September 01, 2015 - the above criteria, leads are
uploaded to the Initial Leads List. … This is a document library containing all leads identified by
searchers as well as leads generated from … analysts classify leads by topic class
(see Table 7). … Within each general sort area, the analysts group leads into “topics.” … The horizon scanning analysts then link related leads from the
Initial Leads List to the appropriate
September 01, 2015 - the above criteria, leads are
uploaded to the Initial Leads List. … This is a document library containing all leads identified by
searchers as well as leads generated from … analysts classify leads by topic class
(see Table 7). … Within each general sort area, the analysts group leads into “topics.” … The horizon scanning analysts then link related leads from the
Initial Leads List to the appropriate
August 01, 2013 - Populating the “Initial Leads List” To Develop Topics
After searchers have collected leads from broad … scanning using the above criteria, leads are
uploaded to the Initial Leads List. … This is a document library containing all leads identified by
searchers as well as leads generated from … The analysts classify leads by topic class
(see Table 7). … The horizon scanning analysts then link related leads from the Initial Leads List to the
October 01, 2019 - Key Messages
Using an online survey of nine Project Leads we determined that Microsoft Excel and … We conducted a survey of EPC Project Leads that had recently uploaded to SRDR data from a systematic … The survey was completed by nine of nine eligible EPC Project Leads (100%).
December 01, 2011 - Populating the “Initial Leads List” to develop topics
After searchers have collected leads from broad … scanning using the above criteria, leads are uploaded to
the Initial Leads List. … This is a document library containing all leads identified by searchers as well as
leads generated … The
analysts classify leads by topic class (see below). … The horizon scanning analysts then link related leads
from the Initial Leads List to the appropriate
November 01, 2017 - The web-based annotation tool, currently in beta version, allows project leads to import the citations … Project leads can also monitor the progress of each participant, and the screening project overall.
October 01, 2024 - As a result,
there is abnormal tension on the lower spinal cord and associated nerves that leads to … Tethered cord syndrome is a
clinical disorder associated with excessive spinal cord tension that leads
July 01, 2019 - Carman, Ph.D. , a vice president at AIR, leads a team of over 70 health services research professionals … Carman currently leads two groundbreaking consumer engagement projects funded by the Agency for Healthcare … Second, she leads a large, randomized controlled deliberative methods demonstration to expand public
October 01, 2019 - Key Messages
• Using an online survey of nine Project Leads we determined that Microsoft Excel and … We conducted a survey
of EPC Project Leads that had recently uploaded to SRDR data from a systematic … The survey was completed by nine of nine eligible EPC Project Leads (100%). … Aim 1: Disposition of eligible systematic reviews, EPC Project Leads, and EPCs for
the survey ...... … Aim 1: Disposition of eligible systematic reviews, EPC Project Leads, and EPCs for the
May 23, 2012 - Carman co-leads a team of over 50 health services research professionals conducting
research on issues … Yegian leads the team providing staff support to the Effective Healthcare Program’s national
Health Topics
Sarcoidosis is a disease that leads
This leads to problems with
Mental and physical development
December 01, 2019 - composite endpoint of death or myocardial infarction (MI) or of major adverse cardiac events; and (c) FFR leads … lesion confers a lower risk of composite endpoint of death or MI, or of major adverse cardiac events; leads
September 08, 2023 - This leads to blood clots and leaky blood vessels.
That leads to anemia .
This leads to high blood glucose, or blood sugar , levels.
But sometimes the virus leads to cancer.
This leads to anemia . The sickle cells also get stuck in blood vessels, blocking blood flow.
December 14, 2015 - The blockage leads to increased pressure, problems with blood flow, and inflammation.
January 07, 2013 - This leads to coughing and difficulty breathing. Cigarette smoking is the most common cause.