May 01, 2016 - .
�� Meta-analysis provided strong evidence that therapist-led
CBT reduced binge-eating frequency … partially therapist-led CBT 2 158
No differences were found in binge-eating abstinence or frequency, … eating-related
psychopathology, BMI, or symptoms of depression.
Therapist-led CBT vs. … found in eating-related psychopathology, BMI, or symptoms
of depression.
Partially therapist-led … CBT is
delivered in various ways—for example, therapist-led individual
and group sessions, structured
April 20, 2015 - Results
Based on the Dersimonian-Laird (DL) method, using the change score versus the followup score led … Using the Knapp-Hartung modification of random effect estimate led to most (10) meta-analyses showing … active intervention versus control or usual care, using the change score versus the followup score led
December 01, 2015 - , partially therapist-led, and self-help
strategies (i.e., structured, guided, and pure). … IPT with either therapist-led
CBT68 or guided self-help CBT.66 Another trial compared
therapist-led … These compared guided self-help BWL with an active
control59 and therapist-led BWL with therapist-led … CBT,
partially therapist-led CBT, and structured self-help CBT. … We compared therapist-led CBT with therapist-led BWL
treatment on outcomes assessed at the end of treatment
October 01, 2015 - Evidence regarding the efficacy of telemonitoring
interventions, nurse-led HF clinic–based interventions … Composite endpoint 2 306 ó 0.80 (0.43 to 1.01) NA ���
Mortality 3 536 ò 0.56 (0.34 to 0.92) 18 ���
Nurse-led … clinic-based
Services provided in an outpatient clinic—multidisciplinary-HF clinic, nurse-led … Nurse-led clinics are managed by a nurse and may also offer
unstructured telephone support (e.g., a … interventions in reducing HF-specific readmission rates:
most primarily educational interventions, nurse-led
October 16, 2015 - Evidence regarding the efficacy of telemonitoring interventions, nurse-led HF clinic–based interventions … clinic-based interventions
Services provided in an outpatient clinic—multidisciplinary-HF clinic, nurse-led … Nurse-led clinics are managed by a nurse and may also offer unstructured telephone support (e.g., a patient … evidence medium]
3 (536)
0.56 (0.34 to 0.92)
[evidence medium]
Nurse-led … interventions in reducing HF-specific readmission rates: most primarily educational interventions, nurse-led
March 18, 2014 - for the Technical Brief identified nine empirical studies of survivorship care models, covering nurse-led … models, physician-led models, models in which survivorship care plan development is a key component,
May 23, 2012 - She has developed an array of deliberative discussion materials and has co-led
and facilitated moderator … in
which she defined strategic direction, initiated programs to achieve these goals, and built and
led … As director of research and
evaluation, she led performance assessment efforts, creating systems and
April 19, 2012 - She has developed an array of deliberative discussion materials and has co-led and facilitated moderator … in which she defined strategic direction, initiated programs to achieve these goals, and built and led … As director of research and evaluation, she led performance assessment efforts, creating systems and
May 13, 2014 - address the possible overuse of echocardiography due to patterns of health care practice, a task force led … Recent changes in reimbursement policy appear to have reduced total allowed charges but have not led
August 01, 2016 - readmission 1 106 – NA ���
Composite endpoint 2 306 No benefit NA ���
Mortality 3 536 Reduced 18 ���
Nurse-led … interventions
Services provided in an outpatient clinic such as a multidisciplinary-HF clinic, a nurse-led … Nurse-led
clinics are managed by a nurse and may also offer unstructured telephone support (e.g., a
February 01, 2018 - Data and Communicating Research Findings .......................................... 7
Participant-Led … Participant-Led Research
PGRs have been used for participant-led research, where participants themselves … Like the patient group, they could find no
effect of lithium on progression.66 While the patient-led … Concerns the PGRs must address, similar to traditional researcher-led registries include
participant … Adapting Standards:
Ethical Oversight of Participant-Led Health
February 01, 2018 - Data and Communicating Research Findings .......................................... 7
Participant-Led … Participant-Led Research
PGRs have been used for participant-led research, where participants themselves … Like the patient group, they could find no
effect of lithium on progression.66 While the patient-led … Concerns the PGRs must address, similar to traditional researcher-led registries include
participant … Adapting Standards:
Ethical Oversight of Participant-Led Health
December 01, 2015 - After
24 weeks of followup, however, SGAs led to higher rates
of overall discontinuation than CBT ( … Adding CBT to SGA did not show any benefit in remission
or response, as defined previously, and led … SGAs and PSYD also led to similar rates of overall
discontinuation over 8 to 16 weeks (low SOE), 48 … Compared with
SGA monotherapy, adding omega-3 fatty acids to the
SGA regimen led to similar overall … The combination treatment of SGAs and exercise led
to remission, overall discontinuation rates, and
November 01, 2016 - Conclusions
�� Most lifestyle and DSME-plus-support programs
offering ≥11 contact hours led to clinically … Most lifestyle and DSME-plus-support programs offering
≥11 hours of contact with delivery personnel led
November 01, 2020 - • Both nonpharmacological and pharmacological interventions led to adverse
event-related dropouts … • Adverse effects led to dropouts among a small percentage of patients for all types of
February 21, 2013 - Challenges identified by the EPCs led to revisions in the instructions including guidance for teams to
March 31, 2011 - Studies amassing over the past decade have led to a number of clinical and policy changes regarding the
August 21, 2023 - Other individual models were led by a case manager,54 based in integrative medicine
3 Findings … One of the proposed VA model types (Long COVID Clinic and Board) is designed to be
led by an advanced … Examples include the VA Long COVID Clinic model (which can be led by either a specialist or
primary … Although this model is led by primary care, the main purpose of
the clinic is to manage long COVID, … Long COVID Model Multidisciplinary Long COVID Model Advanced Practice Provider-Led
January 11, 2017 - of a large, three-year project, funded
by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and led
January 01, 2011 - this work
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s 3-year
initiative called Community Forum
Led … Researchers: led by University of Michigan with funding
from National Institute on Aging