November 01, 2016 - Priorities in Focus–Effective Treatment
September 2016
The Issue: Prevention and Treatment of Leading Causes of Morbidity and Mortality
A small number of chronic illnesses affect a large percentage of the population and account for a majority of deaths and health care expenditures in the United States. In parti…
January 01, 1999 - The use of antibiograms can help reduce inappropriate prescribing and lead to fewer clinical failures
January 01, 2012 - 2000
PBRN Mission Statement:
To engage in practice-based primary care research that will lead
January 01, 2018 - ACTION III Prime Contractor: MedStar Health Research Institute
Principal Investigator (PI)/Project Lead … o Do shareable CDS resources lead to greater efficiency in developing and implementing
CDS? … The current evidence grading system may lead to ambiguous findings, tends to emphasize
clinical trials … Target Audiences
The target audience includes primary care clinicians and staff (e.g., quality lead, … These avoidable harms—for example, healthcare-acquired
infections, falls, and adverse drug events—lead
May 23, 2022 - ► The lead Federal agency charged with improving the safety and quality of
America’s healthcare system
October 01, 2014 - Clinical Outcome Measures
Our search returned three studies that found care management intervention can lead … in-person care management, care management, decision support, and provider education to manage COPD can lead … Clinical Outcome Measures
Our search returned four studies that found care management interventions can lead … care management, self-management education, decision support, and provider education to manage CAD can lead
September 01, 2013 - Use This Guide
To use this guide effectively, first identify the health assessment "champion" or lead … The lead should:
Review this entire guide to become familiar with its overall contents and process
February 08, 2021 - Marsteller, jmarste2@jhu.edu
Operational Lead: Bradford Winters, bwinters@jhmi.edu
Partnership Mission … Allen Hamilton AHRQ Action IV Team
Principal Investigator: Ping Yu (yu_ping@bah.com)
Operational Lead … Permanente-Led Network
Principal Investigator: Lucy Savitz; lucy.a.savitz@kpchr.org
Operational Lead … Professor of Medicine, Georgetown University,
Operational Lead: Amy Will … , M.D., goldberg@ohsu.edu
Project Director: Deborah Cohen, Ph.D., cohendj@ohsu.edu
Operational Lead
February 01, 2019 - "Extra urine cultures lead to extra antibiotics—and that's not good for anyone." … Slide 10: Avoid Knee-Jerk Antibiotics
Remember, unnecessary antibiotic use can lead to—
June 01, 2023 - dynamic clinical information, and both cognitive failures and system-based failures, all of which can lead … by ICU or ward physicians. 63 , 64
Ineffective verbal and written handoffs have been estimated to lead
June 01, 2023 - dynamic clinical information, and both cognitive failures and system-based failures, all of which can lead … by ICU or ward physicians. 63 , 64
Ineffective verbal and written handoffs have been estimated to lead
July 01, 2023 - Determine if refresher training is required
Create training timelines
Reference Document:
AIM Team Lead … Frontline staff (step 5)
Limit to 15 frontline staff per Hospital AIM Team Lead in attendance
What skills … Leads
Schedule regular facilitation sessions (conducted by you, the Hospital AIM Team Lead … and other unfinished ideas to the larger group.
Step 7: Finalize Your Implementation Plan
Step Lead … Along with doing the following steps, you need to know who will lead them, in whole or in part.
July 01, 2023 - Determine if refresher training is required
Create training timelines
Reference Document:
AIM Team Lead … Frontline staff (step 5)
Limit to 15 frontline staff per Hospital AIM Team Lead in attendance
What skills … Leads
Schedule regular facilitation sessions (conducted by you, the Hospital AIM Team Lead … and other unfinished ideas to the larger group.
Step 7: Finalize Your Implementation Plan
Step Lead … Along with doing the following steps, you need to know who will lead them, in whole or in part.
July 01, 2023 - She reasons that because dangerously elevated blood pressure can lead to stroke or seizures she needs
July 01, 2023 - To avoid making assumptions that can lead to error, you should verify in writing or orally any nonverbal … looking at an electrocardiogram would quickly tell the nurse the severity of the situation and might lead
July 01, 2023 - To avoid making assumptions that can lead to error, you should verify in writing or orally any nonverbal … looking at an electrocardiogram would quickly tell the nurse the severity of the situation and might lead
December 01, 2023 - Technical Assistance (PDF, 115 KB)
Michael Corrothers
Research Analyst, HCBS CAHPS Database Lead
December 01, 2023 - Lead Research Associate, Health Communications
User Network for the AHRQ Surveys on Patient Safety Culture
July 01, 2023 - If we don’t treat it, it can
lead to seizures and become life threatening. … If we don’t treat it, it can
lead to seizures and become life threatening. … Rules
• Host the debrief as soon as possible following a case or event
o Anyone can request and lead … Importantly, any team member and request and lead a debrief. … Notice how the team lead adopted the role of debrief facilitator rather than sole expert.
August 01, 2022 - The CANDOR Response Team is also responsible for notifying the CANDOR Communication Lead that a CANDOR … Ideally, the CANDOR Response Team and/or CANDOR Communication Lead are responsible for the initial communication … The CANDOR Communication Lead coordinates all communications, and ensures that all caregivers are consistent