January 01, 2004 - Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Medication Errors: The New York Experience
Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of
Medication Errors: The New York Experience
Elizabeth Duthie, Barbara Favreau, Angelo Ruperto,
Janet Mannion, Ellen Flink, Ruth Leslie
Objectives: In June 2000, the New Yo…
January 01, 2002 - Organizational Climate, Stress, and Error in Primary Care: The MEMO Study
Organizational Climate, Stress, and Error
in Primary Care: The MEMO Study*
Mark Linzer, Linda Baier Manwell, Marlon Mundt, Eric Williams,
Ann Maguire, Julia McMurray, Mary Beth Plane*
Background: The impact of organizatio…
January 01, 2003 - An Analysis of Nurses' Cognitive Work: A New Perspective for Understanding Medical Errors
An Analysis of Nurses’ Cognitive Work:
A New Perspective for Understanding
Medical Errors
Patricia Potter, Laurie Wolf, Stuart Boxerman, Deborah Grayson,
Jennifer Sledge, Clay Dunagan, Bradley Evanoff
January 01, 2004 - Evaluating and Predicting Patient Safety for Medical Devices with Integral Information Technology
Evaluating and Predicting Patient
Safety for Medical Devices with
Integral Information Technology
Jiajie Zhang, Vimla L. Patel, Todd R. Johnson,
Philip Chung, James P. Turley
Human errors in med…
July 01, 2004 - Fundamentals of Medicare Patient Safety Surveillance: Intent, Relevance, and Transparency
Fundamentals of Medicare Patient
Safety Surveillance: Intent, Relevance,
and Transparency
David R. Hunt, Nancy Verzier, Susan L. Abend, Courtney Lyder,
Lisa J. Jaser, Nancy Safer, Paul Davern
The Medicar…
April 14, 2008 - Proactive Postmarketing Surveillance: Overview and Lessons Learned from Medication Safety Research in the Veterans Health Administration
Proactive Postmarketing Surveillance:
Overview and Lessons Learned from Medication
Safety Research in the Veterans Health Administration
Robert R. Campbell, JD, MPH, PhD; An…
April 14, 2004 - Institutional Review Board Approval of Practice-based Research Network Patient Safety Studies
Institutional Review Board Approval
of Practice-based Research Network
Patient Safety Studies
Deborah G. Graham, Wilson Pace, Jennifer Kappus, Sherry Holcomb,
James M. Galliher, Christine W. Duclos, Aaron J. B…
January 01, 2003 - On-line Patient Safety Climate Survey: Tool Development and Lessons Learned
On-line Patient Safety Climate Survey:
Tool Development and Lessons Learned
Lynne M. Connelly, Judy L. Powers
Objective: A key tenet of patient safety programs is the elimination of the
“culture of blame.” The On-line P…
November 29, 2004 - Identification, Classification, and Frequency of Medical Errors in Outpatient Diabetes Care
Identification, Classification, and Frequency
of Medical Errors in Outpatient Diabetes Care
Patrick J. O’Connor, JoAnn M. Sperl-Hillen,
Paul E. Johnson, William A. Rush
Objectives: Diabetes-related medic…
March 30, 2008 - Analysis of Patient Safety: Converting Complex Pediatric Chemotherapy Ordering Processes from Paper to Electronic Systems
Analysis of Patient Safety: Converting Complex
Pediatric Chemotherapy Ordering Processes
from Paper to Electronic Systems
Donald K. Baker, PharmD; James M. Hoffman, PharmD; Gregory A. Hal…
April 02, 2008 - The Nature, Characteristics and Patterns of Perinatal Critical Events Teams
The Nature, Characteristics and Patterns
of Perinatal Critical Events Teams
William Riley, PhD; Helen Hansen, PhD, RN; Ayse P. Gürses, PhD; Stanley Davis, MD;
Kristi Miller, RN, MS; Reinhard Priester, JD
The Institute …
January 01, 2003 - The Use of Surgical Simulators to Reduce Errors
The Use of Surgical Simulators
to Reduce Errors
Marvin P. Fried, Richard Satava, Suzanne Weghorst,
Anthony Gallagher, Clarence Sasaki, Douglas Ross,
Mika Sinanan, Hernando Cuellar, Jose I. Uribe,
Michael Zeltsan, Harman Arora
The training of…
January 01, 2019 - Recruitment and Retention of Primary Care Practices in Quality Improvement Initiatives: A Toolkit
Recruitment and Retention
of Primary Care Practices
in Quality Improvement
Initiatives: A Toolkit
Effectively engaging practices in a primary care quality improvement (QI) initiative, including
both the initi…
June 18, 2008 - Continuous Respiratory Monitoring and a “Smart” Infusion System Improve Safety of Patient-Controlled Analgesia in the Postoperative Period
Continuous Respiratory Monitoring and a “Smart”
Infusion System Improve Safety of Patient-Controlled
Analgesia in the Postoperative Period
Ray R. Maddox, PharmD; Harold Oglesby…
January 01, 2024 - Given that
pregnancy is the leading cause of hospital admissions, monitoring safety and quality is imperative
January 01, 2025 - the potential for subjectivity and hindsight bias as to whether
omissions represent failures to act leading
November 09, 2017 - literature,
Fall elements and scoring from existing instruments, and
Input from an advisory panel of leading
January 01, 2024 - and 98,000 Americans die each year as the
result of medical errors, making such errors the fourth leading
December 01, 2017 - going to spend too much time on this; this is the four E's model that we have in the Hopkins model for leading
April 09, 2013 - going to spend too much time on this; this is the four E's model that we have in the Hopkins model for leading