August 01, 2017 - Management of Insomnia Disorder
Managing Insomnia
A Review of the Research for Adults
Is This Information Right for Me?
This information is right for you if:
� Your health care professional said you have insomnia disorder
(said “in-SOM-nee-ah”). Insomnia disorder is a long-term
condition in which …
January 01, 2011 - Unclear, leads to a Website with codes, but unsure if they are the exact ones used in this report No
June 01, 2013 - The AHRQ Evidence-Based Care (EBC) Challenge
Research Report June 1, 2013
The EBC Challenge asked nurse practitioners (NPs), physician assistants (PAs), researchers, and other health professionals to find creative ways to translate existing AHRQ research reports into provider-friendly resources for use …
January 01, 2012 - AHRQ did not directly participate in
the horizon scanning, assessing the leads for topics, or provide … Since that implementation,
more than 7,000 leads about topics have resulted in identification and tracking
January 01, 2012 - AHRQ did not directly
participate in horizon scanning, assessing the leads for topics, or providing … Since that implementation, review of more than 15,000 leads about potential topics has resulted in
December 01, 2013 - AHRQ did not directly
participate in horizon scanning, assessing the leads for topics, or providing … Since that implementation, review of more than 16,200 leads about potential topics has resulted in
December 01, 2013 - AHRQ did not directly
participate in horizon scanning, assessing the leads for topics, or providing … Since that implementation, review of more than 16,200 leads about potential topics has resulted in
December 01, 2014 - AHRQ did not directly
participate in horizon scanning, assessing the leads for topics, or providing … Since that implementation, review of more than 18,000 leads about potential topics has resulted in
March 01, 2016 - Lung Cancer Screening: A Clinician's Checklist
Lung Cancer Screening: A Clinician’s Checklist
Before… During… After…
The Clinical Encounter
Determine patient’s eligibility.
This checklist may be completed with the assistance of a
nurse, physician assistant, or other medical assistant.
The Clinical Encounter
March 01, 2016 - Lung Cancer Screening: A Clinician's Checklist
Lung Cancer Screening: A Clinician’s Checklist
Before… During… After…
The Clinical Encounter
Determine patient’s eligibility.
This checklist may be completed with the assistance of a
nurse, physician assistant, or other medical assistant.
The Clinical Encounter
March 20, 2014 - CER 22 Rotator Cuff Tears NSD clean
Comparative Effectiveness of
Non-operative and Operative Treatments for
Rotator Cuff Tears
June 22, 2012 - Assessing Equivalence and Noninferiority
Research Report June 22, 2012 Web Version [NLM Site] Download Main Document PDF 1.2 MB
Persons using assistive technology may not be able to fully access information in these files. For additional assistance, please contact us .
Structured Abstract
October 30, 2008 - Computerized Definitions Showed High Positive Predictive Values for Identifying Reasons for Hospitalizations in a Medicaid Population with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Research Report Archived October 30, 2008 Download Main Document PDF 215.9 KB
Note : This report is greater than 5 years old. Findings may be u…
October 01, 2012 - CER # 37:
Chronic Kidney Disease Stages 1–3: Screening, Monitoring, and
Original release date:
January 2012
Surveillance Report:
October 2012
Key Findings:
- The conclusions for KQ2 (harms of screening) and KQ4
(harms of monitoring), KQ6 (harms of treatment) are still
considered valid
- T…
August 23, 2016 - Transparency of Reporting Requirements
Series Overview August 23, 2016
Bias in reporting results of scientific studies has been a significant problem in basic and clinical science. The lack of publication of results of trials can lead to unnecessary duplication . Results of studies reported in the peer…
May 01, 2016 - Treating Binge-Eating Disorder. A Review of Evidence for Adults
Treating Binge-Eating
A Review of the Research for Adults
Is This Information Right for Me?
This information is right for you if:
� Your health care professional* said you have binge-eating
disorder (BED).
� You are age 18 or older.…
May 03, 2021 - Home »
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Date submitted: May 3, 2021
Surveillance and Management of Late- and Long-Term Effects in AYA Cancer Survivors
1. What is the decision or change (e.g. clinical topic, pra…
January 01, 2021 - Home »
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Date submitted: July 13, 2020
Coverage of Solesta for Fecal Incontinence
1. What is the decision or change you are facing or struggling with where a summary of the evidence would be helpful?
We are trying to get S…
December 06, 2019 - Advancing Registry Methodology and Transparency
Abstract December 6, 2019
Advancing Registry Methodology and Transparency
A patient registry is an organized system that uses observational research methods to collect data for the scientific assessment of patient outcomes. Patient registries are an impo…
November 01, 2022 - AHRQ’s Evidence-based Practice Center Program: Synthesizing evidence to improve health care practice and delivery
What Is the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Evidence-based
Practice Center Program?
AHRQ is the lead Federal Agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that is