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    January 01, 2013 - information needs; 2) observed clinicians’ information needs in the care of complex older adults; 3) led … dissemination of knowledge delivery interventions integrated with EHR systems.16-24 The work done in Aim 2 led … Retrieval Standard As a co-chair of the HL7 Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Work Group (WG), the PI led … The PI led the development of six HL7 Infobutton specifications that were balloted and published in
    January 01, 2017 - Despite advances over the past decade, which have led to improved outcomes, BMT remains an intense treatment … design techniques, including key stakeholders (i.e., patients, caregivers, health care providers), led
    April 08, 2010 - We will have four presentations led by three speakers. Our first speaker this afternoon is Dr. … this afternoon, we have, as I said, three presenters but four presentations: The introduction will be led … So the practice impact My Preventive Care had is that the summaries that came into the clinician led … It also led the practices to contact about 84 percent of patients; about a third of the time to schedule
    January 01, 2023 - qualitative interviews (Aim 1), conducted focused usability assessments and EHR integration (Aim 2), and led … The pandemic led to staffing shortages, and the existing informatics teams needed to prioritize pandemic-related … The pandemic led to staffing shortages, and the existing informatics teams needed to prioritize pandemic-related
    January 01, 2007 - Scope Background Context and Settings The project was led by Mercy Medical Center - North Iowa, a … weeklong post-implementation evaluation, interviews with physicians included all specialty areas and led … The vice president of medical 20 affairs led the physician champions through use of an engagement … The steps to design clinic workflows were led by nurses in collaboration with the physician champions
    January 01, 2007 - strong HIT department, with an understanding of their own and current national health care trends, led … an error rate of 2 in 1,000 prescriptions written that contained an error. 22 Bates’ group has led … This proportion of errors that may have led to an ADE is very small. … In one of Bates’ early studies that evaluated the proportion of medication errors that led to ADEs,
    January 01, 2011 - Rainu Kaushal from the Weill Medical College of Cornell University led an effort to advance the goal … Eleanor Schwarz from the University of Pittsburgh led a team of researchers in the development of two … Judith Logan from the Oregon Health and Science University led the effort to create and evaluate a … Presenters summarized prior research and led an interactive discussion of barriers, policy, and technical
    January 01, 2021 - between electronic health record (EHR) usability and patient safety in both adults and children and led
    January 01, 2015 - Conclusion: Despite moderate satisfaction, the RADS led to increased compliance with preventive asthma … Overall, HITs led to significant asthma readmission and LOS reductions. … The usability testing was led by a trained observer and moderator and was supported by a note taker … ­‐Hospital Transitions and Ambulatory Care for Children with Asthma 1R18HS018678-­‐01A1 our project led … PMID: 26527553 This is project also led to the development of an innovative tool for use by parents
    July 12, 2011 - typically brought in from outside the grantee portfolio, while peer-to-peer sessions are discussions led … She also led the New York Regional Extension Center Program efforts for MAeHC and the New Hampshire
    January 01, 2022 - implementation of the app Tapering And Patient Reported outcomes for Chronic Pain Management (TAPR-CPM) led
    January 01, 2020 - collect data as a byproduct of the interventions and activities the Learning Network convened and led … This work led to the development of a CDS Analytic Framework for Action (AFA) to describe the interrelated … This led to identifying a central goal in the final year of developing an application related to the … spent bringing participants up to speed on the problem to be addressed. • Working groups should be led
    January 01, 2024 - A multidisciplinary team led by RTI International and including informaticians at Vanderbilt University … Theme Implication Usage 3 Early reports during pilot of issues with PainManager performance led
    January 01, 2023 - Community HealthLink Care: Regional EMR Project Description Project Details - Completed Grant Number P20 HS014962 Funding Mechanism(s) Transforming Healthcare Quality Through Information Technology (THQIT) - Planning Grants …
    January 01, 2007 - This has led to new initiatives to evaluate CPOE systems, which have been undertaken by vendors and other
    January 01, 2013 - This insight led to the development of multiple professional opportunities (e.g. call for abstracts … University of Colorado); piloting a user-interface for distributed analytics (logistic regression) (led … Xiaoqian Jiang, University of California, San Diego); and developing a Governance Toolkit (led by Deven
    January 01, 2018 - The amount of such use is variable, and thus may have led to the lack of significant differences in … Layout B led to a larger amount of time screen sharing compared to layout A. … changes in the EHR and talk to the patient with ease without having to change positions, which may have led
    January 01, 2023 - The project, led by Blackford Middleton, M.D., director of clinical informatics research & development
    February 06, 2012 - nurse midwives, and physician assistants who practice at a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) led
  20. A_ReferenceLibrary (pdf file)
    February 16, 2006 - interoperable, and ensure that the privacy and security of those records are protected, in a smooth, market-led

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