
Total Results: 628 records

Showing results for "led".

    July 21, 2014 - o Psychological or behavioral: format (e.g., individual or group, therapist-led … The efficacy of self-help group treatment and therapist-led group treatment for binge eating disorder … Group cognitive-behavioral treatment of binge eating disorder: a comparison of therapist-led versus … Self-help versus therapist-led group cognitive-behavioral treatment of binge eating disorder at follow-up
    December 01, 2018 - -based randomized, open-label study22 (n≈200) will examine the effectiveness of nurse-led patient navigation … The role of the nurse-led patient navigation is not well-defined in this study, but is generally to … clinically suspicious or biopsy-proven, early stage non- small-cell lung cancer Intervention: Nurse-led … -based randomized, open-label study22 (n≈200) will examine the effectiveness of nurse-led patient navigation
    March 01, 2021 - Comment: There was a lot of junk, but this is a complex topic, so I think fewer citations would have led … This led to a variety of approaches, which affected the quantitative results. … addition, the peer review process, while ensuring the searches were of comparable quality, may have led … This led to some outliers in the results. … Overall, we found that these methods were slightly less sensitive, but led to a reduction in time spent
    February 01, 2009 - warnings concerning conventional APMs and ventricular arrhythmias,36 any residual confounding may have led … misclassification (e.g., worse adherence with conventional APMs, as has been found)44 again may have led
    March 01, 2014 - 8 different systematic reviews used as case examples— consultation, collaboration, and publically led—only … - user-led or collaborative studies with users were more likely to include users throughout the research … Information not found Potential beneficial effect on the relevance and usefulness of the reviews; led … Two evaluations were distributed: one that was CCNet-led and the other was led by an external consultant … than consensus development:- Little acknowledgement of the increasing amount of high quality user-led
    January 01, 2013 - was brimonidine/timolol, but the latter was associated with more conjunctival hyperemia.18 FCs led … TTFC alone Efficacy: Addition of brinzolamide led to a greater decrease in IOP than TTFC alone Safety … Compared with timolol Mt, latanoprost/timolol FC led to a greater IOP reduction than bimatoprost/timolol … comorbidities, exclusion criteria) Intervention/comparison Outcomes Findings and conclusions Safety: FCs led
    November 01, 2014 - however, medications are not used appropriately.1-3 In the United States in 2001, adverse drug events led … Numerous studies had methods problems that led us to rate them as having a medium or high risk of bias … In a few instances, described below, the evidence led us to conclude with a low strength of evidence … medication review component in detail. 24 Our approach may have been overly inclusive because it led … This decision led us to include interventions described as “pharmaceutical care,” which were generally
    June 01, 2022 - visits during COVID-19 with in-person visits pre-pandemic accounted for other factors that may have led
    February 01, 2023 - However, inconsistently defined interventions led to uncertainty about their effectiveness. … medication and care plans, behavioral skills training, and group-based counseling, including peer-led … assistants intended to improve medication adherence among Hispanic patients.74 Finally, a pharmacist-led … Interprofessional Collaboration to Improve Patient Outcomes: A Caring and Social Approach to Integrated Nurse-Led … An Effectiveness Evaluation of a Primary Care-Embedded Clinical Pharmacist-Led Intervention Among Blacks
  10. Layout 1 (pdf file)
    December 01, 2011 - • Mirtazapine led to higher weight gains than comparator drugs. … • Sertraline led to higher rates of diarrhea than comparator drugs (bupropion, citalopram, fluoxetine … second-generation antidepressants (fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, nefazodone, and sertraline), paroxetine frequently led
    May 29, 2013 - This has led many clinicians, and recent PAD guidelines, to consider open bypass a superior strategy … considerable discussion with AHRQ, the recommendation was to remain consistent across KQ section and this led … considerable discussion with AHRQ, the recommendation was to remain consistent across KQ section and this led
    January 01, 2023 - PBI versus WBI, more than three-fold the number of patients who participated in clinical trials that led
  13. Appendixes A-E (pdf file)
    January 01, 2024 - Pharmacist-led medication management program within a patient-centered medical home. … Home-based social worker-led case management + website (SWCM+website): in-home and phone- based case … Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System; SD = standard deviation; SWCM = social worker-led … and inappropriate sexual behaviors) Person-centered planning: an individual service planning team led … An integrative review of nurse-led community-based case management effectiveness.
    December 01, 2023 - Pilot for Nurse-Led, Interprofessional In-Service Training on Trauma-Informed Perinatal Care. … Facilitate empowerment and collaboration Nurse-Led Model of Trauma- Informed Care (The Four E’s)84 … to improve Educationally Related Mental Health Services, and wellness support for staff83 Nurse-Led … Healthy Environments and Response to Trauma in Schools (HEARTS)83 Yes Yes Yes Yes Unclear Yes Nurse-Led … Nurse-Led Trauma-Informed Correctional Care for Women: Nurse-Led Trauma- Informed Correctional Care for
    October 01, 2011 - The ideas generated through this effort led to the development of a request for applications (RFA). … CAC support has led to the successful implementation of health care initiatives, including an effort
  16. S44 (pdf file)
    October 01, 2007 - Its smooth execution led to PharmaCare’s participa- tion with us in planning other policy trials. … This led us to restructure our reassessment so that it covered 3 domains of responsibility: (1) policymakers
    August 01, 2007 - APMs in frail elderly authorities4,10,11,12,13,40 and any residual confounding may have therefore led … misclassification (e.g., worse adherence with conventional APMs, as has been found42) again may have led
    February 01, 2023 - medication and care plans, behavioral skills training, and group-based counseling, including peer-led … education, and often through culturally tailored media or tools.96-106 One community health worker-led … activation and counseling on communicating with clinicians targeting 22 African Americans, led … group sessions targeting nutrition education, physical activity, self-monitoring of blood glucose, led … monetary incentives;67 and language adapted, same socioeconomic background and health problems peer-led
    December 09, 2015 - Additionally, abstinence rates obtained for IPT and CBT (therapist-led and guided self-help CBT) are … clinical and policy implications: “While the effect size for abstinence was larger for therapist-led … implications for decisionmakers who may be considering the relative resources needed for therapist-led … stated and the efficacy of second generation antidepressants (and topiramate) as well as therapist led … Therapeutic: non-therapist led CBT using similar methods and outcomes measures C.
    September 27, 2022 - Professionally led support groups/peer support 12. … mutual OR community OR peer) NEAR/2 (help OR group* OR meeting* OR 'self help' OR support* OR aided OR led

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