June 01, 2012 - It is the leading cause of stroke and kidney failure, and a major cause of heart attacks.
April 01, 2013 - It is the leading cause of stroke and kidney failure, and a major cause of heart attacks.
February 01, 2022 - inpatient stays,
prescribed medicine purchases, or home healthcare) where the condition
was reported as leading
January 01, 2023 - stays, prescribed medicine purchases, or home healthcare) where the condition was
reported as leading
February 01, 2022 - medicine purchases, or home
healthcare) where the condition was reported as leading
January 01, 2021 - inpatient stays, prescribed medicine purchases, or home healthcare) where the condition was reported as leading
January 01, 2021 - inpatient stays, prescribed medicine
purchases, or home healthcare) where the condition was reported as leading
March 10, 2006 - Statistical Brief #11: The Health Insurance Status of U.S. Workers, 2001
Statistical Brief #11
The Health Insurance Status of U.S.
Workers, 2001
Estimates for U.S. Civilian Noninstitutionalized Workers Ages 16-64
By William Carroll, B.A.
For most Americans, health insurance obtained through th…
July 01, 2005 - e Does not include emergency room visits leading to a hospital inpatient stay. … f Emergency room expenses exclude expenses associated with visits leading to a hospital inpatient stay … e Does not include emergency room visits leading to a hospital inpatient stay. … f Emergency room expenses exclude expenses associated with visits leading to a hospital inpatient stay
July 01, 2005 - e Does not include emergency room visits leading to a hospital inpatient stay. … f Emergency room expenses exclude expenses associated with visits leading to a hospital inpatient stay … e Does not include emergency room visits leading to a hospital inpatient stay. … f Emergency room expenses exclude expenses associated with visits leading to a hospital inpatient stay
May 01, 2023 - inpatient stays,
prescribed medicine fills, or home healthcare) where the condition was
reported as leading
September 01, 2023 - The Leading Causes of Death in the US for 2020.
September 01, 2023 - The Leading Causes of Death in the US for 2020 .
October 01, 2022 - inpatient stays, prescribed medicine purchases, or home
healthcare) where the condition was reported as leading
October 01, 2022 - medicine purchases, or
home healthcare) where the condition was reported as leading
November 01, 2014 - i.e.,
dyslipidemia or disorder of lipoprotein metabolism), a major risk factor for heart
disease, the leading
November 01, 2014 - i.e., dyslipidemia or disorder of lipoprotein metabolism), a major risk factor for heart disease, the leading
June 08, 2021 - STATISTICAL BRIEF #11
The Health Insurance Status of U.S. Workers, 2001: Estimates for U.S. Civilian Noninstitutionalized Workers Ages 16-64
By William Carroll, B.A.
Briefly Stated:
Workers with the following job characteristics were most likely to be uninsured: the self-employed, those work…
December 01, 2010 - Statistical Brief #306: Average Annual Health Care Use and Expenditures for Kidney Disease among Adults 18 and Older, U.S. Civilian Noninstitutionalized Population, 2003-2007
December 2010
Average Annual Health Care Use and Expenditures for Kidney
Disease among Adults 18 and Older, U.S. Civi…
December 01, 2010 - STATISTICAL BRIEF #306:
Average Annual Health Care Use and Expenditures for Kidney Disease among Adults 18 and Older, U.S. Civilian Noninstitutionalized Population, 2003-2007
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