April 09, 2019 - Clinical Summary: Screening for Elevated Blood Lead Levels in Children and Pregnant Women
Clinical Summary: Screening for Elevated Blood Lead Levels in Children and Pregnant Women
Population Children 5 years and younger and pregnant persons
No recommendation.
Grade: I (insufficient e…
April 21, 2015 - The most common harm is a false-
positive test result, which often leads to additional tests and procedures
March 15, 2021 - This increases the level of sugar in the blood
and, in some cases, leads to the development of gestational
July 01, 2014 - However, this screening often leads to a cascade of follow-up testing and surgeries that can cause serious
July 14, 2016 - overarching question (KQ 1) of whether screening with resting or exercise ECG in asymptomatic adults leads
July 07, 2020 - Intervention and Surveillance Modeling Network (CISNET) suggest that annual screening for lung cancer leads … Thus, this screening program leads to important gains in lung cancer deaths averted and life-years gained … Use of risk prediction models also leads to an increase in the rate of overdiagnosed lung cancers, as … control groups for smoking cessation or abstinence outcomes, evidence does not indicate that screening leads
March 07, 2005 - Return to Table of Contents
Glaucoma is an optic nerve neuropathy that leads … POAG also leads to characteristic patterns of visual field loss that are important to a definitive diagnosis
March 07, 2005 - Glaucoma is an optic nerve neuropathy that leads … POAG also leads to characteristic patterns of visual field loss that are important to a definitive diagnosis
May 01, 2004 - in Stage
I.11,12 However, there is no evidence that detecting
earlier-stage tumors through screening leads … potential benefits of screening (based
on this model’s optimistic assumption that earlier
treatment leads
February 15, 2009 - It is not known if detection of these lesions leads to decreased morbidity or mortality. … and found that there is poor evidence that visual examination of the skin in asymptomatic individuals leads
January 12, 2016 - a woman’s health during her
lifetime; the most common is a false-positive test result, which often leads
August 22, 2017 - considered for this rec
ommendation, records the electrical activity of the heart using
electrodes (or leads … It can be measured with
12 leads, fewer than 12 leads, or a single handheld lead. … comparative assessment.23 One potential source of
harms from screening with ECG is additional testing that leads
July 26, 2016 - characteristics when performed by a primary care
clinician vs a dermatologist; and whether its use leads … Treatment
Evidence is adequate that visual skin examination by a clinician to
screen for skin cancer leads … characteristics when per-
formed by a primary care clinician vs a dermatologist; and whether
its use leads … pertaining to the question of
whether screening for skin cancer with a clinical visual skin exami-
nation leads
December 03, 2018 - U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Draft Recommendation Calls for More Research on How Clinicians Can Help Prevent Health Problems Related to Lead Exposure
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Draft Recommendation Calls
for More Research on How Clinicians Can Help Prevent H…
April 16, 2019 - U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Final Recommendation Calls for More Research on How Clinicians Can Help Prevent Health Problems Related to Lead Exposure
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Final Recommendation Calls
for More Research on How Clinicians Can Help Prevent Health
Problems Related to Lead Exposure
November 18, 2016 - Screening for Elevated Blood Lead Levels in Childhood and Pregnancy: Updated Evidence Report and Systematic Review for the USPSTF
Screening for Elevated Blood Lead Levels
in Childhood and Pregnancy
Updated Evidence Report and Systematic Review
for the US Preventive Services Task Force
Amy G. Cantor, MD, MPH; Rob Hend…
July 16, 2020 - vital sign receive ECG
KQ 3: Same as excluded tests for KQs 1, 2, and 4 plus ECG (any number of leads
July 16, 2020 - vital sign receive ECG
KQ 3: Same as excluded tests for KQs 1, 2, and 4 plus ECG (any number of leads
August 15, 2013 - In addition, an arrow leads from the prediabetes group to the incidence of type 2 diabetes.
November 01, 2014 - insufficient to determine whether screening adults who do not have signs or symptoms of deficiency, leads