    September 01, 2022 - Patients often are unable to recall the specific symptoms that led to the diagnosis of the penicillin … to antibiotics like penicillin have had prior exposure to the agent causing the reaction, which has led … Rashes that were blistering or led to skin peeling and/or involved mucous membranes suggest a Stevens-Johnson-like
    September 01, 2012 - The award made visible the results of a complex journey led by a gifted team of nurses and physicians … CLABSI Elimination Process In July 2004, the Keystone Team led the implementation of the CLABSI insertion … Surviving Sepsis Campaign's guidelines for bringing down the very high mortality rates from sepsis, and led
    July 01, 2018 - Process measures are supported by evidence that the clinical process—that is the focus of the measure—has led … Population process measures are supported by evidence that the process—that is the focus of the measure—has led
    May 27, 2008 - upgrades have lead to missing17 or false laboratory information18; programming mistakes have similarly led … decision support19; and 1 computerized provider order entry, the ”Holy Grail” of safety efforts, has led … to new forms of failure.20, 21, 22, 23 These problems have led to a small but slowly growing realization … had performed as designed, 3 but the design had not anticipated the set of circumstances that led
    June 01, 2015 - medical home transformation and/or delivery of new preventive services, States supplemented expert-led … participated in one round of Maine’s learning collaborative—to learn with and from each other in expert-led … This strategy was one of several used by Maine that ultimately led to an increase of 11.1 percentage … Practices placed a particularly high value on learning collaboratives led by respected physicians and
    April 01, 2019 - An initiative around opioids stewardship, for example, led to new tools being developed to help both … By bringing diverse staff members together, the collaborative structure also has led to rapid improvements
    January 01, 2019 - Hospital-Acquired Conditions showed continued progress in improving patient safety, a signal that initiatives led
    November 01, 2014 - physician-owned until recently, when changes to reimbursement, competition, and other market dynamics led … Funding and Payers Many factors have led purchasers in the State market to put more pressure on providers … Each RCI event is led by a facilitator, who is a member of the process improvement staff group. … This improvement in procedures led to staff having the tools they need to do their job well, in turn … This led some interviewees to question the motivations of leadership. Other projects.

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