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    March 04, 2019 - Some tests that look for pancreatic cancer are invasive and can lead to pain, adverse reactions to anesthesia … “We also need better treatments that can lead to improved survival or a cure with fewer harms.”
    April 05, 2021 - In this case, the individual member or the primary topic lead speaks with the Chairs, requests a vote
    September 01, 2012 - recommendation summarizes what it learned: Routine screening for ovarian cancer has no proven benefit and may lead … for ovarian cancer with ultrasound or a CA-125 blood test has no proven benefit, and it may lead … This surgery may lead to the removal of a healthy ovary.
    June 20, 2023 - Dental caries, or cavities, occur when tooth decay weakens and destroys the enamel, which may lead … If left untreated, oral health conditions in children can lead to serious infections and affect growth … In adults, untreated oral health conditions can lead to tooth loss, irreversible tooth damage, serious
    July 11, 2005 - been identified correctly); and whether intermediate outcomes such as weight loss or stabilization lead … Rivara FP, Whitaker R, Sherman PM, Cuttler L Influencing the childhood behaviors that lead to obesity … Arrow 4: Do interventions lead to improved intermediate outcomes, including behavioral, physiologic … Arrow 5: Do interventions (behavioral counseling, pharmacotherapy, surgery) lead to improved health
    August 06, 2019 - Some tests that look for pancreatic cancer are invasive and can lead to pain, adverse reactions to anesthesia … research on effective and accurate screening tests that can detect pancreatic cancer earlier and that lead
    July 01, 2013 - Glaucoma can lead to vision problems and blindness. … Glaucoma can lead to blindness, but we don’t know which people with early signs of disease will develop … Investments in this research can lead to improved health and vision for Americans.
    April 04, 2019 - subtraction or magnetic resonance angiography), have imperfect sensitivity and specificity and could lead
    July 18, 2017 - These false-positive tests can lead to unnecessary major surgeries to remove one or both ovaries and … signs or symptoms for ovarian cancer does not decrease the number of deaths from the disease and may lead
    August 18, 2020 - Learn more here STIs are common in the United States and can lead to serious health problems. … If untreated, STIs can lead to serious complications, including infertility, AIDS, and cancer.
    January 01, 2020 - Donahue serves as a faculty lead of the North Carolina Translational and Clinical Sciences Institute
    March 01, 2019 - Eligible screening tests included sys- tematic screening with electrocardiography (ECG) (eg, 12-lead … The screening program used an initial 12-lead ECG and then a handheld 1-lead ECG recorder for intermittent … Of the new cases detected in the intervention group, few were identified on the initial 12-lead ECG ( … Two compared systematic screening (with pulse palpation and single- lead or 12-lead ECG) with opportunistic … Use of single-lead or limb-lead ECGs resulted in slightly lower specificity.
    September 19, 2023 - Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy can lead to complications for the pregnant person, including stroke … She is the lead health equity strategist for the University of Maryland Institute for Health Computing
    January 01, 2024 - Addressing these inequities through research can lead to the Task Force making recommendations that can … Early detection can lead to early intervention and better treatment outcomes, often preventing the progression
    September 25, 2023 - Maltreatment can lead to devastating effects, such as injury and death, and can also lead to long-term
    May 01, 2022 - However, there is limited evidence about whether or not these changes lead to improvements in visual
    June 12, 2018 - ST-T wave abnormality in lead aVR and reclassification of cardiovascular risk (from the National Health … Submaximal test findings were considered not diagnostic and did not lead to any further investigations … ECG ST-T wave abnormalities in lead aVR Published coefficient FRS 59.9 (13.4) 27.6 (5.5) NR … 1993-1998) Denes et al, 20 2007 (United States) 1264 g Major, minor, and incident 12-lead … j QTc determined by Bazett QTc intervals of ≥440 ms in men and ≥460 ms in women on a 12-lead ECG.
    October 09, 2017 - Most HPV infections resolve on their own, but some persist and can lead to cervical cancer. … For women ages 30 to 65, HPV infections are more likely to lead to cancer, so either Pap tests or hrHPV … Cervical cancer screening can lead to follow-up testing and treatment procedures that can cause harms
    July 26, 2016 - While the vast majority of skin cancers are types that can be treated and rarely lead to death, melanoma … Additional harms include unnecessary biopsies and treatment that could lead to poor cosmetic results
    July 08, 2014 - “Also, CAS is uncommon in the general adult population, so screening everyone would lead to many false-positive

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