December 26, 2018 - Landefeld is the chairman of the department of medicine and the Spencer chair in medical science
June 11, 2019 - Landefeld is the chairman of the Department of Medicine and the Spencer chair in medical science
July 01, 2017 - B) Leadership role on a panel.
C) Substantial career efforts/interests in a single topic area.
July 01, 2017 - B) Leadership role on a panel.
C) Substantial career efforts/interests in a single topic area.
January 13, 2025 - Davis is also the director of the Transforming Biomedical Research and Academic
Faculty Through Leadership
December 01, 2013 - Demonstrated knowledge, expertise, and national leadership in the following areas: The critical evaluation … Task Force products might doubt the objectivity of the process if such members are known to have taken leadership … Leadership role on a panel. Substantial career efforts/interests in a single topic area.
January 01, 2010 - interventions can
incorporate clinician and team member training and policy
development, and through senior leadership … for breastfeeding support
• Peer support
-level interventions w
ith senior leadership
May 26, 2023 - Force
communications are driven by four overarching
strategies to build trust through thought
leadership … Successful Health Communications
Rooted in its strategic communication approach
focused on thought leadership
December 01, 2013 - Demonstrated knowledge, expertise, and national leadership in the following areas:
The critical evaluation … Task Force products might doubt the objectivity of the process if such members are known to have taken leadership … Leadership role on a panel.
Substantial career efforts/interests in a single topic area.
January 01, 2021 - The Task Force identifies relevant stakeholder groups for each topic and contacts
organizational leadership … Medical Association/
Cobb Institute: A Focus on Health Equity
Confronting Health Inequities Through Leadership … /Cobb Institute inspire change by:
• Increasing the workforce pipeline so health care teams and leadership … Through leadership development, networking, support
for clinicians who care for Hispanic patients, mentoring … Heighten the focus on racial and ethnic diversity in membership and leadership of the USPSTF.
July 01, 2016 - the 4 questions is intended to system-
atize the consideration of decision models and assist
USPSTF leadership … The USPSTF leadership decides whether to use
modeling for a topic after considering both the poten-
tial … Proposed DM plan for topic to be
prioritized by USPSTF leadership
If the answer to queries 1
or 2 is
July 06, 2020 - • The Task Force identifies relevant stakeholder groups for each topic and contacts leadership.
January 01, 2022 - • The Task Force identifies relevant stakeholder groups for each topic and contacts leadership.
May 01, 2019 - Addressing the 4 questions is intended to systematize the consideration of decision models and assist USPSTF leadership … The USPSTF leadership decides whether to use modeling for a topic after considering both the potential
April 01, 2019 - In summary, NPs have key leadership roles in both clinical and public health settings and should be aware
January 01, 2024 - The Task Force identifies relevant stakeholder groups for each topic and contacts their
leadership, … Davis is also the director of the Transforming Biomedical
Research and Academic Faculty Through Leadership … She serves in several leadership roles at Tulane, including
associate provost for the health sciences
November 01, 2007 - In summary, NPs have key leadership roles in
both clinical and public health settings and should
be aware
January 01, 2023 - The Task Force identifies relevant stakeholder groups for each topic and contacts their
leadership, … Davis is also the director of the Transforming Biomedical Research and Academic
Faculty Through Leadership
January 01, 2023 - The Task Force identifies relevant stakeholder groups for each topic and contacts their
leadership, … Davis is also the director of the Transforming Biomedical Research and Academic
Faculty Through Leadership
January 15, 2013 - Elder Justice: Stronger Federal Leadership Could Enhance National Response to Elder Abuse.