
Total Results: 1,444 records

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    January 01, 2023 - This information is for reference purposes only. It was current when produced and may now be outdated. Archive material is no longer maintained, and some links may not work. Persons with disabilities having difficulty accessing this information should contact us at: . Let us know th…
    January 01, 2023 - Gastrointestinal Disease Health IT-Generated PROs to Improve Outcomes in Cirrhosis - Final Report Citation Bajaj J. Health IT-Generated PROs to Improve Outcomes in Cirrhosis – Final Report. (Prepared by Virginia Commonwealth University under Grant No. R01 HS025412). Rockville,…
    January 01, 2023 - Consumer Health Informatics A Roadmap for Research: The International Summit on Innovation and Technology in Care of Older People (IS-ITCOP) Description This conference convenes interdisciplinary experts from the United States and abroad to define priorities and goals for rese…
    October 11, 2023 - Digital Healthcare Innovations to Engage and Empower Patients in Their Care Event Date: October 11, 2023 | 12:30pm – 2:00pm ET Event Materials: Presentation Slides ( PDF , 4.02 MB). Q&As ( PDF , 190 KB). Your browser does not support inline frames. Please go to htt…
    August 18, 2011 - 100 Patient Errors Monitoring Prescribing Percent of total Preventable ADEs Types of Errors Leading … Setting ADEs in the Ambulatory Setting - Rates Stages In Which Errors Occurred Types of Errors Leading
    May 29, 2012 - fail to maximize the value of their HIT • Opportunity – The best proven knowledge artifacts from leading
    January 01, 2009 - Second leading cause of cancer death in women  192,370 new cases of invasive breast cancer  40,170
    January 01, 2023 - Kentucky Team Description Governor Ernie Fletcher designated the Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS) as Kentucky's lead organization for the Health Information Security and Privacy Collaboration (HISPC) contract. Governor Fletcher directed CHFS to work collaboratively with the Ke…
    January 01, 2018 - PURPOSE Smoking is the leading … Smoking is the leading preventable cause of morbidity and mortality in the United States.
    January 01, 2005 - Healthcare Informatics”; and (5) review and consideration of presentations by a number of emerging and leading … programs as made available at various national conferences and on web sites of leading healthcare IT
    June 01, 2011 - Comparison of clinical knowledge management capabilities of commercially-available and leading internally-developed … Governance for clinical decision support: case studies and recommended practices from leading institutions … understanding and applying new opportunities for tools and processes – Demonstrate working tools, leading
    January 01, 2023 - Interventions to improve patient engagement were successful, leading to higher response rates and richer … overall project design, health-IT PROM collection platform demonstration, and timeline for milestones leading … concerns about overlapping NSQIP PROM collection efforts with their own institutional PROMs, potentially leading … program was presented at the Upstate New York Surgical Quality Initiative (UNYSQI) meeting on 10/7/20, leading
    January 01, 2014 - the cortisol diurnal rhythm is associated with a variety of poor health outcomes; cumulative stress leading … had the greatest increase in PSOC score per session (β = 6.681, 95% CL = (0.628, 12.734), p = 0.031) leading … patterns in ICT is likely to help to deliver a technology intervention that accommodates both parents, leading … Given a well-designed technology intervention, both parents would become better educated, potentially leading
    January 01, 2018 - Research Dissemination Dissemination of key research findings from the Health IT-funded work is critical to knowledge transfer and replication of successful health IT strategies that impact patient safety, optimize EHR design, and reduce provider burden. The Health IT-funded researc…
    October 19, 2022 - AHRQ Webinar: Optimizing Data Visualization to Improve Care Event Date October 19, 2022 - 1:00pm–2:30pm EDT Event Materials: Presentation Slides ( PDF , 2.64 MB). Q&As ( PDF , 101 KB).   Your browser does not support inline frames. Please go to https…
    January 01, 2023 - Optimizing Data Visualization to Improve Care Event Date: October 19, 2022 | 1:00pm – 2:30pm ET Event Materials: Presentation Slides ( PDF , 2.64 MB). Q&As ( PDF , 101 KB). Your browser does not support inline frames. Please go to to vi…
    January 01, 2023 - Indiana Many states have a complex web of state laws, as well as business policies and practices, that exist to protect the privacy and security of medical health records.  Often, they are more stringent than the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) privacy protection…
    January 01, 2008 - Durieux P et al. 2008 "Computerized advice on drug dosage to improve prescribing practice." Reference Durieux P, Trinquart L, Colombet I, et al. Computerized advice on drug dosage to improve prescribing practice. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2008;3. Abstract "Background: Maintaining therapeutic…
    January 01, 2011 - Enabling Medication Management through Utilization of Health Information Technology - 2011 Project Name Enabling Medication Management through Utilization of Health Information Technology Principal Investigator McKibbon, Ann Organization McMaster University Contract N…
    A medical home for children with insulin-dependent diabetes: comanagement by primary and subspecialty physicians--convergence and divergence of opinions The purpose of this work was to examine pediatricians' and endocrinologists' views about management for routine preventive and acute care, diabetes specific …

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