March 06, 2025 - Opportunity for Public Comment
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In an effort to make the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommendations clearer and its processes more transparent, the Task Forc…
August 20, 2019 - mutated, cells in the
body are more likely to develop additional genetic changes (mutations) that can lead … The test results cannot always tell a woman if she
has a potentially harmful mutation that could lead
December 07, 2021 - If left untreated, cavities can lead to
pain and loss of the affected teeth and can negatively affect … “Tooth decay can lead to a variety of health issues that affect children’s development and well-being
March 19, 2024 - Maltreatment can lead to devastating effects, such as injury and death, and can also lead to long-term
February 15, 2009 - Basal cell and squamous cell skin cancer uncommonly metastasize or lead to death. … Although less common than other skin cancer types, melanoma may metastasize and lead to death. … lesions detected during screening programs are not actually melanoma, and these false-positive results lead … Although some evidence indicates that false-positive results of screening can often lead to interventions … 9 The PDQ summary also reports that visual examination of the skin in asymptomatic individuals may lead
March 06, 2025 - A lead investigator is assigned by the EPC to lead the evidence review team. … Curved arrows lead to adverse effects of the action (i.e., "harms"). … affect estimates of the burden of the disease, even in the absence of effective strategies, through lead
July 01, 2017 - Procedure Manual Appendix XIV. Decision Framework to Assess and Guide the Need for Searches of Existing Decision Models
July 01, 2017 - Procedure Manual Appendix XIV. Decision Framework to Assess and Guide the Need for Searches of Existing Decision Models
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Comprehensively identifying and evaluatin…
January 30, 2012 - The Scientific Director will also lead the development and implementation of a comprehensive national
May 26, 2014 - If untreated, STIs such
as gonorrhea and chlamydia, can lead to serious complications including pelvic … “If untreated, these STIs in women can lead to serious complications.
April 05, 2021 - A lead investigator is assigned by the EPC to lead the evidence review team. … Curved arrows lead to adverse effects of the action (i.e., "harms"). … affect estimates of the burden of the disease, even in the absence of effective strategies, through lead
January 22, 2018 - . – December 19, 2017 – Cardiovascular disease (CVD), which can lead to heart
attack and stroke, is … When this happens, a blood clot can form and potentially lead to a stroke.
July 07, 2009 - evidence that early treatment of refractive error, cataracts, and age-related macular degeneration
may lead
March 18, 2019 - test results do not definitively tell a woman if she has a potentially
harmful mutation that will lead … Treatment often involves powerful medications and surgery,
which can lead to unnecessary side effects
September 04, 2012 - Screening for ovarian cancer can lead to important harms, including major surgical interventions in women
June 19, 2012 - Adequate evidence indicates that intensive, multicomponent behavioral interventions for obese adults can lead
July 02, 2018 - Addressing this issue among pregnant women is especially important since alcohol
use in pregnancy can lead … In pregnancy, drinking can lead to birth
defects and developmental problems for the child.
January 08, 2024 - • Falls are the leading cause of injuries in older adults and can lead to serious disability and even
November 03, 2014 - Does treatment of screen-detected celiac disease lead to improved morbidity, mortality, or quality of … Does treatment of screen-detected celiac disease lead to improved morbidity, mortality, or quality of
November 01, 2013 - Integrating Evidence-Based Clinical and Community Strategies to Improve Health - Table 1
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The Leading and Actual Causes of Death, United States, 2000
Leading cause of …