January 01, 2010 - Hospital 2 AHAID 3 9 Char AHA hospital identifier with the leading … Hospital 19 IDNUMBER 236 241 Char AHA hospital identifier without the leading
January 01, 2008 - Hospital 1 AHAID 1 7 Char AHA hospital identifier with the leading … Hospital 19 IDNUMBER 146 151 Char AHA hospital identifier without the leading
January 01, 2009 - Hospital 1 AHAID 1 7 Char AHA hospital identifier with the leading … Hospital 19 IDNUMBER 236 241 Char AHA hospital identifier without the leading
January 01, 2011 - Hospital 2 AHAID 3 9 Char AHA hospital identifier with the leading … Hospital 19 IDNUMBER 236 241 Char AHA hospital identifier without the leading
January 01, 2016 - Cost and Utilization Project Statistical Brief #289: Geographic Variation in Inpatient Stays for
Five Leading
September 01, 2008 - IDNUMBER contains the last 6 digits of the original 7-digit AHA hospital identifier because the leading … Value Description IDNUMBER Modified AHA hospital identifier 6(n) AHA Hospital identifier without a leading
September 01, 2008 - IDNUMBER contains the last 6 digits of the original 7-digit AHA hospital identifier because the leading … Value Description IDNUMBER Modified AHA hospital identifier 6(n) AHA Hospital identifier without a leading
January 01, 2019 - ■ The leading comorbidities for stays varied by hospital service line. … Hypertension and diabetes were each a leading comorbidity in four of the five hospital service lines. … Diabetes with and without chronic complications was the second leading type of comorbidity for stays … Depression was a leading comorbidity for stays in the MSUD (15.1 percent), injury (14.1 percent),
and … Kidney disease and failure was a leading comorbidity for general medical and surgical stays.
June 21, 2014 - AHRQ is seeking widespread adoption of this effort in
Minnesota, because they see MN as a leading indicator
January 01, 2018 - ■ The leading principal diagnosis
for stays involving type 1
diabetes was diabetes—
accounting for … The leading principal
diagnosis for stays involving
type 2 diabetes was
septicemia—accounting for … reason for hospitalization among stays involving type 1 diabetes and
the third leading reason among … Septicemia (792,500 stays; 10 percent) and heart failure (534,400 stays; 7 percent) were
the leading … comorbidity among stays for type 1 diabetes
and the second leading comorbidity among stays for type
October 01, 2016 - Leading reasons for inpatient hospital stays at SNHs and non-SNHs, 2014
Table 3 presents the leading … In comparison, mood disorders ranked as the sixth leading principal diagnosis among stays at non-SNHs … The three highest ranked principal diagnoses at non-SNHs that were not among the 10 leading diagnoses … In comparison, this procedure was not among the top 10 leading operating room procedures performed at … Otherwise, the leading operating room procedures performed among nonmaternal and nonneonatal stays at
January 01, 2014 - reasons for inpatient hospital stays at SNHs and non-SNHs, 2014
Table 3 presents the leading reasons … In comparison, mood disorders
ranked as the sixth leading principal diagnosis among stays at non-SNHs … The three highest ranked principal diagnoses at non-SNHs that were not among the
10 leading diagnoses … In comparison, this
procedure was not among the top 10 leading operating room procedures performed at … Otherwise, the leading operating room procedures performed among nonmaternal and nonneonatal
stays at
October 01, 2022 - Utilization Project Statistical Brief #289:
Geographic Variation in Inpatient Stays for Five Leading
April 01, 2010 - ■ The leading principal diagnosis for
inpatient death cases was
septicemia, which was the principal … ■ Other leading causes of inpatient
death included stroke, pneumonia,
myocardial infarction … The leading principal diagnosis for inpatient death cases was septicemia, the principal diagnosis in … The next leading principal diagnosis was respiratory failure, found in
8.7 percent of deaths, with a … The next
leading principal procedure was “other vascular catheterizations (not heart),” which accounted
January 01, 2003 - HOSPITAL 15 IDNUMBER 117 122 Char AHA hospital identifier without the leading
May 01, 2016 - information
slide 7
Methodology (cont'd)
Email follow up to confirm scan findings
Identified 8 leading … Eight noteworthy states are AZ, CA, MA, MI, MN, NC, OH, and VA are those that were referenced by leading
January 01, 2013 - ■ Septicemia was the leading
principal diagnosis at
readmission among patients
during an index … except
postsurgical nonabsorption, for
which complication of device
(implant or graft) was the
leading … and Utilization
Project (HCUP), Nationwide Readmissions Database (NRD), 2013
■ The leading … However, infectious and parasitic diseases ranked in the top five leading
primary condition groupings … Because most patients with malnutrition at the index stay had protein-calorie malnutrition, the leading
January 01, 2006 - Hospital 16 IDNUMBER 122 127 Char AHA hospital identifier without the leading
August 01, 2014 - AHRQ is seeking widespread adoption of this effort in Minnesota, because they see MN as a leading indicator
December 01, 2016 - Septicemia was the leading principal diagnosis at readmission among patients during an index stay involving … Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP), Nationwide Readmissions Database (NRD), 2013
The leading … However, infectious and parasitic diseases ranked in the top five leading primary condition groupings … Because most patients with malnutrition at the index stay had protein-calorie malnutrition, the leading … Injury and poisoning also was a leading reason for readmission among patients with an index stay involving