January 01, 2020 - The Virtual Smart Assistant: How Voice-Controlled Technology Can Support Self-Management of Healthcare in Older Adults
The Virtual Smart Assistant: How Voice-Controlled Technology Can Support Self-Management of Healthcare in Older Adults
Enhancing an evidence-based electronic health intervention, Elder Tree, wi…
January 01, 2010 - Enabling Medication Management Through Utilization of Health Information Technology
Enabling Medication Management Through Utilization of
Health Information Technology
Principal Investigator: McKibbon, Ann, M.L.S., Ph.D.
Organization: McMaster University
Contract Number: 290-07-100601-5
Project Period: …
January 01, 2010 - Improving Electronic Health Record Patient Education Materials
1 | ImprovIng ElEctronIc HEaltH rEcord patIEnt EducatIon matErIals
2010 ContraCt Summary
Improving Electronic Health Record Patient Education Materials
Principal Investigator: Shoemaker, Sarah J., Pharm.D, Ph.D.
Organization: Abt Associates, Inc. …
January 01, 2010 - Fourth Annual Pediatric Telehealth Colloquium
1 | Fourth AnnuAl PediAtric teleheAlth colloquium
2010 Grant Summary
Fourth Annual Pediatric Telehealth Colloquium
Principal Investigator: Marcin, James
Organization: University of California, Davis
Mechanism: PA: Small Grant Program for Conference Support (R13)HS…
January 01, 2008 - healing time, but the
evidence was insufficient to prove utilizing an evidence based telewound approach leads … evidence still can't tell us whether timely intervention
utilizing an evidence based telewound approach leads
August 31, 2024 - Incorporating Patient-Reported Outcomes into Shared Decision Making with Patients with Osteoarthritis of the Knee
Project Final Report ( PDF , 238.8 KB) Disclaimer
The findings and conclusions in this document are those of the author(s), who are responsible for its con…
January 01, 2024 - A Randomized Clinical Trial of Smartphone Virtual Reality for Pain Management During Burn Care Transition
Project Description
The use of a virtual reality app has the potential to be a cost-effective way to alleviate pain, reduce the need for opioids, and imp…
April 01, 2024 - A Roadmap for Research: The International Summit on Innovation and Technology in Care of Older People (IS-ITCOP)
Project Description
By harnessing the knowledge and skills of a diverse assembly of global experts in Long-Term Post-Acute Care (LTPAC) at a single conference, it is…
March 15, 2011 - Practical Approaches to Using Electronic Health Records for Research: Challenges and Mitigation Strategies
Practical Approaches to Using Electronic
Health Records for Research: Challenges
and Mitigation Strategies
David Mehr, MD, MS
Rainu Kaushal, MD, MPH
Melissa Honour, MPH
Barbara Lund, MSW, MBA
June 01, 2009 - ambulatory visits.104 The need
for clinicians and support staff to cope with a wide range of problems leads … This leads to the idea of distributed SA, which is
SA that is distributed among people, though not necessarily … “This leads to blaming (I can’t believe that person can’t figure it out) and even
ironically leads to
June 01, 2009 - ambulatory visits.104 The need
for clinicians and support staff to cope with a wide range of problems leads … This leads to the idea of distributed SA, which is
SA that is distributed among people, though not necessarily … “This leads to blaming (I can’t believe that person can’t figure it out) and even
ironically leads to
January 01, 2023 - Virtual Pharmacy Improves Medication Use and Patient Safety in Palliative Care
Supporting Health Systems in Advancing Care Delivery
Leveraging Telehealth to Improve Health Systems
Including virtual pharmacists in palliative care teams can reduce adverse drug interactions a…
January 01, 2020 - Using Natural Language Processing to Improve Autism Spectrum Disorder Research and Care
Using Natural Language Processing to Improve Autism Spectrum Disorder Research and Care
Applying algorithms on free text in electronic health records can identify criteria for autism spectrum disorder, which improves earlier…
January 01, 2023 - Pediatric Rules and Reminders
Executive Summary
Reminders are elements of clinical decision support (CDS) that can be an effective mechanism for improving adherence to clinical guidelines. Greater adherence can lead to improved health care quality and safety, especially for …
January 01, 2023 - A Patient-Facing App to Improve Care Transitions from Hospital to Home
Engaging and Empowering Patients
Using Digital Healthcare Tools in Chronic Disease Self-Management
A patient-facing app simplifying the information patients and caregivers receive has the potential to b…
January 01, 2023 - A Machine Learning Algorithm to Improve the Use of Interpreters for Hospitalized Patients with Complex Care Needs
Supporting Health Systems in Advancing Care Delivery
Improving Equity in Healthcare with Digital Healthcare Solutions
A machine learning, predictive analytic i…
January 01, 2023 - Care Planning
Cloud Care: A Feasibility Study of Cloud-Based Care Plans for Children With Medical Complexity
This research evaluated Cloud Care, a cloud-based longitudinal multidisciplinary care plan for children with medical complexity and found that perceived eas…
January 01, 2023 - Oregon
In a recent press conference, Governor Kulongoski made the following statement regarding Oregonian's health information.
"We want to ensure that all of our citizens' health records are available to them and their healthcare provider anytime, anywhere they are needed and that those h…
January 01, 2023 - eCoach: Development and Pilot Testing of a Decision Aid for Prostate Cancer
Project Final Report ( PDF , 782.01 KB) Disclaimer
The findings and conclusions in this document are those of the author(s), who are responsible for its content, and do not necessarily repres…
January 01, 2023 - Ramaiah M, Subrahmanian E, Sriram RD, et al. "Workflow and electronic health records in small medical practices."
Ramaiah M, Subrahmanian E, Sriram RD, et al. Workflow and electronic health records in small medical practices. Perspect Health Inf Manag 2012;9:1d.