September 25, 2006 - Arizona’s Medicaid agency, for example,
has led development of a web-based health information exchange
January 01, 2011 - Extensive
technical support and training for providers was led by the information systems team responsible
January 01, 2018 - Results led to Aim 2, the development of child and parent
versions of RadWorld, different versions for
January 01, 2014 - The main outcome of interest for the randomized study was whether an actionable test has
led to an appropriate
January 01, 2013 - Eventually, continuing
difficulties with patient recruitment, despite multiple efforts, led us to rethink
January 01, 2018 - Three information sessions, held by webinar, and led by the PI were carried
out for IDHC group providers
January 01, 2018 - that focused on digital displays of diabetes patient data (both web
and mobile visualizations) which led … many teens who expressed interest in the study used
mobile phones running on iOS; this ultimately led
November 01, 2014 - However, the evolution of the PCMH concept has not yet led to a clear understanding of how its
core … widespread endorsement in the larger
health care community.5
The evolution of the PCMH concept has not yet led
July 01, 2015 - This led us to review
the growth rate of the subpopulations. … This led us to review the growth rate of the subpopulations.
July 01, 2012 - This report and the inter-related RFI are
intended to illuminate both AHRQ-led and other stakeholder … The desire to manage chronic conditions has led to an increased focus on data
collection and analysis … This has led to divergent approaches to quality measurement.73 Value—
quality in relation to the cost … Private Programs
AMA Physician Consortium for
Performance Improvement (PCPI)51
AMA A physician-led
July 01, 2012 - This report and the inter-related RFI are
intended to illuminate both AHRQ-led and other stakeholder … The desire to manage chronic conditions has led to an increased focus on data
collection and analysis … This has led to divergent approaches to quality measurement.73 Value—
quality in relation to the cost … Private Programs
AMA Physician Consortium for
Performance Improvement (PCPI)51
AMA A physician-led
July 01, 2015 - nine HIEs to participate in the Nationwide Health Information
Network Trial Implementation project led … by the State to a
more traditional, private governance structure, as directed by Senate Bill 231, led … Technical Infrastructure
A major system upgrade relating to patient inquiry functionality in early 2009 led … Introducing new functionalities, such as the record locator service which enables query
functionality, led
May 01, 2008 - High-volume, low acuity, and disruptive
alerts led to clinicians clicking through and ignoring them.