December 08, 2000 - Lead, (High risk area AND Age= 4 years), Due for Screening
Clinician Summary
American Academy of Pediatrics Policy Statement:
Because recent epidemiologic data have shown that lead exposure is still common in certain communities in theUnited States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently …
December 08, 2000 - Elevated Lead, Due for retesting
Clinician Summary
American Academy of Pediatrics Policy Statement:
Because recent epidemiologic data have shown that lead exposure is still common in certain communities in theUnited States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently issued new guidelines endo…
December 08, 2000 - Lead, (Age= 2 years), Due for Screening
Clinician Summary
American Academy of Pediatrics Policy Statement:
Because recent epidemiologic data have shown that lead exposure is still common in certain communities in theUnited States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently issued new guidelin…
December 08, 2000 - Lead, (Age= 9-12 months), Due for Screening
Clinician Summary
American Academy of Pediatrics Policy Statement:
Because recent epidemiologic data have shown that lead exposure is still common in certain communities in theUnited States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently issued new guid…
December 08, 2000 - Lead, (Age = 3 years), Due for Screening
Clinician Summary
American Academy of Pediatrics Policy Statement:
Because recent epidemiologic data have shown that lead exposure is still common in certain communities in theUnited States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently issued new guideli…
January 01, 2010 - Quarterly updates to a database of citations listing the leading resources on the medical home, categorized
January 01, 2011 - mentorship program for junior researchers in the field and provide them with the opportunity to meet with leading
January 01, 2011 - A database of citations listing the leading resources on the medical home, categorized by topic, population
January 01, 2011 - mentorship program for junior researchers in the field and provide them with the opportunity to meet with leading
January 01, 2012 - Establish a mentorship program for junior researchers in the field and provide them the opportunity to meet leading
January 01, 2013 - (Achieved)
Provide a forum for leading researchers to disseminate cutting-edge findings and knowledge
December 08, 2000 - Pediatric Rules and Reminders - Lead, (High risk area AND Age= 4 years), Due for Screening
Pediatric Rules and Reminders
Lead, (High risk area AND Age= 4 years), Due for Screening
Clinician Summary
American Academy of Pediatrics Policy Statement:
Because recent epidemiologic data have shown th…
December 08, 2000 - Pediatric Rules and Reminders - Lead, (Age= 9-12 months), Due for Screening
Pediatric Rules and Reminders
Lead, (Age= 9-12 months), Due for Screening
Clinician Summary
American Academy of Pediatrics Policy Statement:
Because recent epidemiologic data have shown that lead exposure is still common…
December 08, 2000 - Pediatric Rules and Reminders - Lead, (Age= 2 years), Due for Screening
Pediatric Rules and Reminders
Lead, (Age= 2 years), Due for Screening
Clinician Summary
American Academy of Pediatrics Policy Statement:
Because recent epidemiologic data have shown that lead exposure is still common
in cer…
December 08, 2000 - Pediatric Rules and Reminders - Lead, (Age = 3 years), Due for Screening
Pediatric Rules and Reminders
Lead, (Age = 3 years), Due for Screening
Clinician Summary
American Academy of Pediatrics Policy Statement:
Because recent epidemiologic data have shown that lead exposure is still common
in c…
January 01, 2023 - Using algorithms can predict postoperative adverse outcomes with a high degree of accuracy leading … Using algorithms for real-time monitoring during surgery can predict and prevent adverse outcomes, leading
January 01, 2023 - Jason Adelman, named as one of 50 experts leading the field of patient safety in 2018 by Becker’s Hospital … implementing patient photos in EHR systems.
2 https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/lists/50-experts-leading-the-field-of-patient-safety
January 01, 2023 - Preventive Services Task Force Recommendations
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related … computed tomography is an effective but underused tool for identifying lung cancer
Lung cancer is the leading … An effective, but underused screening for identifying early stage lung cancer
Lung cancer is the leading
January 01, 2012 - March 2012
AHRQ Funding Amount: $500,000
Summary: Immunization rates were designated as one of the leading
January 01, 2011 - program for junior researchers in the field and provide them with the
opportunity to meet with leading