
Total Results: 673 records

Showing results for "led".

    January 01, 2021 - in children’s functional impairment – other than one analyses that suggested that the intervention led … in children’s functional impairment – other than one analyses that suggested that the intervention led … implementation and adherence to behavioral intervention among those in the intervention group likely led
    October 01, 2012 - from junior doctors and consultants 0 Each search took a median of three minutes 0 The information led
    March 01, 2008 - Such abuses have led to the enactment of the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA
    January 01, 2023 - 2023 Year in Review 01 Executive Summary 2023 by the Numbers 107 grants and research contracts led … To address this issue, researchers from Wake Forest University, led by Drs. … -19 pandemic curtailed access to in person visits, a fully virtual visit was added, where parents led … Nathan Dean, from Intermountain Health in Utah, led the development of a CDS tool called Electronic … Currently, a team of researchers, led by Drs.
    July 01, 2011 - care to standardize measurement and reporting processes improve population health outcomes can be led
    September 01, 2011 - Definitions for medical homes vary, but, in broad terms, it has been characterized as a clinic or practice, led … specific populations is more effective than complementing them with these other kinds of initiatives led … For example, even if major efforts are led by the Governor’s Office, as in the case of Pennsylvania, … Some states in our study informally worked with other states or more formal collaboratives led by government … fit in broader initiatives across payers, such as Accountable Care Organization (ACO)19 initiatives led
    January 01, 2018 - Products 1 Facilitated leadership meetings Administered sprint planning and burn down meetings Led … subcontract Secured Institutional Board Review (IRB) approval Developed the pilot Work Plan and led … materials Assisted the OCHIN pilot team with integration, testing, and implementation tasks Led … the pilot organization Participated in troubleshooting and resolution of issues as they arose Led … The CDS Connect team also developed and led presentations for a varied group of stakeholders to raise
    December 01, 2011 - visits to exemplary pharmacies included a lack of formal training with system software which often led … and safety measures afforded by e-prescribing; concerns about health insurance company audits that led … This difficulty often led to the postponement of site visits, which were initially intended to examine … This involves asking about: (a) the situation—what led up to the event; (b) the event itself – … This involves asking about: (a) the situation—what led up to the event; (b) the event itself –
    March 28, 2007 - Recommendations from RCAs have led to begging IS for customizations to our main system.
    January 01, 2020 - Prioritization defaults were changed from exclamation points to explanatory text on what in the response led … Gold and Cohen Dissemination into Clinical Practice In addition, our collaboration with OCHIN has led
    May 23, 2016 - And the results of this trial eventually led to a regional EMR based quality improvement collaborative … So the objectives here to describe how this AHRQ funded trial led to a region wide EMR catalyzed quality … tethered personal health record, that there was a lot of trust that was engendered in this that then led … I think that a lot of the factors that led to the success of this project are the factors that lead
    January 01, 2009 - The transition of Care Pathways to iREACH has led to greater efficiencies in case management. … This led to difficulty calculating accurate totals, as cases that were opened prior to iREACH but closed … In contrast, the economic downturn led to more children qualifying for Medi-Cal, and as a result, the
    January 01, 2008 - A multi-institution planning process led by Samaritan North Lincoln Hospital (SNLH, the lead partner … ) initiated the project and led to commitments of resources from a critical mass of local health care … This defense in depth approach led us to segregate the database containing phi from the web server,
    January 01, 2007 - Results: Lessons learned regarding the challenges of registry development, adoption and sustainability led … This led to a successful proposal for such a registry to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality … These activities led to a decision to assess the feasibility of implementing Solutions, a comprehensive
    January 01, 2022 - In addition, in 2014, our research group led efforts to achieve endorsement from the National Quality … An IHI Improvement Learning Consultant and project investigators led meetings, and attendees worked … Multiple PDSA cycles across network clinics led to the final version of the tool, which is depicted in … This has led to clear recommendations for clinicians, who now rely on a small set of vetted PROs for
    January 01, 2011 - The experience gained in helping to implement the portal led to a publication describing a conceptual … suggested several important themes that helped explain differences in trajectory among clinics and led … Engaged leadership led the practices in developing specific improvement plans and in continuing to monitor … the transmission system and website with the electronic health record and the Personal Health Record led
    January 01, 2012 - was noted that a subgroup to deal with IRB data exchange issues was just created at one site and has led … This led to a discussion of an existing service called “The Hook-Up,” which is a text messaging system
    January 17, 2013 - Chris led key information technology projects including Arizona’s Health-e Connection initiative. … Belanger was a member of the Booz Allen Hamilton Healthcare and IT practice, where he led large and
    January 01, 2019 - distinct lifecycles, one focused on the design and development of health IT traditionally vendor led … , and the other associated with implementation and operation of HIT which is usually provider led.8
    January 01, 2014 - For upcoming events, an active link led users to the registration information. … efforts to keep the information current and to ensure the site met the needs of our targeted population led … planning team is particularly important to the strength of the CoP, since every CoP is intended to be led … specific learning objective had not been met) were addressed throughout the life of the project and led … • Clarify learning objectives in Webinar-led materials and carefully build Webinar curricula based

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