AHRQ Healthcare Horizon Scanning System – Potential
High-Impact Interventions Report
Priority Area 04: Dementia (Including Alzheimer’s
Prepared for:
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
540 Gaither Road
October 01, 2011 - Home »
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Topic Suggestion Description
Date submitted: November 8, 2010
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Briefly describe a specific question, or set of related questions, about a healt…
August 01, 2016 - Transitional Care Interventions To Prevent Readmissions for People With Heart Failure
Heart failure (HF) is a major clinical and public
health problem and a leading cause of hospitalization
and health care costs in the United States. Despite a
decline in HF-related hospitalizations during the …
February 01, 2018 - (ECRI Institute)
Lead analyst: J. Jane S. Jue, M.D., M.Sc. … ileostomy with colonic lavage followed by antegrade vancomycin flushes is an alternative
approach that may lead … ileostomy with colonic lavage followed by antegrade vancomycin flushes is an alternative
approach that may lead … In a few
people C. difficile infection can lead to pseudomembranous colitis, sepsis, toxic
January 27, 2012 - 1
Comparative Effectiveness Review
Number 134
Pharmacotherapy for Adults With Alcohol-Use
Disorders in Outpatient Settings
Executive Summary
Alcohol misuse, or unhealthful alcohol
use, which includes the full spectrum
from drinking above recommended
limits (i.e., risky/hazardous drinking) to
December 01, 2013 - Slowing disease progression could lead to improved quality of life and reduced
costs. … Slowed disease progression could
lead to improved patient quality of life and reduced costs. … COPD exacerbations can lead to significant
declines in lung function and progression towards respiratory
April 18, 2013 - Reviewer 3 ES: Treatment safety is
defined by the rates of
adverse effects that lead to
treatment … follows:
“Treatment safety is defined by the total rates
of adverse effects and adverse effects that
September 10, 2014 - surgeons that if a lesion is seen on multiple
modalities, the choice of X to guide the biopsy will lead … However, we
found that they lead to “busy” and hard to read
plots and for this reason we did not retain … Because
over-diagnosis is the end result of lead time (due
to screening) and competing risks (specifically … Because over diagnosis is the end result of lead
time (due to screening) and competing risk
(specifically … There are failures in the
system that lead to inadequate excision of non-palpable lesions,
and that
March 01, 2011 - Simply omitting trials with data that
are MNAR will lead to biased results.
Missing Summary … We recommend that studies
missing only SDs should not be excluded, as this could lead to a biased combined … Studies missing only SDs should not
be excluded as this may lead to a biased combined estimate when … Direct substitution
using the largest SD is the simplest method and the most likely to lead to a conservative … However, if one is comfortable with
one of the more complex methods, using it may lead to a more accurate
April 01, 2013 - later stages of
PH, RV function deteriorates, which can lessen the
degree of sPAP elevation and lead … TAPSE 4 (251) 0.94 (0.82 to 1.08) SOE = Insufficient
Inconsistent results between studies lead to uncertainty … placebo
SOE = Insufficient
(6 studies, 838 patients)
Inconclusive benefit (few
studies, few deaths lead … placebo
SOE = Insufficient
(4 studies, 1,011 patients)
Inconclusive benefit (few
studies, few deaths lead … monotherapy
SOE = Insufficient
(3 studies, 566 patients)
Inconclusive benefit (few
studies, few deaths lead
July 01, 2010 - Current Page Topic Timeline May. 28, 2010 Topic Initiated Jul. 1, 2010 Research Protocol Jan. 17, 2012 Technical Brief Jun. 1, 2014 Disposition of Comments Report Technical Brief – Wheeled Mobility (Wheelchair) Service Delivery
Research Protocol Archived July 1, 2010 Download Main Document PDF 601.4 KB
May 07, 2010 - Current Page Topic Timeline Mar. 16, 2010 Topic Initiated May. 7, 2010 Research Protocol Jun. 13, 2011 Systematic Review Oct. 7, 2011 Disposition of Comments Report Mar. 28, 2016 Surveillance Report Comparative Effectiveness of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors (ACEIs), Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonists (ARB…
June 13, 2013 - the process for training facilitators.
Structured Facilitator Guide
Activity, objective, time, lead
June 01, 2011 - Layout 1
Almost 75 million American adults—
approximately one-third—have
hypertension. The prevalence of
hypertension increases with advancing age
such that more than half of people 55 to 74
years old and approximately three-fourths
of those age 75 years and older are
affected. In addition to being the pr…
April 01, 2012 - 1
Comparative Effectiveness Review
Number 55
Drug Therapy for Rheumatoid Arthritis in
Adults: An Update
Executive Summary
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), which
affects 1.3 million adult Americans, is
an autoimmune disease that involves
inflammation of the synovium (a thin
layer of tissue lining a joint …
January 03, 2023 - for CF, the Cystic Fibrosis
Foundation’s mission is to give all people with CF the opportunity to lead
June 07, 2013 - decreases
protection for ovarian, colorectal, and endometrial
cancers, underestimating the upper tail may lead … decreases
protection for ovarian, colorectal, and endometrial
cancers, underestimating the upper tail may lead … cardiovascular disease demonstrated
that even very consistent data from observational
studies can lead … (2) If the conclusions of the analysis could lead to the
use of OCs for ovarian cancer prevention … The
incident cases of what diseases are counted to make the
comparison “unfavorable” yet lead to a
January 01, 2010 - o What does it take to integrate these technologies, and does it lead to a more
empowered patient?
September 20, 2013 - cognition and language have led to the suggestion that beginning intensive therapy at an earlier age may lead … Individuals engage in interventions, which may lead to specific outcomes (KQ 1). … exclude case series, as additional case series (studies without a comparison group) are unlikely to lead
September 01, 2018 - DeLayo, MS, APRN, ACNP-BC is the Interim Director of Quality and Lead
Quality Improvement Advanced Practice … this latter case, making it two categories (most or
moderate) instead of one (more relevant) might lead … Conclusions
The creation of supplemental tables that lead to rapid identification of quality measures