November 15, 2011 - These
findings led to the development of whole body vibration therapy in human
February 01, 2011 - Studies amassing over the past
decade have led to a number of clinical and policy changes
November 01, 2022 - Only 4 of these CEDs led to a NCD for continued coverage, and 2 CEDs led to
coverage revocation and … Perceived need to reflect best
practices for understanding
heterogeneity in treatment
effectiveness led … Led by the guiding questions, we then addressed the key questions that were posed by
AHRQ on behalf
January 01, 2023 - Although most approaches to assessing primary care spending start by
stating a definition, this has led
February 14, 2020 - review methods, scope, and data presentation make it difficult to synthesize across reviews and have led
October 01, 2019 - A draft of this product was presented to stakeholders for feedback which led to modifications
and enhancement
March 28, 2019 - acute treatment with SNRIs (duloxetine and
venlafaxine), but not SSRIs (escitalopram and fluoxetine), led … It would be helpful to note the specific studies
that led to this modification to the Beers Criteria … . 33, the bottom of the 1st paragraph under Age, notes that
“commonly reported adverse events that led
March 28, 2019 - acute treatment with SNRIs (duloxetine and
venlafaxine), but not SSRIs (escitalopram and fluoxetine), led … It would be helpful to note the specific studies
that led to this modification to the Beers Criteria … . 33, the bottom of the 1st paragraph under Age, notes that
“commonly reported adverse events that led
September 01, 2018 - During that process, she led the development of a comprehensive list of local
resources, by county and … Jonas led the implementation and quality improvement efforts and is directing the current
July 01, 2016 - GET and
CBT led to similar improvement in measures of function
but mixed results on other outcomes.57,73,74,76,79,89 … Nurse led,
home based self help treatment for patients in primary care with
chronic fatigue syndrome:
December 11, 2018 - changes that occur with chronic pain,
combined with its psychological and cognitive impacts, have led … Rationale for Evidence Review Update
Requirements in the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act led
January 01, 2007 - reduction
of 0.55 (95-percent CI, –1.4-0.36; P = 0.23) points
on HAM-D compared with paroxetine; paroxetine
led … In most studies, sertraline led to higher rates of
diarrhea than comparator drugs (bupropion,
citalopram … Mirtazapine led to higher weight gains than
comparator drugs (fluoxetine, paroxetine,
venlafaxine, and
August 18, 2023 - Post-COVID-19 syndrome: improvements
in health-related quality of life following
psychology-led … Establishing a
post-acute COVID-19 AHP led rehabilitation
clinic. … , 202115 Primary Care Wellbeing Service,
Bradford District Care NHS
Foundation Trust
Psychology-led … referrals are a mix of self-
referral, referral from the center for
post-COVID care that is primary
care-led … If patients
are referred from the center for post-
COVID care (largely PCP-led), they
work collaboratively
September 01, 2011 - Changes in
the definition of JIA (e.g., JRA, JCA) may have
led to the inclusion in studies of individuals
January 01, 2014 - weaknesses with this approach are that it is not possible
to determine if the change in management led … However, it is
not possible to say whether the changes led to benefit or
harm for patients because, … Third, one must make a determination as to
whether the testing led to changes in care sufficiently
December 01, 2014 - The Sedasys sedation system is intended to allow teams led
by physicians who are not anesthesiologists … involved in the conduct of the surgical/diagnostic procedure.”6 This
effectively prohibited physician-led … fact, the switch from anesthesia professional–administered
propofol to propofol given by physician-led
February 01, 2012 - The interviews also led to the development of several potential objectives for a registry of
patient … , it is useful to
compare and contrast the drivers of such a listing registry to the drivers that led … As described further below, these actions
have successfully led to large increases in the listing of
July 05, 2011 - in
Europe is, in fact, primarily in the purview of
obstetricians, whereas its development has been led … Open fetal surgery has been led both
in Europe as well as in the US by pediatric surgeons. … Endoscopic Fetal Surgery has been led by Maternal-
Fetal Medicine Specialists.
July 11, 2022 - contributors to maternal death.1
The coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) disrupted traditional medical care and led
August 01, 2013 - recidivism.14
High rates of incarceration and recidivism along with
insufficient treatment options have led … However, based
on the available evidence, we cannot determine whether
increased service use led to