March 01, 2013 - .29,34,40,47-50
TXA at a dose of 1.95 to 4.5 grams per day for 4 to 5 days
from the onset of bleeding led … identified thrombosis, allergic
reactions including anaphylaxis, and visual disturbances.112
This led
January 02, 2024 - discussion (p.45)
regarding post-
Dobbs: Recent
changes in the
post-Dobbs legal
landscape have led … What was the process that led to it? Has it been validated? By whom? By patients
January 01, 2015 - Based on feedback from the technical expert
panel and peer reviewers, regrading of the
evidence led … stratified by specific medication combinations of
interest; a re-analysis of data from this study led … Important Revisions of this section have led to removal of
that sentence in its past form. … We have removed the words not
statistically significant since this wording may
have led to the confusion
January 01, 2013 - We
found that a Comparative Effectiveness Review on such complex interventions led to
conclusions about … We
found that a Comparative Effectiveness Review on such complex interventions led to
conclusions about
June 30, 2016 - virtual chronic care management
by the Department of Veterans
Affairs which found the use of
RPM led … Bill Nelson (D-FL)
and John Thune (R-SD), who in
responding to a group of
healthcare stakeholders led
January 01, 2014 - The
comparisons with specific therapies led to highly
inconsistent results for most outcomes (Figure … trials that used one
specific active control with trials that used another specific
active control led
March 29, 2016 - studies and assumptions regarding
typicality of chest pain, etc. were not
considered appropriate; this led … studies and assumptions regarding
typicality of chest pain, etc. were not
considered appropriate and led
May 01, 2013 - There was low-strength evidence that AP beds
or LAL beds led to similar wound improvement when
compared … This
review, like ours, found some evidence that AF beds led to
reductions in pressure ulcer size and
March 01, 2010 - However, the effectiveness of H-ISDN in unselected populations with HF
led to the following (null) hypotheses
July 01, 2010 - in the mid-1990s11 but remains higher than the rates of
0.5% to 0.8% published in the studies that led
December 20, 2018 - added the following: ‘At the primary outcome time
point of 24 weeks, MTX plus TCZ and TCZ
monotherapy led … In
many cases, high ROB studies have not led to much
differences in the results. … proceedings (such as ACR and EULAR)
published during the past 2-3 years in this review might have
January 01, 2022 - psychiatric/mental illness NA NA NA Individuals with mental health disorders participating in peer led … psychiatric/mental illness NA NA NA Individuals with mental health disorders participating in peer led … psychiatric/mental illness NA NA NA Individuals with mental health disorders participating in peer led … 1/78); RR 23 (95% CI 3.18 to 166) NR NR
Gray 2021 Cognitive/IDD Colorectal cancer screening Peer-led
November 13, 2014 - Concern about these issues has led to clinical guidelines recommending non-pharmacologic interventions
September 13, 2016 - Public comments led to the inclusion of additional subgroups of interest; the inclusion of problem solving
March 31, 2009 - These data have led to speculation that DES may require protracted and possibly indefinite clopidogrel
July 28, 2010 - proteinuria with total and cardiovascular mortality in 1.5 million individuals, a recent consensus conference led
June 01, 2012 - This likening has led to the application of signal detection theory, including the notions of sensitivity
September 01, 2007 - information technology systems such as computerized order
entry and clinical decision support systems have led
September 01, 2007 - information technology systems such as computerized order
entry and clinical decision support systems have led
April 20, 2015 - was the work of Clement McDonald, MD, who
pioneered HIE in Indiana starting in the 1990s.13 The work led