March 31, 2010 - Future Research Needs for Childhood Obesity Prevention Programs
Future Research Needs Paper
Number 31
Future Research Needs
for Childhood Obesity
Prevention Programs
Future Research Needs Paper
Number 31
Future Research Needs for Childhood Obesity
Prevention Programs
Identification of Future Resea…
June 01, 2013 - Acceptance and adoption: Some of the experts stated the steep learning curve and lack of data
January 01, 2014 - Depression Improvement Across Minnesota Offering a New Direction (DIAMOND) and Coordinated Anxiety Learning … Depression Improvement Across Minnesota Offering a New Direction (DIAMOND) and Coordinated Anxiety Learning … in the community of Humboldt Park, serves as a faculty practice site, and provides interprofessional learning … Depression Improvement Across Minnesota Offering a New Direction (DIAMOND) and Coordinated Anxiety Learning … Sites United States Nationwide Mixed PC Yes Sites within a national program called Primary Care Team: Learning
March 24, 2017 - Learning activities must be to each individual to
engage that individual to be motivated, compliant … This endeavor to support ongoing learning
behaviors and physical activities throughout one’s life
is … those who were initially low in memory, we found
that these individuals, while not profiting from memory … training, evinced no difference in the magnitude of 2-
year training gain and maintenance in the reasoning … In contrast, low-memory
individuals experienced substantially less
improvement in memory training.
March 24, 2017 - Learning activities must be to each individual to
engage that individual to be motivated, compliant … This endeavor to support ongoing learning
behaviors and physical activities throughout one’s life
is … those who were initially low in memory, we found
that these individuals, while not profiting from memory … training, evinced no difference in the magnitude of 2-
year training gain and maintenance in the reasoning … In contrast, low-memory
individuals experienced substantially less
improvement in memory training.
December 21, 2023 - Disposition of Comments_Comparative Effectiveness Review No. 264_Social and Structural Determinants of Maternal Morbidy and Mortality: An Evidence Map
Comparative Effectiveness Review Disposition of Comments Report
Title: Social and Structural Determinants of Maternal Morbidity and Mortality: An
February 01, 2013 - Symptoms
Acting Out\
Learning … Symptoms
Acting Out\
Learning … including functional symptoms, psychosocial
dysfunction, acting out or aggression, shyness/anxiety,
learning … No studies found
any evidence of benefit for acting out or aggression,
shyness, learning problems,
March 01, 2014 - and
population-based research in a variety of health
areas, including mental health, physical and
learning … • We are very interested in learning from your experience engaging stakeholders or being
January 10, 2020 - AHRQ is the primary partner and this review is part of its support of learning health systems in that … clinicians, relevant professional and consumer organizations, purchasers of health care, representatives of learning
March 01, 2021 - That is very useful for people with
different learning techniques. … Focus on the negative
precludes learning from conditions or strategies
that are oriented to achieving
November 21, 2019 - AHRQ is the primary partner and this review is part of its support of learning health systems in that … clinicians, relevant professional and consumer organizations, purchasers of
health care, representatives of learning
August 18, 2016 - psychosocial interventions, behavioral
interventions, school interventions, cognitive training therapies, learning … skills"[tiab] OR "time management"[tiab] OR "homework intervention"[tiab] OR
braintrain[tiab] OR "memory … training"[tiab] OR "Captain's log mindpower builder"[tiab] OR
"memory gyms"[tiab] OR "attention gym … tiab] AND c8[tiab]) OR
"attention training"[tiab] OR “CogniPlus”[tiab] OR cogmed[tiab] OR "working memory … training"[tiab] OR biofeedback[tiab] OR neurofeedback[tiab] OR neuroagility[tiab] OR
August 13, 2012 - researchers to involve
stakeholders in the identification and prioritization
of future research, and learning
September 03, 2016 - follow-up [the maximum follow up recorded]); the estimation procedure (the prescribed statistical learning
January 01, 2013 - Various organizational learning and implementation strategies were used. … Best Care at Lower
Cost: The Path to Continuously Learning
Health Care in America.
January 01, 2010 - grading SOE
To describe options for scoring SOE domains
To describe how to score and present SOE grades
Learning … Objectives
Learning Objectives
Is distinct from rating the quality of individual studies
Is generally
September 01, 2011 - One study that compared technical
procedure parameters observed a learning curve in the
performance of … - One study that compared technical procedure
parameters observed a learning curve in performance
March 01, 2017 - e
Effective Health Care Program
predominant early impairment in learning and memory
that occurs … Therefore, greater difficulty learning new information by
70 or 80 years old may not necessarily be
March 01, 2017 - e
Effective Health Care Program
predominant early impairment in learning and memory
that occurs … Therefore, greater difficulty learning new information by
70 or 80 years old may not necessarily be
January 01, 2012 - extended-release exenatide and subcutaneous exenatide use
would have minimal impact on clinical and patient learning … and exposure to injectable forms of exenatide and other GLP-1 analogs would
minimize a patient’s learning … Most experts
believe that in the case of subcutaneous exenatide, the learning curve for clinicians