December 08, 2000 - Lead, (Age= 9-12 months), Due for Screening
Clinician Summary
American Academy of Pediatrics Policy Statement:
Because recent epidemiologic data have shown that lead exposure is still common in certain communities in theUnited States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently issued new guid…
December 08, 2000 - Lead, (Age = 3 years), Due for Screening
Clinician Summary
American Academy of Pediatrics Policy Statement:
Because recent epidemiologic data have shown that lead exposure is still common in certain communities in theUnited States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently issued new guideli…
December 08, 2000 - Pediatric Rules and Reminders - Lead, (High risk area AND Age= 4 years), Due for Screening
Pediatric Rules and Reminders
Lead, (High risk area AND Age= 4 years), Due for Screening
Clinician Summary
American Academy of Pediatrics Policy Statement:
Because recent epidemiologic data have shown th…
December 08, 2000 - Pediatric Rules and Reminders - Lead, (Age= 9-12 months), Due for Screening
Pediatric Rules and Reminders
Lead, (Age= 9-12 months), Due for Screening
Clinician Summary
American Academy of Pediatrics Policy Statement:
Because recent epidemiologic data have shown that lead exposure is still common…
December 08, 2000 - Pediatric Rules and Reminders - Lead, (Age= 2 years), Due for Screening
Pediatric Rules and Reminders
Lead, (Age= 2 years), Due for Screening
Clinician Summary
American Academy of Pediatrics Policy Statement:
Because recent epidemiologic data have shown that lead exposure is still common
in cer…
December 08, 2000 - Pediatric Rules and Reminders - Lead, (Age = 3 years), Due for Screening
Pediatric Rules and Reminders
Lead, (Age = 3 years), Due for Screening
Clinician Summary
American Academy of Pediatrics Policy Statement:
Because recent epidemiologic data have shown that lead exposure is still common
in c…
January 01, 2023 - Error analysis leading technology development.
Carstens D. Error analysis leading technology development. TIES 2006;7(6):525-49.
Principal Investigator
Laird, Rosemary
Project Name
Promoting Patie…
January 01, 2005 - In this position, he leads national efforts to protect the health of all Americans and provide essential
January 01, 2010 - functions of an electronic medical record (EMR), personal health record (PHR), and communication system leads
January 01, 2010 - functions of an electronic
medical record (EMR), personal health record (PHR), and communication system leads
January 01, 2009 - Summary: Poor communication and coordination of care between primary care and specialty care providers leads
January 01, 2023 - Improving use of prehospital 12-lead ECG for early identification and treatment of acute coronary syndrome and ST-elevation myocardial infarction.
Daudelin DH, Sayah AJ, Kwong M, et al. Improving use of prehospital 12-lead ECG for early identification and treatment of acute coronary syndrome …
January 01, 2010 - .
These care failures allow, and sometimes cause,
the clinical deterioration that leads to … Patient panel includes many older adults with
complex medical needs
• Linkage to primary insurer leads
June 16, 2005 - Rural Health Policy
Bureau of Primary Health Care
Office for the Advancement of Telehealth (OAT) leads
January 01, 2023 - Governance for clinical decision support: case studies and recommended practices from leading institutions.
Wright A, Sittig DF, Ash JS, et al. Governance for clinical decision support: case studies and recommended practices from leading institutions. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2011 Mar 1;18(2):18…
January 01, 2001 - Quality improvement in pediatric well care with an electronic record
Authors: Gioia PC Journal: Proc AMIA Symp Publication Date: 2001 Pages: 209-13 HIT Description: Ambulatory EHR system More info... Purpose of Study: Measure completeness of well-child visits, immunizations, lead testing and instruc…
January 01, 2023 - This avoidance leads to asynchronous communication and irregular information exchange, with implications
January 01, 2023 - Critical drug-drug interactions for use in electronic health records systems with computerized physician order entry: review of leading approaches.
Classen DC, Phansalkar S, Bates DW. Critical drug-drug interactions for use in electronic health records systems with computerized physician orde…
January 01, 2023 - Key principles for a national clinical decision support knowledge sharing framework: synthesis of insights from leading subject matter experts.
Kawamoto K, Hongsermeier T, Wright A, et al. Key principles for a national clinical decision support knowledge sharing framework: synthesis of insigh…
January 01, 2018 - Improving EHR Design Increases Patient Safety—Especially for Children
Poor EHR design can harm patients.
Dr. Raj Ratwani and his research team identified pervasive problems with EHR systems that regularly lead to patient safety errors and other issues, regardless of vendor. “If we don’t focus on EHR…