June 13, 2013 - Community Forum description
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s initiative called Community Forum
Led … is part of a three-year project, funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and led
July 18, 2017 - Repeat biopsy led to a diagnosis in 80 percent of patients who had initially nondiagnostic biopsy results … Allowing for multiple retreatments led to a more comparable efficacy rate for TA.
January 01, 2000 - Criteria for a Narrow Research Question
Here is an example of a research question that, by its nature, led … : Implications of a Question That Requires Narrow Criteria
In a real review, these narrow criteria led
July 01, 2017 - .
�– Repeat biopsy led to a diagnosis in 80 percent of
patients who had initially nondiagnostic biopsy … Allowing for multiple retreatments led to a
more comparable efficacy rate for TA.
April 01, 2012 - Compared with placebo,
leflunomide led to higher rates of withdrawals
because of adverse events, diarrhea … INSUFFICIENT
Compared with placebo, adalimumab, etanercept,
golimumab, and infliximab led to greater
March 28, 2016 - $ARB$irbesartan$and$found$aliskiren$treatment$led$to$a$
60%$decrease$in$PRA$from$baseline,$whereas$ … $ARB$irbesartan$
decrease$in$PRA$from$baseline,$whereas … &ACEI&or&ARB)& treatment$led$to$a$similar$number$of$adverse$
$ events$and$serious$adverse$events.$& … $Aliskiren$treatment$led$to$a$60%$decrease$in$
PRA$from$baseline,$whereas$irbesartan$increased$PRA$by … $ARB$irbesartan$and$
April 01, 2015 - Based on the Dersimonian-Laird (DL) method, using the change score versus the
followup score led to … Using the Knapp-Hartung modification of random effect
estimate led to most (10) meta-analyses showing … active intervention versus control or usual care, using
the change score versus the followup score led … Based on the DL method, using change score versus followup score led to 5 out of the 63
meta-analysis … Using ML method led to
discrepancy in conclusions in six meta-analyses and the impact of change score
January 01, 2010 - for pushing
• Hyaluronidase injection in cervix
During labor:
• Early labor assessment
• Midwife-led … A midwife-led unit for
birth did not reduce use of cesarean when compared
with a normal unit and special … Four of eight studies found
that its use led to a significant reduction, ranging from
12 to 20 percent … Inconsistent Direct Imprecise Insufficient; 2 fair-quality
studies with conflicting
December 01, 2017 - following BT (low SOE), but concerns about the
magnitude of the effect and directness of the findings led
November 01, 2021 - More intensive rehabilitation led to similar outcomes of strength
among rehabilitation programs delivered
November 01, 2021 - More intensive rehabilitation led to similar outcomes of strength
among rehabilitation programs delivered
February 01, 2023 - A
Community Health Worker-Led
Intervention to Improve Blood Pressure
Control in an Immigrant Community … Effectiveness of a Nurse-Led
Multidisciplinary Intervention vs Usual Care
on Advance Care Planning … Long-term
Effectiveness of a Peer-Led Asthma Self-
management Program on Asthma Outcomes
in Adolescents … 96.8%, Hispanic
1%, White 3%
System multilevel QI
care process
Pharmacist-led … abuse,
African Americans,
Latino, Asian or
Pacific Islanders,
Native Americans
Interventions led
May 09, 2019 - million elective surgeries were performed in the United States in
2017.1 Although the COVID-19 pandemic led
June 06, 2011 - across multiple disease-related and resource-utilization outcomes.
Another recent review of
nurse-led … Nurse-led case management for ambulatory complex patients
in general health care: a systematic review
January 11, 2011 - across multiple disease-related and resource-utilization outcomes. 5 Another recent review of nurse-led … Nurse-led case management for ambulatory complex patients in general health care: a systematic review
March 29, 2012 - that the impact of adjusting
instrumental variables was small in certain
situations, a result which led … This dilemma
has led many influential epidemiologists to
take a strong position for selecting variables … assignment mechanism and on trying to
reconstruct the hypothetical broken randomized
experiment that led … Selective prescribing led to overestimation of the
benefits of lipid-lowering drugs.
June 01, 2013 - AcademyHealth and the American Institutes for Research led the EBC Challenge for AHRQ's Community Forum
January 01, 2016 - Conclusions
Participation in a behavioral program led to greater
reductions in hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c
January 01, 2020 - diodes (LEDs), providing an alternate visual indication of device status; prior to use, the green LED … is active, switching to a red blinking LED to indicate that the injector has been used.29
Evzio … .16,17,26,37,38 The devices are not intended for laypersons and do not appear to have the audible
instructions, LED
June 01, 2021 - studies,
experience with hospitalized patients, and EMS agency resources and personnel
experience have led