November 01, 2014 - Another challenge is that many
health-related issues faced by children do not lead to a serious threat … misuse often starts in adolescence and can have
a significant impact on life and productivity and lead … If left untreated, it can lead to pain and loss of teeth and negatively affect a child’s
growth, speech … Sun exposure during childhood and adolescence can lead to an increased
risk for skin cancer later in … lead levels in asymptomatic pregnant women.
September 06, 2013 - Harms of CBE include false-positive
results, which lead to anxiety,
unnecessary visits, imaging, and
August 15, 2013 - Arrows lead from each of these groups to clinical health outcomes.
September 15, 2012 - Screening for ovarian cancer can lead to important harms, including major surgical interventions in women … and Early Intervention and Treatment
Adequate evidence shows that screening for ovarian cancer can lead … diagnoses and treatments, but the increase may not be accompanied by a reduction in deaths and may actually lead
May 01, 2014 - Screening for Suicide Risk in Adolescents, Adults, and Older Adults in Primary Care
Understanding Task Force Recommendations
Screening for Suicide Risk in Adolescents, Adults, and Older
Adults in Primary Care
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (Task Force)
has issued a final recommendation statement on
July 01, 2021 - Chlamydial and gonococcal infections in women are usually asymptomatic
and may lead to pelvic inflammatory … Infection in men may lead to
urethritis and epididymitis. … 15 to 24 years.1,2
Chlamydial and gonococcal infections in women are usually
asymptomatic and may lead … develop neonatal chlamydial pneumonia or
gonococcal or chlamydial ophthalmia.6,7 Infection in men may lead … in women are fre-
quently asymptomatic but represent an important reservoir of
infection that could lead
January 01, 2023 - Clinical Practice Update: Notable USPSTF 2023 FINAL Recommendations
Clinical Practice Update:
Notable USPSTF 2023 FINAL Recommendations
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) makes evidence-based recommendations for preventive services such as
screenings, counseling, and preventive medications. These reco…
January 01, 2023 - Share to Facebook
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Goutham Rao, M.D., FAHA
Goutham Rao, M.D., FAHA, is the chair of the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, and chief clinician experience officer for the…
October 17, 2022 - Screening for Anxiety, Depression, and Suicide Risk in Adults
Comment Period from September 20, 2022, to October 17, 2022
Understanding Task Force Draft Recommendations
This fact sheet explains the U.S. Preventive Servic…
December 10, 2019 - Treatment can lead to major surgeries that may be
unnecessary, harmful, and potentially cause death.
March 25, 2021 - Does routine skin cancer screening lead to higher rates of detection of precancerous lesions or earlier
August 01, 2022 - or structural racism results in policies and practices, includ-
ing health care delivery, that can lead … Basal and squamous
cell carcinomas are the most common types of skin cancer but infrequently lead to … Basal and squamous cell carcinomas are the most com-
mon types of skin cancer but infrequently lead to … However, this difference was
attenuated on multivariate analysis and after adjustment for lead
time bias
November 07, 2023 - If left untreated, oral health conditions can lead to tooth loss, irreversible tooth damage, and other
April 18, 2023 - However, population mortality
measures can be less subject to lead time bias and presence of
overdiagnosis … than relative survival when evaluating early detec-
tion programs.13 Lead time bias is when early detection … 1
Does routine skin cancer screening lead to higher rates of detection of precancerous lesions or earlier … Sensitivity analyses to assess lead time bias similarly attenuated
both unadjusted (HR, 0.50 [95% CI … Does routine skin cancer screening lead to higher
rates of detection of precancerous lesions or earlier
December 15, 2009 - Harms of CBE include false-positive results, which lead to anxiety, unnecessary visits, imaging, and … The potential harms of CBE are thought to be small but include false-positive test results, which lead … It is not clear whether this additional detection would lead to reduced mortality from breast cancer. … It is unknown whether detecting these additional cases of cancer would lead to reduced breast cancer … Screening detects not only cancer that could lead to a woman's death but also cancer that will not shorten
March 02, 2021 - adults of both sexes. 1
Chlamydial and gonococcal infections in women are usually asymptomatic and may lead … develop neonatal chlamydial pneumonia or gonococcal or chlamydial ophthalmia. 5 , 6 Infection in men may lead … infections in women are frequently asymptomatic but represent an important reservoir of infection that could lead … gonococcal infections in men are symptomatic, which can result in more timely clinical presentation and lead
June 01, 2022 - suicide risk in children and adolescents of any age include false-
positive screening results that lead
May 01, 2021 - groups).7-9 Limited evidence also suggests underprediction
in disadvantaged communities10,11 that could lead
November 01, 2014 - Screening for Vitamin D Deficiency
Vitamin D deficiency (having too little vitamin D in the blood) can lead
March 01, 2014 - It can lead to risky behavior while “high,” including driving under the influence, unsafe sex, and violence