January 01, 2018 - Page 4Slide 4
The Importance of Working
Together in Teams
Care delivered by teams
is safer and leads
January 01, 2024 - For Patients
Asking questions and talking builds trust and leads to better results, quality, safety
July 01, 2023 - Situation Monitoring
Explain how the skill of situation monitoring leads to situation awareness and
November 01, 2018 - relying on individual clinicians to recognize all of a patient’s needs and remember all recommendations leads
June 18, 2015 - Understanding the risks of using antibiotics when not needed
leads to good, safe care.
January 01, 2012 - admission.”5 Patient-and family-centered care also decreases litigation and malpractice claims6 and leads … This, in turn, leads to higher levels of retention and an improved ability to recruit quality talent.
May 01, 2023 - Hsu is a biomedical informaticist who leads a multidisciplinary research lab within the Medical & Imaging
November 01, 2020 - Limited health literacy leads to poor health outcomes
People with limited health literacy are more
February 28, 2022 - Leads to effective support of fellow team members.
Situation Monitoring:
A Continuous Process
September 01, 2016 - Greater reporting of safety events is one
factor that leads to a positive safety culture, which in turn … leads to improvements in safety.
January 01, 2019 - Multifaceted Program Increases Reporting of Potential Errors, Leads to Action Plans To
Enhance Safety … https://innovations.ahrq.gov/profiles/multifaceted-program-increases-reporting-potential-errors-leads-action-plans-enhance-safety … https://innovations.ahrq.gov/profiles/multifaceted-program-increases-reporting-potential-errors-leads-action-plans-enhance-safety … Frequency of Events Reported, # 3, Multifaceted Program Increases Reporting
of Potential Errors, Leads … Patient and Family Engagement Survey
Multifaceted Program Increases Reporting of Potential Errors, Leads
February 01, 2022 - Policy Brief for the U.S.” from 2018 to
2021, moving to senior author in 2022, and she founded and leads … He serves on and leads various U.S. and
international code committees.
February 01, 2023 - Slide 5
This leads to another question.
November 01, 2018 - Leaders should identify individuals, such as clinicians, practice managers, nurse leads, and others who
July 01, 2018 - Leads to effective support of fellow team members.
March 01, 2019 - Use of these tools leads to gaining a shared model or understanding of a situation or event (i.e., shared
March 10, 2006 - Upton leads the Labor and Delivery team debrief immediately following a procedure. … Use of these tools leads to gaining a shared mental model or understanding of a situation or event, adaptability
August 01, 2014 - Effective consultation leads to information exchange, mutual understanding, and informed decisionmaking … It is an open and free exchange of information and opinion among parties, which leads to mutual understanding
April 01, 2016 - you identify effective
communicators who can participate in disclosure conversations as Disclosure Leads … Individuals who are effective Disclosure Leads or Communicators will:
■ Demonstrate empathy, sincerity … and help during a conversation with a patient and/or family
Individuals who are effective Disclosure Leads … The CAQ is not meant to be used as the sole basis for identifying candidates for Disclosure Leads
March 01, 2022 - these contributions earlier in the process so there’s a corrective mechanism that’s possible before it leads