October 24, 2019 - review methods, scope, and data presentation make it
difficult to synthesize across reviews and have led
October 24, 2019 - review methods, scope, and data presentation make it
difficult to synthesize across reviews and have led
October 01, 2016 - Behavior
Staff Training Interventions Versus Usual Care
Staff training in interpersonal communication led … unit, immediate (within 24 hours) treatment
with at least one dose of an antipsychotic medication led … In particular, a limited number of risk assessment
interventions subsequently led to less aggressive
March 18, 2014 - Revised for clarity
Peer Reviewer 4 p. 13, line 52 although the study likely referred to “consultant-
led … LiveSTRONG has led discussions regarding what
the essential components of survivorship care
should … systematic review of the literature for the
Technical Brief...” since models might include
nurse-led … , physician-led, shared cared, the
patient-centered medical home, and
individual/group counseling models … missed two
important studies which should be included in the
tables under the category “Physician led
May 01, 2014 - address the
possible overuse of echocardiography due to patterns of health
care practice, a task force led … Recent changes in reimbursement policy appear to have
reduced total allowed charges but have not led
August 01, 2013 - Small sample sizes led
to these studies being considered imprecise. … Overall, little evidence was found to suggest that the
therapies led to improvements over placebo on
January 01, 2010 - Many other studies reporting c-section rates that were
included in the Cochrane review of midwife-led … care
with midwifery care – the intervention is different schemes of
organizing care (e.g. midwife-led … vs physician-led or shared
caseload). … no attempt in this study to look at VBACs rated to outcomes,
safety or guideline evidence that has led
May 01, 2014 - Controversies surrounding ME/CFS have led to wide variations in the clinical management of patients,
June 23, 2010 - These health plan questions and policies led to extended technical discussions between the health plans
November 08, 2011 - These comments led us to expand the potential range of treatments evaluated in the review.
November 30, 2011 - Review of Hepatitis C Treatments
During the topic refinement process, discussions with Key Informants led
May 01, 2014 - Controversies surrounding ME/CFS have
led to wide variations in the clinical management of patients,
September 11, 2012 - Dee Simons Discussion N/A NA
Peer Reviewer #8 Conclusions Add management to “pharmacist-led hypertension … The
criteria that led to a determination of high risk of
bias included: no information on allocation
April 01, 2013 - This paucity of information led us to conclude that the
evidence was insufficient to support their efficacy … intervention.29 Immediate debriefing (within
10 hours) compared with late debriefing (after 48 hours)
January 01, 2024 - Healthy Environments and Response to Trauma in Schools
Yes Yes Yes Yes Unclear Yes
Nurse-Led … school or GED classes, crisis services)
The clinic held weekly team meetings and regular in-services led … important to
provide for translating TIC approaches across settings, TIC’s lack of specificity has led … Nurse-
Led Trauma-Informed
Correctional Care for Women:
Nurse-Led Trauma-Informed
Correctional Care
October 19, 2016 - Healthcare
General The High Value Healthcare Collaborative (HVHC) is a
provider-led … e-prescribing, medication safety, transitions from
hospital to the ambulatory setting, and pharmacist-led … We have added recommendations
and citations as far as the data have led us.
September 01, 2011 - cost-effectiveness of TMS as
observed in the recently published results of the clinical registration
studies that led … NIMH General The recent NIMH-funded multisite trial led by Mark George
established the efficacy of daily … This led George et
al. to devote much of the first year of their trial to developing a more
January 01, 2016 - Our review of abstracts led to retrieval
and dual assessment of 389 full-text articles. … detailing (face-to-face education specific to the provider’s
profile) (N = 3 observational studies) led … antibiotic prescribing, but the
thresholds were developed for use in adults and their use
in children led
May 01, 2012 - evidence of
improved disease-free survival with higher
doses of conventional prostate radiation
has led
September 21, 2021 - review methods, scope, and data presentation make it difficult to synthesize across reviews and have led