April 01, 2024 - PClassR Change Log v20231-v20241
This Excel file enumerates the changes between the following releases of the Procedure Classes Refined for ICD-10-PCS procedure codes
Compared versions: v2024.1 (released April 2024) to v2023.1 (released November 2022)
Table of Contents
Changes to the mapping of I…
January 01, 2018 - Geographic Variation in Inpatient Stays for Five Leading Mental Disorders, 2016–2018
February 2022
Kathryn R. Fingar, Ph.D., M.P.H., and Marc Roemer, M.S.
In 2019, approximately one in five adults in the United States
reported having some type…
January 01, 2018 - Geographic Variation in Inpatient Stays for Five Leading Substance Use Disorders, 2016–2018
February 2022
Kathryn R. Fingar, Ph.D., M.P.H., and Marc Roemer, M.S.
In 2019 in the United States, 7 percent of individuals aged 12
years or older reported having a substance us…
January 01, 2018 - Geographic Variation in Inpatient Stays for Five Leading Mental Disorders, 2016-2018
January 01, 2018 - Geographic Variation in Inpatient Stays for Five Leading Substance Use Disorders, 2016-2018
January 01, 2020 - Microsoft Word - C18RECaseStudyReportforWEBfinal99.docx
Contract No. HHSA-290-2006-00009-C
September 9, 2010
Prepared by:
Carrie Hanlon, MA and Susan Raetzman, MSPH
January 16, 2020 - Welcome to the HCUP Nationwide Emergency Department Sample (NEDS) Overview Webinar!
The Healthcare Cost and
Utilization Project (HCUP)
An In-Depth Exploration of the
Nationwide Ambulatory Surgery Sample (NASS)
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Webinar April 21, 2021
Webinar Overview
• Discuss HCU…
January 01, 1992 - 1 AHAID 1 15 Char H:AHA ID number with the leading 6
2 DISCWT_F 16 25 4 Num H:Weight to dschgs in the frame states
3 DISCWT_S 26 35 4 Num H:Weight to discharges in state
4 DISCWT_U 36 45 4 Num H:Weight to discharges in universe
5 HOSPID 46 50 Num HCUP-3 hospital ID number (SSHHH)
6 H…
February 12, 1998 - 1 AHAID 1 7 Char H:AHA ID number with the leading 6
2 DISCWT_F 8 17 4 Num H:Weight to dschgs in the frame states
3 DISCWT_S 18 27 4 Num H:Weight to discharges in state
4 DISCWT_U 28 37 4 Num H:Weight to discharges in universe
5 HOSPADDR 38 67 Char H:Hospital address from AHA Survey
6 …
November 12, 1999 - 1 AHAID 1 7 Char H:AHA ID number with the leading 6
2 DISCWT_F 8 17 4 Num H:Weight to dschgs in the frame states
3 DISCWT_S 18 27 4 Num H:Weight to discharges in state
4 DISCWT_U 28 37 4 Num H:Weight to discharges in universe
5 HOSPADDR 38 67 Char H:Hospital address from AHA Survey
6 …
December 06, 1996 - 1 AHAID 1 7 Char H:AHA ID number with the leading 6
2 DISCWT_F 8 17 4 Num H:Weight to dschgs in the frame states
3 DISCWT_S 18 27 4 Num H:Weight to discharges in state
4 DISCWT_U 28 37 4 Num H:Weight to discharges in universe
5 HOSPADDR 38 67 Char H:Hospital address from AHA Survey
6 …
February 12, 1998 - 1 AHAID 1 7 Char H:AHA ID number with the leading 6
2 DISCWT_F 8 17 4 Num H:Weight to dschgs in the frame states
3 DISCWT_S 18 27 4 Num H:Weight to discharges in state
4 DISCWT_U 28 37 4 Num H:Weight to discharges in universe
5 HOSPADDR 38 67 Char H:Hospital address from AHA Survey
6 …
January 01, 1998 - Data Set Name: NIS_1998_HOSPITAL
Number of Observations: 984
Total Record Length: 173
Total Number of Variables: 23
Columns Description:
======= ============
1- 3 Database name
5- 8 Discharge year of data
10-17 File name
19-21 Variable number
23-41 Variable name
January 01, 2001 - Data Set Name: NIS_2001_HOSPITAL
Number of Observations: 986
Total Record Length: 173
Total Number of Variables: 23
Columns Description:
======= ============
1- 3 Database name
5- 8 Discharge year of data
10- 25 File name
27- 29 Variable number
31- 49 Variable name
January 01, 1999 - Data Set Name: NIS_1999_HOSPITAL
Number of Observations: 984
Total Record Length: 173
Total Number of Variables: 23
Columns Description:
======= ============
1- 3 Database name
5- 8 Discharge year of data
10- 17 File name
19- 21 Variable number
23- 41 Variable name
January 01, 2003 - Data Set Name: NIS_2003_HOSPITAL
Number of Observations: 994
Total Record Length: 178
Total Number of Variables: 24
Columns Description:
======= ============
1- 3 Database name
5- 8 Discharge year of data
10- 25 File name
27- 29 Variable number
31- 59 Variable name
61- 63 Star…
January 01, 1999 - Data Set Name: NIS_1999_HOSPITAL
Number of Observations: 984
Total Record Length: 173
Total Number of Variables: 23
Columns Description:
======= ============
1- 3 Database name
5- 8 Discharge year of data
10- 17 File name
19- 21 Variable number
23- 41 Variable name
January 01, 2002 - Data Set Name: NIS_2002_HOSPITAL
Number of Observations: 995
Total Record Length: 178
Total Number of Variables: 24
Columns Description:
======= ============
1- 3 Database name
5- 8 Discharge year of data
10- 25 File name
27- 29 Variable number
31- 49 Variable name
51- 53 Star…
January 01, 2005 - Data Set Name: NIS_2005_HOSPITAL
Number of Observations: 1054
Total Record Length: 185
Total Number of Data Elements: 25
Columns Description:
======= ============
1- 3 Database name
5- 8 Discharge year of data
10- 25 File name
27- 29 Data element number
31- 59 Data element name
January 01, 2006 - Data Set Name: NIS_2006_HOSPITAL
Number of Observations: 1045
Total Record Length: 185
Total Number of Data Elements: 25
Columns Description
======= ===========
1- 3 Database name
5- 8 Discharge year of data
10- 25 File name
27- 29 Data element number
31- 59 Data element name