August 24, 2020 - Effectiveness of nurse-led early discharge planning programmes for hospital inpatients with chronic disease
August 01, 2012 - that more specifically reflect the totality of clinical
research in diabetic nephropathy which has led … that more specifically reflect the
totality of clinical research in diabetic nephropathy which has
led … monitoring should better reflect the totality of clinical research
in diabetic nephropathy which has led … evidence of benefit, this
evidence report sought to determine
whether systematic screening for CKD led
January 06, 2017 - organizing because they have
fully committed to this idea of community engagement, which is what's led
July 01, 2012 - In this example, the
reviewers concluded that FFDM and SFM had comparable accuracy and led to comparable
June 11, 2013 - The study further estimated that EC could have led to the 43% decline in total U.S. abortions seen
November 30, 2011 - of Hepatitis C Treatments
During the topic refinement process, discussions with Key Informants led
December 01, 2013 - The study further
estimated that EC could have led to the 43% decline in total U.S. abortions seen
June 01, 2010 - required for
installation of the Globus Toolkit
These health plan questions and policies led
November 08, 2011 - These comments led us to expand the potential range of treatments evaluated in the
October 05, 2010 - in the near future with a goal
of a including this literature base if it is as significant as am
September 01, 2012 - development.5
In the last decade, accumulating evidence
from randomized clinical trials (RCTs)
has led
July 14, 2020 - exercise delivery or rehabilitation, other healthcare professional trained in rehabilitation)
Peer-led … (or patient-led) interventions are eligible if monitored by a professional or other trained individual
June 24, 2022 - NAM2019
Source Tag Recommendations
NAM2019 Data Patient-generated data and community-led registries … Identify RWD sources that are “Fit for Purpose”
NAM2019 Data_source Patient-generated data and community-led
January 27, 2016 - Changed
this sentence to: Our review
of abstracts led to retrieval
and dual assessment of 389
full-text … may be a better choice over
delayed prescribing because it both reduced
overall prescriptions and led … after onset
of symptoms); Inflamed
tonsils; No cough/coryza)
reduced overall prescriptions
and led … terms of
thresholds for antibiotic use, they were
developed for use in adults and use in
children led … impact of this substantial
piece of work
Almost paradoxically, the narrow focus on
RTIs has also led
January 27, 2012 - health care system each year. 13
This substantial public health impact of AF in the United States led … The comments received led to the inclusion of additional subgroups of interest; clarification that we
January 17, 2012 - The comments received led to the following changes in the KQs and analytic framework:
Added peer and … The Health and Recovery Peer (HARP) Program: a peer-led intervention to improve medical self-management
August 31, 2017 - random allocation,
allocation concealment and blinding
(high risk of bias in any of these
domains led … combined with a drug (CBT+ sertraline),
and I do not think the studies
disentangled which aspect
April 18, 2012 - The comments
received led to the following changes in the KQs and analytic framework:
• Added peer … The Health and Recovery Peer (HARP)
Program: a peer-led intervention to improve medical self-management
June 01, 2014 - The Sedasys system is
intended to allow physician-led teams to administer propofol during routine endoscopy … involved in the conduct of the surgical/diagnostic procedure.”6 This
effectively prohibited physician-led … that the switch from
anesthesia professional-administered propofol to propofol given by physician-led
August 07, 2018 - hundreds of subjects have been included in multiple
randomized trials (including some pivotal trials that led … Second, the high rates
of attrition often led to only one usable outcome measure—time to
recurrence … To delve into our
opinions regarding specifics for all
the possible research questions
would have led